Ancient ALIEN Creationism - science or new age RELIGION?

Dick this is not about you or what you said. Darwins evolutionary theory says that changes happen by natural selection and random mutation over a long period of time. The mouse experiment PROVES that this particular change is NOT random, and that it happens DELIBERATLY in one generation. This experiment disproves much of evolution, which is why no grants are being awarded to further this research

Natural selection the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution. Mutations can be beneficial, neutral, or harmful for the organism, but mutations do not "try" to supply what the organism "needs." In this respect, mutations are random — whether a particular mutation happens or not is unrelated to how useful that mutation would be.

Since the mouse experiment clearly shows a change designed to be beneficial in one generation, it does not fit into the concept of evolution

Natural selection had nothing to do with the study. This study was done in a lab without the potential for natural selection as no selection pressures would have been naturally present.
You clearly have no clue. Again, natural selection does not cause change. It is not a source of change. It selects the changes.

Correct, this dumb hillbilly only understands part of the equation. The mutation must increase survivability. If dumb Donald's kid was born with his nuts on his chin it would take time to determine if that was advantageous. It could be that the neighboring trailer trash dig that and he procreates a lot outside his nuclear family.

Don't take him seriously. Not worth the time. I'll step in as needed if he makes a point worth refuting. It will be a no brained job for me.
Its either ALL INTERVENTION OR NONE? Really? But that's not what is revealed in the Holy Scriptures. God created life and then commanded man to "reproduce" and populate the earth. And why can't the same lack of logic be applied do Darwinian Cultism? If...Darwin cannot prove that LIFE stems naturally from dead matter as was claimed and then EVOLVED into many different examples of biological can anything the Cult calling themselves EVOLUTIONISTS say be considered by anyone with any sense of logic and reason be credible? The truth is God created the laws of physics to control that which he created....the natural.

Real Science that can be applied to real life is not in the least in conflict with the Supernatural Creation of the Universe and Life. God creates and then allows nature to take its course as directed by God.

"So God created man in His own imagine; in the imagine of God He created him; male and female He created them; Then God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it...have domination...." -- Genesis 1:27-28.

I don't have to prove that its either ALL INTERVENTION OR NONE AT ALL....all I have to do is show you why I can't accept your unproved false premise as any kind of truth when it comes to an attempt to lecture someone on a subject you apparently know nothing about....Christianity and its Doctrine. You are the one supposedly working with REAL SCIENCE. Show us how you reached this false conclusion that God had to do more than just Create and then allow nature and the laws of physics to be applicable the way HE DESIGNED THEM. accept abiogenesis....or you accept CREATIONISM. That is a are the one that can't have their cake and eat it also. You can't prove Evolution of life from dead matter....or provide one example of anything evolving outside its own DNA signature string of species....once created. Name just one example of anything having evolved in such a method as demonstrated via the scientific method of Observed, Reproducible, evidence ..i.e., MACRO EVOLUTION between species. So your BS is moot as far as demonstrable truth is concerned...its all wishful thinking on your part...hoping one day to prove what you now espouse as truth. You know what that is called? Faith and Religion.

Thanks for the frequent atavistic use of ALL-CAPS. It gets across the correct level of psycho lunacy of your cult.
Natural selection had nothing to do with the study. This study was done in a lab without the potential for natural selection as no selection pressures would have been naturally present.

Duh, that's what I said, and without natural selection programmed change happened, so Darwin was wrong.

Do you still play with playdough?
Duh, that's what I said, and without natural selection programmed change happened, so Darwin was wrong.

Do you still play with playdough?

So the lab rat now is now a successful specie in a lab ecological niche? You idiot.😂

Fuck, Christians need a better pied piper. If you suppose that Brian diaz' experiment from the resdler lab disproved evolution, you really need your head examined, dumbass.

I know much more about this than you would ever guess. There is great interest in that, and nobody is shutting anything down. Stupid hillbilly.
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So the lab rat now is now a successful specie in a lab ecological niche? You idiot.��

Fuck, Christians need a better pied piper. If you suppose that Brian diaz' experiment from the resdler lab disproved evolution, you really need your head examined, dumbass.

That was a fourth grade babble...........................

Try on kid
LOL Evolution is dead as programmed change is now known to happen, random mutations are now far from the only way organisms change, no matter if you have a sea cucumber Dick or not

Why not just say sliced bread falsifies evolution, one nonsequitur is as good as another.
Nothing relevant huh????????????????????????? just babbles

I explained it in posts 302 and 332, supra. You had nothing sensible to write in response. I ferreted you out as a God in the gaps fraud who is woefully thin on science (to put it diplomatically) Then I outed and impeached your supposed expert. Nothing more to add. You can't communicate on my level, so I play the insult game on yours. Besides, Richard of the Interwebs has been beating you around nicely without any need of support. You've made it clear you misapprehend the basic theory of evolution by natural selection.
I explained it in posts 302 and 332, supra. You had nothing sensible to write in response. I ferreted you out as a God in the gaps fraud who is woefully thin on science (to put it diplomatically) Then I outed and impeached your supposed expert. Nothing more to add. You can't communicate on my level, so I play the insult game on yours. Besides, Richard of the Interwebs has been beating you around nicely without any need of support. You've made it clear you misapprehend the basic theory of evolution by natural selection.

The moment that humans set foot on Mars bringing life there, God is proven............Life to a lifeless planet. Fools like you will not accept the truth. God is not in the past, God is forever and God will always continue to exist, even long after the Earth is gone, we will have moved on. It's not semantics it;s reality, now and forever. But you keep playing with Darwins mud puddle while we move on.

The moment that humans set foot on Mars bringing life there, God is proven............Life to a lifeless planet. Fools like you will not accept the truth. God is not in the past, God is forever and God will always continue to exist, even long after the Earth is gone, we will have moved on. It's not semantics it;s reality, now and forever. But you keep playing with Darwins mud puddle while we move on.


Holy shit! I think you just moved into the top 3 on the Forum Dumbfuck list.