Anatomy of a Bank Run

with you for the most part...however I would call our currency of today 'IOU's' rather than counterfit!

IOU for what?

This is why I laugh at the people obsessed with the debt and dollars China holds. Today I read a letter to the editor claiming China holds the mortgage on the US.

How ridiculous. Their dollars are redeemable for jack squat. Surely, they can harm us if they dump them (they would devalue our currency), but that would hurt them as much as us if not moreso.
And you........

At least I would respect his opinions if he wasn't missing his higher faculties. This is the guy who thought stem cells came from abortion clinics and that the issue of global warming is split down the middle in the scientific community. He's ignorant and nuts.

are just a punk...maybe a cross dresser...and if the avatar is your pic...ya really need to wash the chocolate milk off your chin and upper lip! We covered the above comments and you were wrong! I suppose you have bought the coolaid of the left...if one says it long enough maybe someone will believe it...grow up punky!
Even the PTS nam vet with Agent orange coursing through his veins thinks counterfeit is a poor choice of words.

Yeah, somewhat like feudalism. I will agree that it is somewhat hyperbolic. That's why I am willing to let it go. But if fish lovers like you and doniston demand that we focus on it... okay then.
Excuse me.......

IOU for what?

This is why I laugh at the people obsessed with the debt and dollars China holds. Today I read a letter to the editor claiming China holds the mortgage on the US.

How ridiculous. Their dollars are redeemable for jack squat. Surely, they can harm us if they dump them (they would devalue our currency), but that would hurt them as much as us if not moreso.

I agreed with you that the currency has absolutely nothing to back it'Gold Standard'...thus it is a IOU!;)
I am sorry, but an IOU for what? You just stated that there is absolutely nothing backing them. They represent no claim on anything and therefore can't be called an IOU. They're only value is in trade for goods whereby others are willing to accept the dollars. And no one is obliged to accept them in any set amount.

I will give all of you IOU's for your homes and cars. That IOU will state that I will be willing to accept, at some unspecified point in the future, an unspecified amount of them, in exchange for uspecified goods, only if I agree to the deal. Anybody want to take that offer?
are just a punk...maybe a cross dresser...and if the avatar is your pic...ya really need to wash the chocolate milk off your chin and upper lip! We covered the above comments and you were wrong! I suppose you have bought the coolaid of the left...if one says it long enough maybe someone will believe it...grow up punky!

I have an avatar?

The fact that you still think stem cells are harvested from abortion clinics and that 50 percent of scientists think global warming isn't a problem is pretty much proof positive that you're the most ignorant person on this site. It's no accident you vote Republican.
I have an avatar?

The fact that you still think stem cells are harvested from abortion clinics and that 50 percent of scientists think global warming isn't a problem is pretty much proof positive that you're the most ignorant person on this site. It's no accident you vote Republican.

The pic by your screen name...punky!...Is it you or a pic of what you wished you looked like?
As for the rehash of the same ole' same ole'...This was covered in other threads...You were wrong then and wrong again...don't you have a class to attend ?...Ya really need more study time...!:rolleyes:
I don't see a picture by my name. I guess my settings are different.

And no, you were dead wrong. I proved it. You have produced 0 evidence that stem cells come from abortion clinics. You know why? Cause stem cells dont come from fetuses. And we also proved to you that about 90 percent of scientists are on board with global warming.

You are an ignorant old man.
I don't see a picture by my name. I guess my settings are different.

And no, you were dead wrong. I proved it. You have produced 0 evidence that stem cells come from abortion clinics. You know why? Cause stem cells dont come from fetuses. And we also proved to you that about 90 percent of scientists are on board with global warming.

You are an ignorant old man.

Not all but some do...Moron once again!... and prove via a link that 90% of scientist are on board...never mind you invented the internet along with Al baby...:rolleyes:

Side Note: Is it just me or can anyone else see a pic of a twenty something punk sporting a chocalate milk goatee next to punky's screename?????????
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Well Hell...!

I am sorry, but an IOU for what? You just stated that there is absolutely nothing backing them. They represent no claim on anything and therefore can't be called an IOU. They're only value is in trade for goods whereby others are willing to accept the dollars. And no one is obliged to accept them in any set amount.

I will give all of you IOU's for your homes and cars. That IOU will state that I will be willing to accept, at some unspecified point in the future, an unspecified amount of them, in exchange for uspecified goods, only if I agree to the deal. Anybody want to take that offer?

Since IOU's are just that IOU's it makes no difference what they are traded for..This has digressed to thats all I have to say about it!
No, you cannot extract stem cells from fetuses. You are retarded for thinking you can.

Provide a link to the contrary. I provided you a link proving my point ages ago, and I'm still waiting for evidence that I'm wrong.

As for the consensus on global warming, just ask anyone. Even Dano doesn't disagree that there's an overwhelming consensus. Use google.

No, you cannot extract stem cells from fetuses. You are retarded for thinking you can.

Provide a link to the contrary. I provided you a link proving my point ages ago, and I'm still waiting for evidence that I'm wrong.

As for the consensus on global warming, just ask anyone. Even Dano doesn't disagree that there's an overwhelming consensus. Use google.

How about the U-cord and placenta and spinal chord of dead babies???

and I see you enlarged your my is this supposed to are a punk!
Uh, from your link:

Adult stem cell: An undifferentiated cell found in a differentiated tissue that can renew itself and (with certain limitations) differentiate to yield all the specialized cell types of the tissue from which it originated. (NIH)

Embryonic stem cells: Primitive (undifferentiated) cells from the embryo that have the potential to become wide variety of specialized cell types. (NIH)

Embryonic stem cell line: Embryonic stem cells, which have been cultured under in vitro conditions that allow proliferation without differentiation for months to years. (NIH)

That means it's done in a dish. With an egg and sperm, and they start to reproduce themselves at 4-5 days. There is no fetus. That's an embryo. You cannot extract a live stem cell of any kind from a fucking dead fetus, you retard.
Are you fucking Toby? Providing links as proof of something when the link says zilch about what he says it does was his trademark.

Uh, from your link:

Adult stem cell: An undifferentiated cell found in a differentiated tissue that can renew itself and (with certain limitations) differentiate to yield all the specialized cell types of the tissue from which it originated. (NIH)

Embryonic stem cells: Primitive (undifferentiated) cells from the embryo that have the potential to become wide variety of specialized cell types. (NIH)

Embryonic stem cell line: Embryonic stem cells, which have been cultured under in vitro conditions that allow proliferation without differentiation for months to years. (NIH)

That means it's done in a dish. With an egg and sperm, and they start to reproduce themselves at 4-5 days. There is no fetus. That's an embryo. You cannot extract a live stem cell of any kind from a fucking dead fetus, you retard.

Reading comprehension skills I forgot to mention the part embyro/fetus among quite a few other examples...and by the way most abortions occur before the eight week gestation period...this was our argument in the aforementioned threads...cherry picking el punko!
Reading comprehension skills I forgot to mention the part embyro/fetus among quite a few other examples...and by the way most abortions occur before the eight week gestation period...this was our argument in the aforementioned threads...cherry picking el punko!

You're referring to embryonic GERM cells, not STEM cells. Embryonic STEM cells do not come from FETUSES.

Abortion clinics flush embryos from the mother, if they get it aborted while it's still an embryo. There's no way to recover that. They're far too small to be flushed and then recovered. And it also happens to be DEAD when they do it. You cannot extract a live cell from a dead anything, retard.

I have yet to see a single shred of evidence helping your case. You provided a list of medical definitions, none of which say anything about embryonic stem cells coming from fetuses. In fact, it says the opposite. It says what I said the first time you humiliated yourself.