Ancient ALIEN Creationism - science or new age RELIGION?

There are epigenic markers in monarch DNA for migration patterns? That would entail an Earth map......................So that is not happening. The fact is that no one knows how this is happening, and no one is even seriously looking at it, because this will rewrite every textbook as it proves we do not understand what DNA is, and that being said since we are forged out of DNA we can not know what we are. The answer is very machine like, even using electricity to power our CPU, the human brain, that creates other CPU's also needing electricity

Possibly. No, it would not entail a map.

Yes, they are studying butterfly migration (see below).

You are a fucking retard. It's not going to rewrite every textbook. It's certain to add to our understanding of evolution but these changes are still too modest and inheritability too limited to explain much.

The maiden voyage of migratory monarch butterflies suggests that there is either a genetic basis to the migration or an epigenetic one, because it is possible that all generations of the migratory populations – spring and summer– are capable of being migrants if exposed to the appropriate environmental stimuli. Epigenetic events triggered in migrants leading to the migratory state could involve DNA methylation or histone modification. Genetic or epigenetic mechanisms would both lead to differences in gene expression levels between migratory and summer butterflies.
Possibly. No, it would not entail a map.

Yes, they are studying butterfly migration (see below).

You are a fucking retard. It's not going to rewrite every textbook. It's certain to add to our understanding of evolution but these changes are still too modest and inheritability too limited to explain much.

The maiden voyage of migratory monarch butterflies suggests that there is either a genetic basis to the migration or an epigenetic one, because it is possible that all generations of the migratory populations – spring and summer– are capable of being migrants if exposed to the appropriate environmental stimuli. Epigenetic events triggered in migrants leading to the migratory state could involve DNA methylation or histone modification. Genetic or epigenetic mechanisms would both lead to differences in gene expression levels between migratory and summer butterflies.

What is the epigenic pathway from mental stimulation to hardwiring in sex cells in 1 generation.......................Even if genes do turn on or off, HOW does this get from mind to every cell in the human body, which carries a full copy of the DNA structure.

Just say I dunno, because no one knows, except for you, which is really comical
They passed down epigenetic markers. The mouse offspring does not learn to fear the smell. It's an "instinctual" response controlled by those epigenetic markets. Butterflies could easily do the same. It's not necessary that it be "learned" behavior.

The parent mouse's fear is not instinctual. It is a learned reflexive response.

The butterflies' migration pattern and wing size are much more likely determined by natural selection. A butterfly can not predict it needs a bigger wing to fly farther. Those that do not fly far enough, simply do not reproduce and pass on their small wing size or errant migration pattern.
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There are epigenic markers in monarch DNA for migration patterns? That would entail an Earth map......................So that is not happening. The fact is that no one knows how this is happening, and no one is even seriously looking at it, because this will rewrite every textbook as it proves we do not understand what DNA is, and that being said since we are forged out of DNA we can not know what we are. The answer is very machine like, even using electricity to power our CPU, the human brain, that creates other CPU's also needing electricity

They smell the source of butterfly wings on a hurricane and follow the scent to Brazil.....
They smell the source of butterfly wings on a hurricane and follow the scent to Brazil.....

Seriously, this is one of the biggest questions in biology as there is no answer as to how this happens. Which is fine, but what is not fine is the limited research into how this happens and why modern text do not reference this more as there is information traveling here with no known pathway. The pathway could lead us in new directions, but no one is on the toad
What is the epigenic pathway from mental stimulation to hardwiring in sex cells in 1 generation.......................Even if genes do turn on or off, HOW does this get from mind to every cell in the human body, which carries a full copy of the DNA structure.

Just say I dunno, because no one knows, except for you, which is really comical

Again, no one has suggested it came from the mind.

Simple... different life experiences can change your epigenetics. The mouse passed on those epigenetic changes. Epigenetics affects cell creation.
Again, no one has suggested it came from the mind.

Simple... different life experiences can change your epigenetics. The mouse passed on those epigenetic changes. Epigenetics affects cell creation.

Where are memories of fear generated and stored? The mind, if it did not come from the mind what is the pathway for fear to travel across generations? Are you saying that an odor and shock go directly to sperm? if this is true then nothing about genetics is correct
The parent mouse's fear is not instinctual. It is a learned reflexive response.

The butterflies' migration pattern and wing size are much more likely determined by natural selection. A butterfly can not predict it needs a bigger wing to fly farther. Those that do not fly far enough, simply do not reproduce and pass on their small wing size or errant migration pattern.

The offspring's fear is not learned behavior.

Dude, this is over your head. The size of monarch wings vary by generation based on what part in the migration pattern they play. They certainly do predict the need for bigger wings.
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Where are memories of fear generated and stored? The mind, if it did not come from the mind what is the pathway for fear to travel across generations? Are you saying that an odor and shock go directly to sperm? if this is true then nothing about genetics is correct

You are a hopeless idiot. Again, different experiences can cause epigenetic changes that are inheritable. For the 100th time, there is no literal memory passed.
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The offspring's fear is not learned behavior.

Dude, this is over your head. The size of monarch wings vary by generation based on what part in the migration pattern they play. They certainly do predict the need for bigger wings.

Duh. Don't act stupid and move the goal posts. It started as a learned behavior in the parent.

No, you're wrong about butterflies being able to predict their offspring will need bigger wings.
You are a hopeless idiot. Again, different experiences can cause epigenetic changes that are inheritable. For the 100th time, there is no literal memory passed.

Again for the 100th time, what is the epigenic pathway from the eyes and nerve cells seeing and feeling something, to the sperm cells. All you do is blabber epigenics, you are too dumb to know that there has to be an epigenic pathway not just a word. It's OK, I win because all I ask is how and no one has any idea, including of course you.

Next idiot
Duh. Don't act stupid and move the goal posts. It started as a learned behavior in the parent.

No, you're wrong about butterflies being able to predict their offspring will need bigger wings.

I am not moving any goalposts. Here is what I originally said, idiot.

They passed down epigenetic markers. The mouse offspring does not learn to fear the smell. It's an "instinctual" response controlled by those epigenetic markets. Butterflies could easily do the same. It's not necessary that it be "learned" behavior.

I did not say that the parents behavior was not learned.

No, I am right. There are many variations based on the generation and it's place in the migration pattern including the lifespan and when they will mate.

Migrating monarchs tend to have darker orange and larger wings than they do during the breeding phase in the summer.[SUP][42]

How do the different experiences direct the sperm cells to change?????????????????????????????

Answer if you know, or admit ignorance?

I have answered a hundred times. You are just too stupid to understand.

The trauma creates an epigenetic change in the parent. The parent's genetic material is passed through sperm, of course, and the epigenetic marker was present in the sperm.
I have answered a hundred times. You are just too stupid to understand.

The trauma creates an epigenetic change in the parent. The parent's genetic material is passed through sperm, of course, and the epigenetic marker was present in the sperm.

And I keep asking you, how does a trauma that exist ONLY IN THE BRAIN travel to sperm cells. I am not saying that this does not happen, but you can not understand that you do not know what the epigenic pathway is. How are sperm aware of a smell and a shock? Answer, they are not, awareness only happens in the BRAIN, something that you are not aware enough to comprehend.

PS. What are you scared of discovering? or do some already know and you want it to stay hidden
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