Ancient ALIEN Creationism - science or new age RELIGION?

The same way all genetic material gets into sperm.

LOL, genetic material for sperm is determined at the moment of conception, not during the life of the lifeform, this is perhaps what you do not grasp, if there is another way, we need to understand it as no one does.

Go smoke another joint and go back to sleep because you have no clue
Allowing ID scientists to define themselves:

Intelligent design refers to a scientific research program as well as a community of scientists, philosophers and other scholars who seek evidence of design in nature. The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection. Through the study and analysis of a system's components, a design theorist is able to determine whether various natural structures are the product of chance, natural law, intelligent design, or some combination thereof. Such research is conducted by observing the types of information produced when intelligent agents act. Scientists then seek to find objects which have those same types of informational properties which we commonly know come from intelligence. Intelligent design has applied these scientific methods to detect design in irreducibly complex biological structures, the complex and specified information content in DNA, the life-sustaining physical architecture of the universe, and the geologically rapid origin of biological diversity in the fossil record during the Cambrian explosion approximately 530 million years ago.

The theory of intelligent design is simply an effort to empirically detect whether the "apparent design" in nature acknowledged by virtually all biologists is genuine design (the product of an intelligent cause) or is simply the product of an undirected process such as natural selection acting on random variations. Creationism typically starts with a religious text and tries to see how the findings of science can be reconciled to it. Intelligent design starts with the empirical evidence of nature and seeks to ascertain what inferences can be drawn from that evidence. Unlike creationism, the scientific theory of intelligent design does not claim that modern biology can identify whether the intelligent cause detected through science is supernatural.

Honest critics of intelligent design acknowledge the difference between intelligent design and creationism. University of Wisconsin historian of science Ronald Numbers is critical of intelligent design, yet according to the Associated Press, he "agrees the creationist label is inaccurate when it comes to the ID [intelligent design] movement." Why, then, do some Darwinists keep trying to conflate intelligent design with creationism? According to Dr. Numbers, it is because they think such claims are "the easiest way to discredit intelligent design." In other words, the charge that intelligent design is "creationism" is a rhetorical strategy on the part of Darwinists who wish to delegitimize design theory without actually addressing the merits of its case.

The scientific method is commonly described as a four-step process involving observations, hypothesis, experiments, and conclusion. Intelligent design begins with the observation that intelligent agents produce complex and specified information (CSI). Design theorists hypothesize that if a natural object was designed, it will contain high levels of CSI. Scientists then perform experimental tests upon natural objects to determine if they contain complex and specified information. One easily testable form of CSI is irreducible complexity, which can be discovered by experimentally reverse-engineering biological structures to see if they require all of their parts to function. When ID researchers find irreducible complexity in biology, they conclude that such structures were designed.
LOL, genetic material for sperm is determined at the moment of conception, not during the life of the lifeform, this is perhaps what you do not grasp, if there is another way, we need to understand it as no one does.

Go smoke another joint and go back to sleep because you have no clue

Uhh, no. Genetic material for sperm is determined when it is created in the male. The epigentic marker for this was observed in the sperm of the mice.

You are obviously confused about how things work down there. Ask your mommy.
Wrong once a sperm and egg meet the organism is set, it stays set until it meets a new egg and mingles genes.

LOL, you must be trolling. No one can be as stupid as you are.

The males/fathers genetic material is in the sperm when the sperm is created by his testicles.

In the study, there was an epigenetic marker in the sperm of the conditioned mouse.

When the sperm meets the eggs the genetic material from both fuses and creates a new genome. In this case that genome would contain the epigenetic marker passed in the father's sperm.
LOL, you must be trolling. No one can be as stupid as you are.

The males/fathers genetic material is in the sperm when the sperm is created by his testicles.

In the study, there was an epigenetic marker in the sperm of the conditioned mouse.

When the sperm meets the eggs the genetic material from both fuses and creates a new genome. In this case that genome would contain the epigenetic marker passed in the father's sperm.

One would tend to agree as clearly something changes, but you can't describe what, or how it gets into sperm. Seriously if the sperm change they all have to make the same change, and something has to tell them what to do..................Here is where you begin to masturbate again as no one knows, except for you Do you need any more tissues
One would tend to agree as clearly something changes, but you can't describe what, or how it gets into sperm. Seriously if the sperm change they all have to make the same change, and something has to tell them what to do..................Here is where you begin to masturbate again as no one knows, except for you Do you need any more tissues

Yes, WHAT changes can be described. The study observed an eipigenetic marker on the olfr151 gene of the sperm. How many times have you been told that?

Each sperm is unique(how the fuck do you not know this you stupid fucking troll), but some of his sperm had the epigenetic marker.

They don't all have to change at once. The epigenetic marker can be created in the sperm when the sperm is created by the testicles.

Do you need me to explain how they have sex? It's obvious that you are completely clueless about how any of it works, junior.
Yes, WHAT changes can be described. The study observed an eipigenetic marker on the olfr151 gene of the sperm. How many times have you been told that?

Each sperm is unique(how the fuck do you not know this you stupid fucking troll), but some of his sperm had the epigenetic marker.

They don't all have to change at once. The epigenetic marker can be created in the sperm when the sperm is created by the testicles.

Do you need me to explain how they have sex? It's obvious that you are completely clueless about how any of it works, junior.

What changes the marker, you will say the experience but you still can not show the mechanism of change between the bad experience and the changed marker. Sperm can only grow according to their DNA instructions, so if the sperm are changed, so must their instructions be changed. LOL, the fact is that schizophrenics often suffer from delusions of grandeur, and consider themselves to be great scientist.


Tell us more Einstein
One would tend to agree as clearly something changes, but you can't describe what, or how it gets into sperm. Seriously if the sperm change they all have to make the same change, and something has to tell them what to do..................Here is where you begin to masturbate again as no one knows, except for you Do you need any more tissues
. These are processes that are still under investigation however the pathway is know to involve cortisol as one example of a stress hormone, which goes to the testes which express significant amounts of glucocorticoid receptor, which then once bound to cortisol leaves the cell membrane and goes to the nucleus and attaches to DNA to drive expression of genes involved in epigenetics (e.g. DMNT and HDAC), depending on the environment in the cell that is driven by the presence or absence of other signaling factors these peptides form complexes that can then tag or alter conformation of the chromosome. You are right that every sperm is going to have a slightly different respose, due to stochastic levels of moderator proteins. You are also right we don't know all the keys to the puzzle, epigenetics has only been known for about 10-15 years. But good rigorous science will be what enables us to figure it out, not religion.
. These are processes that are still under investigation however the pathway is know to involve cortisol as one example of a stress hormone, which goes to the testes which express significant amounts of glucocorticoid receptor, which then once bound to cortisol leaves the cell membrane and goes to the nucleus and attaches to DNA to drive expression of genes involved in epigenetics (e.g. DMNT and HDAC), depending on the environment in the cell that is driven by the presence or absence of other signaling factors these peptides form complexes that can then tag or alter conformation of the chromosome. You are right that every sperm is going to have a slightly different respose, due to stochastic levels of moderator proteins. You are also right we don't know all the keys to the puzzle, epigenetics has only been known for about 10-15 years. But good rigorous science will be what enables us to figure it out, not religion.

Yeah, it's not fully understood but TheDonald has been claiming they know almost nothing about it. He did not understand that they had located the effected gene or even that they expected the scent to have an impact on it.

I don't know all the minute details of how dna gets to sperm but I know it does and I am pretty sure someone understands how it works. I think it's pretty safe to assume that the epigenetic information is passed in a similar way.

It's funny these douchebags attack me saying I claim to know everything. I simply don't assume that what I don't know is unknown or that I am better informed than the scientists. TheDonald contradicted them numerous times, but I am the know it all? I just know who to listen to and it's not TheDonald or these creationist trolls.
Donald is just playing god in the gaps. The scientific contributions of religion are less than zero. Tell them that any time a creationist shoots from the weeds like this.
. These are processes that are still under investigation however the pathway is know to involve cortisol as one example of a stress hormone, which goes to the testes which express significant amounts of glucocorticoid receptor, which then once bound to cortisol leaves the cell membrane and goes to the nucleus and attaches to DNA to drive expression of genes involved in epigenetics (e.g. DMNT and HDAC), depending on the environment in the cell that is driven by the presence or absence of other signaling factors these peptides form complexes that can then tag or alter conformation of the chromosome. You are right that every sperm is going to have a slightly different respose, due to stochastic levels of moderator proteins. You are also right we don't know all the keys to the puzzle, epigenetics has only been known for about 10-15 years. But good rigorous science will be what enables us to figure it out, not religion.

Cortisol does not explain what is happening, as the human nose can smell over a trillion scents, presumably a mouse even more. There are not enough chemicals on the Earth to explain this by chemistry. Thus a code has to be involved, to make it far worse these experiments were done in 2013 and there have been no new ones that I can find on the net, thus this is being shut down as it cripples evolutionary theory that hails that all such changes are the result of natural selection. In this experiment the mouse creates it's own positive change in 1 generation. When this is understood Darwin will be a dead comedian
Cortisol does not explain what is happening, as the human nose can smell over a trillion scents, presumably a mouse even more. There are not enough chemicals on the Earth to explain this by chemistry. Thus a code has to be involved, to make it far worse these experiments were done in 2013 and there have been no new ones that I can find on the net, thus this is being shut down as it cripples evolutionary theory that hails that all such changes are the result of natural selection. In this experiment the mouse creates it's own positive change in 1 generation. When this is understood Darwin will be a dead comedian

This is a nonsense response. Sorry, you don't have the chops.
This is a nonsense response. Sorry, you don't have the chops.

Look kid, there is currently no answer, not from you, and not from me. The important thing is natural selection HAS NO PART IN THIS, and no one in the establishment seems to want to know why.