An Open Letter to the Iranian People

Hamas wasn't ignored on this board. It wasn't ignored on talk radio, or the internet. It didn't cost Obama the election, but no one suggested that; I'm sure it was not something that was welcomed by the Obama campaign.

Guess you were off-planet at that time.
Again, ineffective mention of something does not "enraged" make. Had Obama lost because of the endorsement, then you'd have a point.
of course there was outrage... I know you stop over to once ina while... I think you listen to Rush once in a while... on, RSR and his koolaid soaked republican buddies were absolutely GLEEFUL that Hamas had endorsed Obama and claimed it wasz PROOF that he was a muslim, and a jew hater and everything bad for America.
Again, it didn't whittle one iota of your support away, nor of any other person who was going to vote for him, gave them no tool to win with, didn't change the outcome one iota, and if it did it was a sliver of a percentage point, not even a whole one. It was dismissed as what it was, "gotcha" politics. It certainly wasn't an "enraged" populace ready to pounce on and do something terrible to Obama.

People talking about it on a message board, again, do not "enraged opposition" make.
Again, it didn't whittle one iota of your support away, nor of any other person who was going to vote for him, gave them no tool to win with, didn't change the outcome one iota, and if it did it was a sliver of a percentage point, not even a whole one. It was dismissed as what it was, "gotcha" politics. It certainly wasn't an "enraged" populace ready to pounce on and do something terrible to Obama.

People talking about it on a message board, again, do not "enraged opposition" make.

You're downplaying it too much. By even accounts on the right, the GOP didn't make much of a campaign of it in 2008. One of the biggest tactics against Obama was his "questionable ties," as well as whisper campaigns about being a Muslim, using his middle name whenever possible, trying to create the impression that he was anti-Israel & sympathetic to extremists.

I'm sure you wouldn't deny that.

Given that, the seeming endorsement of an organization like Hamas only adds to the fire. It certainly does not HELP. And that goes back to my post on cost/benefit. No one has really explained how stronger wording will actually help the protesters, given the counterbalance of the ammunition Obama can give the regime by coming out more forcefully.
did you listen to his press conference today? he spoke very strongly about Iran...

bottom line... you call others cowards when you yourself do nothing substantively different than they do.
This gets award for the week's dumbest post; comparing what a poster here could do with the POTUS. *shrug*
so... when I suggest that Bush and Cheney and Feith and Rumsfeld are neoconservatives, you think that I also secretly believe that they are Jews?


"southern man" is code for moron

I have no idea what you honestly believe, as you are rarely honest. I suppose it has something to do with Jewish masters and such.

I see that you know voice your disrespect for a large portion of Americans based on their location: bigot.

This gets award for the week's dumbest post; comparing what a poster here could do with the POTUS. *shrug*

If you had read the conversation instead of just obsessively following me around trying to pick at my posts, you would realize that I was not comparing Dixie to POTUS...but had been comparing him to Onceler.

but I guess everyone has come to expect your obsessive stalking behavior and discounts it accordingly.

I have to say, I got quite a kick out of your former JPP Staff signature line....kinda like some nerdy kid who gets a military uniform from the surplus store and parades around like a war hero.
I have no idea what you honestly believe, as you are rarely honest. I suppose it has something to do with Jewish masters and such.

I see that you know voice your disrespect for a large portion of Americans based on their location: bigot.


if you don't know what I believe, then how can you call me a racist for using the term neocon?

and I don't voice my disrespect for a large portion of Americans, just for one obsessive weirdo on one message board who goes by the screen name of "southern man". You - singularly - have richly earned my disrespect, and my disdain... and my dismissive laughter.
If you had read the conversation instead of just obsessively following me around trying to pick at my posts, you would realize that I was not comparing Dixie to POTUS...but had been comparing him to Onceler.

but I guess everyone has come to expect your obsessive stalking behavior and discounts it accordingly.

I have to say, I got quite a kick out of your former JPP Staff signature line....kinda like some nerdy kid who gets a military uniform from the surplus store and parades around like a war hero.
Delicious irony: you're the only poster here that publicly commented on the "staff" title, then you accuse me of stalking; then you berate me for not reading all of your posts; you're parading your military experience and all. *shrug*
Delicious irony: you're the only poster here that publicly commented on the "staff" title, then you accuse me of stalking; then you berate me for not reading all of your posts. *shrug*

I don't berate you for not reading my posts... I point out your error by jumping in and slamming me when you did NOT read enough to realize that you were in error.

I would recommend that, no only should you refrain from reading any of my posts, but that you should also refrain from replying to any of them going forward.

Consider that as a way to really show me how much you hate me. See how that works for ya.
if you don't know what I believe, then how can you call me a racist for using the term neocon?

and I don't voice my disrespect for a large portion of Americans, just for one obsessive weirdo on one message board who goes by the screen name of "southern man". You - singularly - have richly earned my disrespect, and my disdain... and my dismissive laughter.
More delicious irony, a guy who wishes death on others and makes up disgusting sexual stories of their children calling me an obsessive weirdo. Your respect would not be desirable. :)
seemed you missed this:

if you don't know what I believe, then how can you call me a racist for using the term neocon?
More delicious irony, a guy who wishes death on others and makes up disgusting sexual stories of their children calling me an obsessive weirdo. Your respect would not be desirable. :)

he is a lying sos...he is an internet stalker who has said he will out my posts and time spent here to my employers. he has threatened my home and family....he is a dishonest hack who lied repeatedly about not being moderate democrat, when in reality he is and who whines when others out his posts yet he threatens the same. he really is a worthless worm that not only is a liar, but lives a lie.
You're downplaying it too much. By even accounts on the right, the GOP didn't make much of a campaign of it in 2008. One of the biggest tactics against Obama was his "questionable ties," as well as whisper campaigns about being a Muslim, using his middle name whenever possible, trying to create the impression that he was anti-Israel & sympathetic to extremists.

I'm sure you wouldn't deny that.

Given that, the seeming endorsement of an organization like Hamas only adds to the fire. It certainly does not HELP. And that goes back to my post on cost/benefit. No one has really explained how stronger wording will actually help the protesters, given the counterbalance of the ammunition Obama can give the regime by coming out more forcefully.
I haven't explained it because I disagree with it.

I think that the PEOPLE need to show support for Iranians, in any way they can. IMO that would be beneficial, however the Government has set their boots on too many asses out there to do anything other than clandestinely.

People there are sacrificing for their freedoms, there is no other place on the planet that should support them more than the people of the US. However, an official government endorsement could be problematical.

I only point out the weakness of your analogies. "It's like Al Qaeda endorsing Obama, it would 'enrage' the opposition." It did not. We have a direct example.
he is a lying sos...he is an internet stalker who has said he will out my posts and time spent here to my employers. he has threatened my home and family....he is a dishonest hack who lied repeatedly about not being moderate democrat, when in reality he is and who whines when others out his posts yet he threatens the same. he really is a worthless worm that not only is a liar, but lives a lie.
I agree maineman aka moderate democrat is a piece of shit and the world would be a better place without him.
he is a lying sos...he is an internet stalker who has said he will out my posts and time spent here to my employers. he has threatened my home and family....he is a dishonest hack who lied repeatedly about not being moderate democrat, when in reality he is and who whines when others out his posts yet he threatens the same. he really is a worthless worm that not only is a liar, but lives a lie.

I have a hard time imagining you as a lawyer... I see you working in a cute craftsman style B&B... serving coffee maybe.:cof1:
I have a hard time imagining you as a lawyer... I see you working in a cute craftsman style B&B... serving coffee maybe.:cof1:

trust me, i'm sure most everyone is disgusted that you are a preacher...

and you further prove what lying, hypocritical hack you are....i can't question whether you were kidnapped, but you can question whether i am a lawyer...

you're pathetic. you have destroyed your credibility, if you ever had any. you complain that others can't threaten to out your posts to your church, but yet it is ok for YOU to threaten the same to one's it not ok for others to question your veracity as to whether you were kidnapped, but it is ok for YOU to question other's professional veracity....

you've lost all privilege to ever take issue with anyone ever to doing the same to you....i'm sure your employer's would love to see your posts after you got in trouble the last time....:rolleyes:
trust me, i'm sure most everyone is disgusted that you are a preacher...

and you further prove what lying, hypocritical hack you are....i can't question whether you were kidnapped, but you can question whether i am a lawyer...

you're pathetic. you have destroyed your credibility, if you ever had any. you complain that others can't threaten to out your posts to your church, but yet it is ok for YOU to threaten the same to one's it not ok for others to question your veracity as to whether you were kidnapped, but it is ok for YOU to question other's professional veracity....

you've lost all privilege to ever take issue with anyone ever to doing the same to you....i'm sure your employer's would love to see your posts after you got in trouble the last time....:rolleyes:

most everyone who matters is quite the opposite of disgusted with me, yurtie...

If people threaten to harm me professionally in the real world, as you have, then I am perfectly within my rights to be ready and able to retaliate should the situation arise.

But yurt... you have my absolute word, I won't out you to your law firm...i don't expect you to trust me....that is not that point...i am asking you to believe this one promise. that is all. i would give you my ethical promise of confidentiality....but you would piss on that...nonetheless i give it. if we are to let things go, we need to be honest with each other. Don't you think?