An Open Letter to the Iranian People

no lie... I could give a shit about your character one has shown me definitively who DID write the email in question, and you remain a prime suspect. YOu were the first to reveal that you knew my real name and the name of my church. I am supposed to believe that YOU were NOT the one who did it because...why? because damo says you're a great guy? because you claim that you didn't? LMFAO

Just remember; hate the sin, but love the sinner.

Now, show some love.
great, then you're a liar about serving and that you were kidnapped....what's new? you have always called me a liar without basis... typical of your shoddy style

see, you whine when others don't believe you, yet you, as usual, don't abide by that which you complain about I'm not whining about anything yurt... I merely point out what many people see

who are these people? let me guess, the people are IB....LOOOOLwho are these people? Why... I would have to betray their confidences to let you know their names, and if I did that, I'd be no better than you.

i love the appeal to these mysterious people to make your point you lying sack of shit....further, you know damn well there is one person who has publically threatened and claimed to have sent your church letters and you have ragged on him publicly for it.......yet you still insist its me... I have not ragged on anyone publicly for writing my conference... I do not know who did it. I DO know that you have always been on the short list of suspects

why? because you're a liar, obsessed and still have a homo erotic crush on me after i turned you down repeatedly LOL... turned me down? that is called transference.... you probably should spend some time in front of the mirror and then out yourself.

let it go moron, you know and have admitted to me and others that you don't believe its me not so. I have no idea who did it, and I certainly have never seen anything that would cause me to remove you from the list of usual suspects, why you are still obsessing over this and talking about it really shows you're nothing but a fraud and have nothing better to do in life than threaten people on the internet and then turn around and make it out as if it was them that threatened've been admonished for your threats here, take the advice and stfu

I am not threatening anything yurt....I merely ask the question: what do you think your bosses and your clients would think of your behavior here? You ask a similar question of me all the time... I am just tossing it back at ya.