Anatomy of a Bank Run

The list of "appointees" are provided by whom? And the fact that the entity itself is owned by private "citizens" pretty much makes it a private entity even with the false sense of oversight.

Quasi-government/quasi-private is how it is described by Wiki and several of my professors. Although it is far more private than any in government will ever admit.

The "ownership" is quasi itself. Banks are required to buy shares and they cannot trade them. The great bulk of the feds revenue after expenses is paid back to the treasury. It's not that private.
What are you talking about? Government is not money? They have imitated
real money. I doubt you understand what real money means though. Run along now, to things you understand point, click, get a banana.
Just because people disagree with you, that makes them monkey brains or worse?. Who the hell crowned you God. The more you talk, the less you make sense. At least topper makes some sense even if he "IS" naive.
ANy specific criticism? Or is this just more of your generally baseless and ignorant "look at me" nonsense? The system AS DESIGNED is a big fraud. Seek to remedy your rectocranial inversion.
Look jackassHat, you know even less about this subject than most other issues where you have injected your two mils. It's about time you recognized that you have absolutely no credibility on this forum.
Just like ib1 or toppy. Want to make an actual argument to which I can respond? Or just fling you poo around.
Why, pray tell should I make more of an arguement than simply refuting your garbage. You can't counterfeit counterfeits, which basically is what you and ASSHAT are claiming.

I am surprised that you take issue with toppy tho. he is nearly as bad as you are. (but not quite.)
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No. it really is a lie
There is No Global Warming

There is no global warming. Period.

You can't find a real scientist anywhere in the world who can look you in the eye and, without hesitation, without clarification, without saying, kinda, mighta, sorta, if, and or but...say "yes, global warming is with us."

Yet in your stuuuuuuuuuupdity, you fail to recognize that when they say kinda, sorta, they are admitting to portions of that very same global warming that you are denying.

I certainly don't claim or beleive that humans have caused all the damage. but the evidence is clear that there is some upheaval present. (but you can call it what you like.)(Aunt Maisies Kettle if you wish)
I have done so, monkey brain.

However, there were originals. We did not get to this worthless currency overnight. By small steps the orignal dollars that had real value were "faked" or rather the sytem was altered to remove their value.
apparently you have "NOT" done so, you are still calling it counterfeit. the currency isn't worthless by any means, tho it has a much lower value than it might have had with more reasonable contols in place. (The word is devaulated rather than counterfeit)
Yet in your stuuuuuuuuuupdity, you fail to recognize that when they say kinda, sorta, they are admitting to portions of that very same global warming that you are denying.

I certainly don't claim or beleive that humans have caused all the damage. but the evidence is clear that there is some upheaval present. (but you can call it what you like.)(Aunt Maisies Kettle if you wish)

But ignorant jackass, the point is it's part of long term global trend and not because of human consumption. This is really what's relevant.
But ignorant jackass, the point is it's part of long term global trend and not because of human consumption. This is really what's relevant.
note your oiwn words that it is PART long term global trend. ---what is the other part if it is not human caused? reasonable answere requested.
apparently you have "NOT" done so, you are still calling it counterfeit. the currency isn't worthless by any means, tho it has a much lower value than it might have had with more reasonable contols in place. (The word is devaulated rather than counterfeit)

For the purpose of this discussion, yes I have. I am not ceding the point, however.

It's value is divorced from any real commodity. It's value is completely abstract, other than the paper itself. And as I said, there were originals, that had real value in that they were redeemable in gold.

If you are such a dipshit that you can't move to the bigger argument, then I can continue arguing this silly word parsing. But you did not address my points on this or offer anything new.
There is a distinction to be drawn between something with no value (counterfeit) and something with arbitrary value.

One could extend your definition to the art world as well. Art has no inherent value. It's not based on gold, silver, or glazed doughnuts. People make worthless forgeries of art and try to sell them however. They do it because the real art has arbitrary value. It's worth whatever people are willing to do to have it. And some art is worth a lot. However, by extending your definition of counterfeit to the art world, we're left with no genuine art. It's all forged with the intent to deceive people into believing it has value.

Retarded, retarded, retarded.
I agree...........

For the purpose of this discussion, yes I have. I am not ceding the point, however.

It's value is divorced from any real commodity. It's value is completely abstract, other than the paper itself. And as I said, there were originals, that had real value in that they were redeemable in gold.

If you are such a dipshit that you can't move to the bigger argument, then I can continue arguing this silly word parsing. But you did not address my points on this or offer anything new.

with you for the most part...however I would call our currency of today 'IOU's' rather than counterfit!
Even the PTS nam vet with Agent orange coursing through his veins thinks counterfeit is a poor choice of words.
Even the PTS nam vet with Agent orange coursing through his veins thinks counterfeit is a poor choice of words.

I will forgive this comment...considering you are bi-polar and suffering from alzheimers and possibly HIV! Ya are way too young to have these conditions...must be something in the water where you live!
I will forgive this comment...considering you are bi-polar and suffering from alzheimers and possibly HIV! Ya are way too young to have these conditions...must be something in the water where you live!

I don't care if you forgive me or not since you're insane.
At least I would respect his opinions if he wasn't missing his higher faculties. This is the guy who thought stem cells came from abortion clinics and that the issue of global warming is split down the middle in the scientific community. He's ignorant and nuts.
There is a distinction to be drawn between something with no value (counterfeit) and something with arbitrary value.

One could extend your definition to the art world as well. Art has no inherent value. It's not based on gold, silver, or glazed doughnuts. People make worthless forgeries of art and try to sell them however. They do it because the real art has arbitrary value. It's worth whatever people are willing to do to have it. And some art is worth a lot. However, by extending your definition of counterfeit to the art world, we're left with no genuine art. It's all forged with the intent to deceive people into believing it has value.

Retarded, retarded, retarded.

Yes your strawman argument is quite retarded.

Art has REAL value. It's value is in itself. As noted, if you value the dollar as some sort of art then I guess it has value in that. But in little else.

To extend your definition, if Da Vinci had made numerous subpar duplicates of the Mona Lisa and sold them as the original then he would not have been engaging in any sort of faking or counterfeiting, since he is Da Vinci and cannot fake his own art.

As I stated, there was an original money that had real value (i.e., it was redeemable in gold) prior to governments suspending redemption and turning to fiat money.