An Open Letter to the Iranian People

LMAO....i've threatened your employment harm....what is the point in talking to you, you're a proven liar, you're lying now, its your game, its how you like to needle will lie, as you are now, and piss them off and then its all fun and've been told by numerous board owners i did no such thing, nice try....FACT remains you threatened mine, its on this very board and you were roundly condemned....

what a preacher!! at least you've finally come out behind daddy's legs and are just lying on your own without having to bring your daddy into a discussion against yurt. good for you, 50 something years old and because of yurt, you've finally stepped out behind daddy's shadow :clink:
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We Will Not Be Silenced

No, I am sitting my Confederate flag-waving ass right here in Montgomery, Alabama. But I have seen the YouTube of the young woman who was shot through the heart and drowned on her own blood before my eyes. I know what the hell is going on over there, and it sickens me to hear pinhead morons talk about how "it could be worse" ....yeah, they've not put the tanks in the streets to fire indiscriminately into crowds of protesters yet, or at least that we are aware of.

I think this will serve as a wonderful example of how the liberal left just doesn't give two shits about freedom or democracy. Because that is what this all comes down to! Do you want to stand up for it, or do you want to hedge your bets and play it safe, hoping to be able to negotiate with crazy people? The anti-war anti-military left, has made their choice! Let America see that for what it is!
Were you this adamant when the Chinese cracked down on their protesters? Are you advocating that we go to war over a stolen election in Iran? We, the US of A supported regimes in Central America that stole elections to keep the commies out of power, we assassinated the elected leader of Chile because we didn't like his politics. We supported Pinochet when he disappeared his own citizens that called for political reform and more freedom. You should stick to whatever it is you do for a living and leave the thinking to people trained to do it.
Were you this adamant when the Chinese cracked down on their protesters? Are you advocating that we go to war over a stolen election in Iran? We, the US of A supported regimes in Central America that stole elections to keep the commies out of power, we assassinated the elected leader of Chile because we didn't like his politics. We supported Pinochet when he disappeared his own citizens that called for political reform and more freedom. You should stick to whatever it is you do for a living and leave the thinking to people trained to do it.
I don't think we'd have to go to war, just hand out a few truckloads of automatic weapons and at the same time have the Israelis make some bomb runs on communications and nuclear sites. *shrug*
No, I am sitting my Confederate flag-waving ass right here in Montgomery, Alabama. But I have seen the YouTube of the young woman who was shot through the heart and drowned on her own blood before my eyes. I know what the hell is going on over there, and it sickens me to hear pinhead morons talk about how "it could be worse" ....yeah, they've not put the tanks in the streets to fire indiscriminately into crowds of protesters yet, or at least that we are aware of.

I think this will serve as a wonderful example of how the liberal left just doesn't give two shits about freedom or democracy. Because that is what this all comes down to! Do you want to stand up for it, or do you want to hedge your bets and play it safe, hoping to be able to negotiate with crazy people? The anti-war anti-military left, has made their choice! Let America see that for what it is!

Yeah, because the Confederate Flag is such a symbol of freedom and democracy! Also, democracy sucks, what you should be promoting is republican government...
LMAO....i've threatened your employment harm....what is the point in talking to you, you're a proven liar, you're lying now, its your game, its how you like to needle will lie, as you are now, and piss them off and then its all fun and've been told by numerous board owners i did no such thing, nice try....FACT remains you threatened mine, its on this very board and you were roundly condemned....

what a preacher!! at least you've finally come out behind daddy's legs and are just lying on your own without having to bring your daddy into a discussion against yurt. good for you, 50 something years old and because of yurt, you've finally stepped out behind daddy's shadow :clink:

again... numerous board owners have NEVER told me that you were NOT the guy who emailed my conference. There were only a handful of folks who knew what the emailing person knew, and you were one of them. No one has ever shown me that you were not the one. You WERE the first one to make my real identity known at is a fact... you can claim that someone else told you about it... you can CLAIM that someone else attempted to destroy my professional career...but no one...not you, nor anyone else, has ever stepped up and shown that it was anyone other than you...

you are a liar, and a little pathetic weasel. I think your "partners" (even though you are only an associate, and not a partner) would LOVE to know how you spend you time and how you treat ethical promises.... are you willing to let your posting history become public knowledge to the folks you work for? Somehow, I think not. But then, I gave you my ethical promise that I wouldn't be the one to let them know...and between the two of us, we know how to keep ethical promises, don't we?:cof1:
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oh geeze, here we go again....even damocles has told you to pound sand....thats one, and the other board owner told you as well....and i'm sure you bitched to others who have told you to pound're tired bullshit is just that....tired

i can't believe you're still obsessed about it and out right lying about me still....good lord, you threaten to take this into the real world after whining about others doing the same to you and now your excuse is the same tired.....yurt wrote the letters to my church.....

i've proven your lies, nuff said
he is a lying sos...he is an internet stalker who has said he will out my posts and time spent here to my employers. he has threatened my home and family....he is a dishonest hack who lied repeatedly about not being moderate democrat, when in reality he is and who whines when others out his posts yet he threatens the same. he really is a worthless worm that not only is a liar, but lives a lie.

But he's a preacher, who thinks it's just a job.
So it's as I said, if Ahmadinejad is at fault, why are you mocking Obama? It's not his fault...

Here's the deal, when you get elected president, and you are the leader of the free world, and you refuse to stand up for freedom and democracy, WHATEVER the hell happens as a result, IS YOUR FAULT! Sorry, but there is no cop out, there is no way to blame it off on someone else.

And how exactly is Obama NOT standing up for "freedom and Democracy"? What do you want him to say? That is the question that you keep avoiding and BS'ing around. If what he has been saying in relation to what the Iranian gov't has been saying or doing is inefficient in your view, then be specific as to what you want to hear.

I think Rush is right, maybe we should start referring to the "Iranian Regime" as "Fox News!" Because, if that were the case, Obama would have no problem publicly denouncing them! Oh sweet Jesus......that buffoon!?!? He's been catering to the willfully ignorant with his lies and distortions for years.....and he's made millions....which is a pretty sad statement on a segment of America. Pay attention, my confederate flag waving friend.....when Fox Noise takes things out of context, lies and distorts what the President says, they're doing it to appease willfully ignorant folk that their beliefs are valid and they can vote a certain way. When the Iranian gov't does it, it's to validate their supporters and cohorts laying waste and oppressing the populace. BIG FREAKING DIFFERENCE, don't ya know.

You keep asking what I would have Obama do, and I've already said, it doesn't matter what I would have him do, it only matters what he decides to do. As far as I am concerned, he can take his shirt off and run on the beach, maybe he can shoot some hoops, or hold another empty-meaning press conference full of wonderful sounding bumper stickers and platitudes? Maybe he can wave his magic wand of hope and change? You know, all of those things he did to mesmerize pinheads and make them think he's so brilliant-- If he could just work his charm and charisma on the Iranian regime, maybe they would do as pinheads and fall in love with him, and just go along with whatever bullshit he had to say? It's hard for me to say what I would have Obama do, because he has the superpowers and knows how to use them! Alls I know is he is doing nothing, and has chosen to suck his thumb instead. His lap dogs are here yapping about it not being his fault. But that goes with the territory dude, whether you and Obama think it is his fault or not, everything has ramifications. So you're basically full of wail and whine like a good little neocon parrot yet you haven't a clue as to what's on the table regarding the world stage diplomacy. This is why the Iranian Supreme leaders recently lambasted England as being at fault for the unrest, but couldn't go after Amercia, because Obama won't give them that edge. Thank God our President is smarter than you, Limbaugh, the neocon punditry and frustrated GOP politicos. The anti-Obama mantras have gotten so stupid that they don't even make sense.

It's the same ignorant thinking Carter had, and the same inept approach which caused the Iranian hostage crisis on his watch. Once again, you display an incredible ignorance as to recent history. The Iranian hostage situation resulted from the fall of the Shah of Iran...a viscious dictator that OUR CIA helped install to overthrow a democratically elected leader. The hostage situation was actually a radical factions of students that threw off the Ayatollah's group, but they incorporated into a sovereignty issue. When all was said and done, Carter got EVERYONE out alive. The USA didn't lose anything in consessions or negotiations. Period. Only, this time it's not going to be hostages, it's going to be millions of radioactive dead jews, I do believe. You believe a lot Limbaugh is a legitimate source to quote. 'Nuff said. But that won't be Obama's fault either when it happens, will it? And I'm not sure which one Obama will be then... Deeply Troubled... or Shocked and Outraged... but I am sure he will eventually issue a statement on the vaporizing of Israel...maybe.

So you just keep blowing smoke instead of just admitting that you can't answer a simple question honestly. Being a good little neocon parrot doesn't prove your just demonstrates your delusion that repetition of supposition and conjecture is a substitute for facts and logic. Carry on.
oh geeze, here we go again....even damocles has told you to pound sand....thats one, and the other board owner told you as well....and i'm sure you bitched to others who have told you to pound're tired bullshit is just that....tired

i can't believe you're still obsessed about it and out right lying about me still....good lord, you threaten to take this into the real world after whining about others doing the same to you and now your excuse is the same tired.....yurt wrote the letters to my church.....

i've proven your lies, nuff said

I wonder how damo or anyone else can KNOW who it was that wrote my conference. If you are suggesting that, if damo told me, "I don't think yurt would do such a thing" that somehow that is PROOF that you didn't, I find that hilarious, counselor. Do your clients pull that crap on the witness stand?

And again....if you continue to bring up the idea that my church members need to see my posts on here, why am I not allowed to suggest that your partners need to see what you post and when you post on here? Are you ashamed of your behavior here? Do you think your clients would be impressed with you and your integrity?
I wonder how damo or anyone else can KNOW who it was that wrote my conference. If you are suggesting that, if damo told me, "I don't think yurt would do such a thing" that somehow that is PROOF that you didn't, I find that hilarious, counselor. Do your clients pull that crap on the witness stand?

And again....if you continue to bring up the idea that my church members need to see my posts on here, why am I not allowed to suggest that your partners need to see what you post and when you post on here? Are you ashamed of your behavior here? Do you think your clients would be impressed with you and your integrity?

oooops, caught in another said:

numerous board owners have NEVER told me that you were NOT the guy who emailed my conference

fact is they did, them saying they believe i am not is the same thing you lying turd and you know it. don't be a moron and split semantics here, you know exactly what i am talking about and only a fool would claim otherwise. more lies from a pathetic obsessed preacher who hypocritically threatens to take this offline....dude, you need to grow up and get beyond this childish nonsense. the lie you live is effecting your judgment. you didn't suggest it fucker, you said you want my employment information because you're sure my work would like to see my posts and time spent here, IOW, you wanted my information, kept calling me chicken not to give it, because you threatened to give said posts.....

it is simply disturbing that you are STILL CONTINUING this bullshit. you want to keep up the threats you will reap what you sow. i'm sick of your talk, lies, semantics etc....
oooops, caught in another said:

fact is they did, them saying they believe i am not is the same thing you lying turd and you know it. don't be a moron and split semantics here, you know exactly what i am talking about and only a fool would claim otherwise. more lies from a pathetic obsessed preacher who hypocritically threatens to take this offline....dude, you need to grow up and get beyond this childish nonsense. the lie you live is effecting your judgment. you didn't suggest it fucker, you said you want my employment information because you're sure my work would like to see my posts and time spent here, IOW, you wanted my information, kept calling me chicken not to give it, because you threatened to give said posts.....

it is simply disturbing that you are STILL CONTINUING this bullshit. you want to keep up the threats you will reap what you sow. i'm sick of your talk, lies, semantics etc....

no lie... I could give a shit about your character one has shown me definitively who DID write the email in question, and you remain a prime suspect. YOu were the first to reveal that you knew my real name and the name of my church. I am supposed to believe that YOU were NOT the one who did it because...why? because damo says you're a great guy? because you claim that you didn't? LMFAO
more lies, i was not the first, i've have given you the exact posts where others stated they knew you and you still lie that i was the've even conceded in PM that you guess i was not the're such a hack and liar

no one believes you and it is clear why

I know, I couldn't believe it either....Southie definitely lives in his own little world, where logic, history and dictionary definitions need not apply. Maybe he'll wise up one day, or someone he trusts has the knowledge to clue him in. Hope springs eternal.
more lies, i was not the first, i've have given you the exact posts where others stated they knew you and you still lie that i was the've even conceded in PM that you guess i was not the're such a hack and liar

no one believes you and it is clear why

Actually... there are several people here who think that you are creepy enougho to have done so. You were indeed the first to make comments about a town in Montana and about a "perish". I have always said that I do not know for certain who it was that wrote the email, but that you certainly were a distinct possibility. Again... are you really asking me, or anyone else, to believe it was NOT you simply because you proclaim your innocence? GMAFB!
great, then you're a liar about serving and that you were kidnapped....

see, you whine when others don't believe you, yet you, as usual, don't abide by that which you complain about

who are these people? let me guess, the people are IB....LOOOOL

i love the appeal to these mysterious people to make your point you lying sack of shit....further, you know damn well there is one person who has publically threatened and claimed to have sent your church letters and you have ragged on him publicly for it.......yet you still insist its me...

why? because you're a liar, obsessed and still have a homo erotic crush on me after i turned you down repeatedly

let it go moron, you know and have admitted to me and others that you don't believe its me, why you are still obsessing over this and talking about it really shows you're nothing but a fraud and have nothing better to do in life than threaten people on the internet and then turn around and make it out as if it was them that threatened've been admonished for your threats here, take the advice and stfu