Ancient ALIEN Creationism - science or new age RELIGION?

And I keep asking you, how does a trauma that exist ONLY IN THE BRAIN travel to sperm cells. I am not saying that this does not happen, but you can not understand that you do not know what the epigenic pathway is. How are sperm aware of a smell and a shock? Answer, they are not, awareness only happens in the BRAIN, something that you are not aware enough to comprehend.

The brain is not the only organ that is affected by trauma, when a stressor is experienced, like shock, a huge endocrine signaling cascade as well as sympathetic nervous system activation affects the entire body (e.g. heart races, pupils dilate, glucose is spilled from liver to aid fight/flight response). The physical effects of stress can cause many cells to change and produce various proteins that can remodel DNA structure (chromatin remodeling or methylation of certain sites of DNA that will enhance or suppress gene translation), as stress is communicated throughout the body. Sperm that is being produced for a relatively short period during and after the stress will also be altered and carry epigenetic marks, just as sperm from someone in an acute malnourished state will carry epigenetic marks (these marks will be be somewhat different across the two scenarios, and other scenarios that drive changes in protein systems that drive epigenetic processes). Methylation and chromatin remodeling simply allows greater or less access of polymermases and transcription factors to drive transcription and eventual protein production. So epigenetics is simply a way for the genome (hard wired) to adapt to environmental stressors to prepare the offspring to produce certain proteins more or less to benefit survival in current conditions. Evolution would fully support this kind of environment-induced modifications if they enhance survival of the offspring. No single "amazing" concept of nature's laws can be used as proof for divine intervention, either it is all intervention or none of it is.
And I keep asking you, how does a trauma that exist ONLY IN THE BRAIN travel to sperm cells. I am not saying that this does not happen, but you can not understand that you do not know what the epigenic pathway is. How are sperm aware of a smell and a shock? Answer, they are not, awareness only happens in the BRAIN, something that you are not aware enough to comprehend.

PS. What are you scared of discovering? or do some already know and you want it to stay hidden

Who said it only exists in the brain? The parent mouse experienced an epigenetic change which means the trauma altered the way it's genes are read.

The sperm carries genetic material from the father. This study showed that sperm carries epigenetic material as well.

You are never going to get it. Give up!
I am not moving any goalposts. Here is what I originally said, idiot.

I did not say that the parents behavior was not learned.

No, I am right. There are many variations based on the generation and it's place in the migration pattern including the lifespan and when they will mate.

Migrating monarchs tend to have darker orange and larger wings than they do during the breeding phase in the summer.[SUP][42]


Great ... you're one of those idiots that don't even read your own links. No wonder you don't post the relevant info on HERE.

" Comparisons of migratory vs. non-migratory populations shows migrant populations are much larger than non-migrants, which suggests natural selection acts to keep migratory populations large."

So your OWN link proves what I said is right ... and what you postulated was WRONG.
Great ... you're one of those idiots that don't even read your own links. No wonder you don't post the relevant info on HERE.

" Comparisons of migratory vs. non-migratory populations shows migrant populations are much larger than non-migrants, which suggests natural selection acts to keep migratory populations large."

So your OWN link proves what I said is right ... and what you postulated was WRONG.

Nice kung foo. You used your opposition's force as a weapon.
Great ... you're one of those idiots that don't even read your own links. No wonder you don't post the relevant info on HERE.

" Comparisons of migratory vs. non-migratory populations shows migrant populations are much larger than non-migrants, which suggests natural selection acts to keep migratory populations large."

So your OWN link proves what I said is right ... and what you postulated was WRONG.

Yes, migratory populations are larger. And in the migratory populations wing sizes are larger in the migratory generation.

Migrating monarchs tend to have darker orange and larger wings than they do during the breeding phase in the summer.[42]
Who said it only exists in the brain? The parent mouse experienced an epigenetic change which means the trauma altered the way it's genes are read.

The sperm carries genetic material from the father. This study showed that sperm carries epigenetic material as well.

You are never going to get it. Give up!

Thanks, I addressed this in some detail but doubt it will take.
Yes, migratory populations are larger. And in the migratory populations wing sizes are larger in the migratory generation.

Migrating monarchs tend to have darker orange and larger wings than they do during the breeding phase in the summer.[42]

You fucking smashed mouth idiot. If you had read your own link, you would know that the sentence refers to wing size not population size.

"Wing size is a key element during the migration, and much research has shown how important it is for migrants to have large wings. Comparisons of migratory vs. non-migratory populations shows migrant populations are much larger than non-migrants, which suggests natural selection acts to keep migratory populations large."

Now admit you're wrong or run away.
Who said it only exists in the brain? The parent mouse experienced an epigenetic change which means the trauma altered the way it's genes are read.

The sperm carries genetic material from the father. This study showed that sperm carries epigenetic material as well.

You are never going to get it. Give up!

Genes being read different effect the father alone, the genes in the sperm need to be physically altered. Even is the genes are read differently, there has to be a code generating what to read and what to discard, we are still waiting for you to explain this to us, or you can write the book and change science, or just pick up masterbating where you left off
Tell us about the promise of everlasting life, Pimp...
That was a good one...

Everlasting is the "force" that animates a clump of dead carbon matter and makes it alive...something science nor nature has been able to recreate .....LIFE. Science can take apart any example of biological life and examine it down to the last cell and DNA strain...what it cannot do is put it back together and re-animate it. Thus...if man is incapable of defining his own creative life force.... that life is contingent and dependent upon that superior fore..i.e, CAUSE. That force from which life sprang is by logical necessity "eternal", something that man and nature are that force preexisted both TIME and UNIVERSAL order to have caused that existence.
Everlasting is the "force" that animates a clump of dead carbon matter and makes it alive...something science nor nature has been able to recreate .....LIFE. Science can take apart any example of biological life and examine it down to the last cell and DNA strain...what it cannot do is put it back together and re-animate it. Thus...if man is incapable of defining his own creative life force.... that life is contingent and dependent upon that superior fore..i.e, CAUSE. That force from which life sprang is by logical necessity "eternal", something that man and nature are that force preexisted both TIME and UNIVERSAL order to have caused that existence.


You fucking smashed mouth idiot. If you had read your own link, you would know that the sentence refers to wing size not population size.

"Wing size is a key element during the migration, and much research has shown how important it is for migrants to have large wings. Comparisons of migratory vs. non-migratory populations shows migrant populations are much larger than non-migrants, which suggests natural selection acts to keep migratory populations large."

Now admit you're wrong or run away.

I did not mean they had a larger population moron. They are larger. They have bigger wings.

But what you are not getting, dumbass, is that the migratory generation of the migratory population has bigger wings .

Migrating monarchs tend to have darker orange and larger wings than they do during the breeding phase in the summer.[42]

If you don't want to accept the wings then look at the sexual diapause of the migrating generation. Development of their sexual organs is delayed, probably through epigenetics.

You do realize I am just specualting here about how epigentics might explain these things. Seems likely as they use epigenetics a lot and now we know that epigenetics are inheritable.
The brain is not the only organ that is affected by trauma, when a stressor is experienced, like shock, a huge endocrine signaling cascade as well as sympathetic nervous system activation affects the entire body (e.g. heart races, pupils dilate, glucose is spilled from liver to aid fight/flight response). The physical effects of stress can cause many cells to change and produce various proteins that can remodel DNA structure (chromatin remodeling or methylation of certain sites of DNA that will enhance or suppress gene translation), as stress is communicated throughout the body. Sperm that is being produced for a relatively short period during and after the stress will also be altered and carry epigenetic marks, just as sperm from someone in an acute malnourished state will carry epigenetic marks (these marks will be be somewhat different across the two scenarios, and other scenarios that drive changes in protein systems that drive epigenetic processes). Methylation and chromatin remodeling simply allows greater or less access of polymermases and transcription factors to drive transcription and eventual protein production. So epigenetics is simply a way for the genome (hard wired) to adapt to environmental stressors to prepare the offspring to produce certain proteins more or less to benefit survival in current conditions. Evolution would fully support this kind of environment-induced modifications if they enhance survival of the offspring. No single "amazing" concept of nature's laws can be used as proof for divine intervention, either it is all intervention or none of it is.

Its either ALL INTERVENTION OR NONE? Really? But that's not what is revealed in the Holy Scriptures. God created life and then commanded man to "reproduce" and populate the earth. And why can't the same lack of logic be applied do Darwinian Cultism? If...Darwin cannot prove that LIFE stems naturally from dead matter as was claimed and then EVOLVED into many different examples of biological can anything the Cult calling themselves EVOLUTIONISTS say be considered by anyone with any sense of logic and reason be credible? The truth is God created the laws of physics to control that which he created....the natural.

Real Science that can be applied to real life is not in the least in conflict with the Supernatural Creation of the Universe and Life. God creates and then allows nature to take its course as directed by God.

"So God created man in His own imagine; in the imagine of God He created him; male and female He created them; Then God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it...have domination...." -- Genesis 1:27-28.

I don't have to prove that its either ALL INTERVENTION OR NONE AT ALL....all I have to do is show you why I can't accept your unproved false premise as any kind of truth when it comes to an attempt to lecture someone on a subject you apparently know nothing about....Christianity and its Doctrine. You are the one supposedly working with REAL SCIENCE. Show us how you reached this false conclusion that God had to do more than just Create and then allow nature and the laws of physics to be applicable the way HE DESIGNED THEM. accept abiogenesis....or you accept CREATIONISM. That is a are the one that can't have their cake and eat it also. You can't prove Evolution of life from dead matter....or provide one example of anything evolving outside its own DNA signature string of species....once created. Name just one example of anything having evolved in such a method as demonstrated via the scientific method of Observed, Reproducible, evidence ..i.e., MACRO EVOLUTION between species. So your BS is moot as far as demonstrable truth is concerned...its all wishful thinking on your part...hoping one day to prove what you now espouse as truth. You know what that is called? Faith and Religion.
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Name just one example of anything having evolved in such a method as demonstrated via the scientific method of Observed, Reproducible, evidence ..i.e., MACRO EVOLUTION between species.

Here are several examples.

Example one:

Two strains of Drosophila paulistorum developed hybrid sterility of male offspring between 1958 and 1963. Artificial selection induced strong intra-strain mating preferences.
(Test for speciation: sterile offspring and lack of interbreeding affinity.)

Dobzhansky, Th., and O. Pavlovsky, 1971. "An experimentally created incipient species of Drosophila", Nature 23:289-292.

Example two:

Evidence that a species of fireweed formed by doubling of the chromosome count, from the original stock. (Note that polyploids are generally considered to be a separate "race" of the same species as the original stock, but they do meet the criteria which you suggested.)
(Test for speciation: cannot produce offspring with the original stock.)

Mosquin, T., 1967. "Evidence for autopolyploidy in Epilobium angustifolium (Onaagraceae)", Evolution 21:713-719

Example three:

Rapid speciation of the Faeroe Island house mouse, which occurred in less than 250 years after man brought the creature to the island.
(Test for speciation in this case is based on morphology. It is unlikely that forced breeding experiments have been performed with the parent stock.)

Stanley, S., 1979. Macroevolution: Pattern and Process, San Francisco, W.H. Freeman and Company. p. 41

Example four:

Formation of five new species of cichlid fishes which formed since they were isolated less than 4000 years ago from the parent stock, Lake Nagubago.
(Test for speciation in this case is by morphology and lack of natural interbreeding. These fish have complex mating rituals and different coloration. While it might be possible that different species are inter-fertile, they cannot be convinced to mate.)

Mayr, E., 1970. Populations, Species, and Evolution, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press. p. 348

The maiden voyage of migratory monarch butterflies suggests that there is either a genetic basis to the migration or an epigenetic one, because it is possible that all generations of the migratory populations – spring and summer– are capable of being migrants if exposed to the appropriate environmental stimuli. Epigenetic events triggered in migrants leading to the migratory state could involve DNA methylation or histone modification. Genetic or epigenetic mechanisms would both lead to differences in gene expression levels between migratory and summer butterflies.

A monarch brain expressed sequence tag (EST) library has been established and used as a basis for the initial transcriptional profiling comparing migratory and summer butterflies [69]. By treating migrants with a JH analog, it has been possible to isolate genes involved in oriented flight from those involved in other processes that characterize migrants, such as the regulation of reproduction and longevity; for example, by comparing gene expression differences between analog-treated migrants (orientation ‘on’, JH ‘on’) and untreated summer monarchs (orientation ‘off’, JH ‘on’). Indeed, using this approach, a suite of 40 genes was identified whose differential expression in the brain correlated with oriented flight behavior in individual migrants, independent of JH activity [18]. Further evaluation of these genes will likely provide novel insights into their individual and/or collective importance in migration. In addition, sequencing and annotation of the monarch genome will allow more extensive gene expression profiling.

The monarch genome is, in fact, currently being sequenced and annotated ( and once completed this resource will be invaluable for experiments involving resequencing the genomic material from migratory and non-migratory populations [70, 71]. The idea is that there are genomic differences at the population level that would then help narrow the search for gene expression changes between the summer and migratory states of the migratory populations.

Ultimately, it is essential to be able to alter gene expression in monarchs to evaluate the candidate genes involved in migration. Experiments using RNAi knockdown, by injecting larvae, pupae or adult monarch, have been disappointing (A. Casselman and S.M. Reppert, unpublished). A more viable approach is the application of zinc finger nucleases for targeting specific genes in the monarch genome (for review see [72–74]), as this method does not require embryonic stem cells or cloning techniques. Zinc finger nuclease technology holds great promise for not only knocking genes out but also for knocking reporter tags into specific gene loci in monarchs [75].

The maiden voyage of migratory monarch butterflies suggests that there is either a genetic basis to the migration or an epigenetic one, because it is possible that all generations of the migratory populations – spring and summer– are capable of being migrants if exposed to the appropriate environmental stimuli. Epigenetic events triggered in migrants leading to the migratory state could involve DNA methylation or histone modification. Genetic or epigenetic mechanisms would both lead to differences in gene expression levels between migratory and summer butterflies.

A monarch brain expressed sequence tag (EST) library has been established and used as a basis for the initial transcriptional profiling comparing migratory and summer butterflies [69]. By treating migrants with a JH analog, it has been possible to isolate genes involved in oriented flight from those involved in other processes that characterize migrants, such as the regulation of reproduction and longevity; for example, by comparing gene expression differences between analog-treated migrants (orientation ‘on’, JH ‘on’) and untreated summer monarchs (orientation ‘off’, JH ‘on’). Indeed, using this approach, a suite of 40 genes was identified whose differential expression in the brain correlated with oriented flight behavior in individual migrants, independent of JH activity [18]. Further evaluation of these genes will likely provide novel insights into their individual and/or collective importance in migration. In addition, sequencing and annotation of the monarch genome will allow more extensive gene expression profiling.

The monarch genome is, in fact, currently being sequenced and annotated ( and once completed this resource will be invaluable for experiments involving resequencing the genomic material from migratory and non-migratory populations [70, 71]. The idea is that there are genomic differences at the population level that would then help narrow the search for gene expression changes between the summer and migratory states of the migratory populations.

Ultimately, it is essential to be able to alter gene expression in monarchs to evaluate the candidate genes involved in migration. Experiments using RNAi knockdown, by injecting larvae, pupae or adult monarch, have been disappointing (A. Casselman and S.M. Reppert, unpublished). A more viable approach is the application of zinc finger nucleases for targeting specific genes in the monarch genome (for review see [72–74]), as this method does not require embryonic stem cells or cloning techniques. Zinc finger nuclease technology holds great promise for not only knocking genes out but also for knocking reporter tags into specific gene loci in monarchs [75].

Too scared to discuss how a fear of electrocution can be transmitted into sperm in one generation huh, so you babble about butterflies
Genes being read different effect the father alone, the genes in the sperm need to be physically altered.

The sequence does not need to be altered. The epigenetic marker that was passed and observed in the sperm is what did it.

Even is the genes are read differently, there has to be a code generating what to read and what to discard, we are still waiting for you to explain this to us, or you can write the book and change science, or just pick up masterbating where you left off

I have explained to you several times that methylation and other epigentic mechanicsms can effect how genes are read.

DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism that occurs by the addition of a methyl (CH3) group to DNA, thereby often modifying the function of the genes. The most widely characterized DNA methylation process is the covalent addition of the methyl group at the 5-carbon of the cytosine ring resulting in 5-methylcytosine (5-mC), also informally known as the “fifth base” of DNA. These methyl groups project into the major groove of DNA and inhibit transcription.

You are too stupid to get it. I am done.

The maiden voyage of migratory monarch butterflies suggests that there is either a genetic basis to the migration or an epigenetic one, because it is possible that all generations of the migratory populations – spring and summer– are capable of being migrants if exposed to the appropriate environmental stimuli. Epigenetic events triggered in migrants leading to the migratory state could involve DNA methylation or histone modification. Genetic or epigenetic mechanisms would both lead to differences in gene expression levels between migratory and summer butterflies.

A monarch brain expressed sequence tag (EST) library has been established and used as a basis for the initial transcriptional profiling comparing migratory and summer butterflies [69]. By treating migrants with a JH analog, it has been possible to isolate genes involved in oriented flight from those involved in other processes that characterize migrants, such as the regulation of reproduction and longevity; for example, by comparing gene expression differences between analog-treated migrants (orientation ‘on’, JH ‘on’) and untreated summer monarchs (orientation ‘off’, JH ‘on’). Indeed, using this approach, a suite of 40 genes was identified whose differential expression in the brain correlated with oriented flight behavior in individual migrants, independent of JH activity [18]. Further evaluation of these genes will likely provide novel insights into their individual and/or collective importance in migration. In addition, sequencing and annotation of the monarch genome will allow more extensive gene expression profiling.

The monarch genome is, in fact, currently being sequenced and annotated ( and once completed this resource will be invaluable for experiments involving resequencing the genomic material from migratory and non-migratory populations [70, 71]. The idea is that there are genomic differences at the population level that would then help narrow the search for gene expression changes between the summer and migratory states of the migratory populations.

Ultimately, it is essential to be able to alter gene expression in monarchs to evaluate the candidate genes involved in migration. Experiments using RNAi knockdown, by injecting larvae, pupae or adult monarch, have been disappointing (A. Casselman and S.M. Reppert, unpublished). A more viable approach is the application of zinc finger nucleases for targeting specific genes in the monarch genome (for review see [72–74]), as this method does not require embryonic stem cells or cloning techniques. Zinc finger nuclease technology holds great promise for not only knocking genes out but also for knocking reporter tags into specific gene loci in monarchs [75].

God's creation is truly awesome......
The sequence does not need to be altered. The epigenetic marker that was passed and observed in the sperm is what did it.

I have explained to you several times that methylation and other epigentic mechanicsms can effect how genes are read.

DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism that occurs by the addition of a methyl (CH3) group to DNA, thereby often modifying the function of the genes. The most widely characterized DNA methylation process is the covalent addition of the methyl group at the 5-carbon of the cytosine ring resulting in 5-methylcytosine (5-mC), also informally known as the “fifth base” of DNA. These methyl groups project into the major groove of DNA and inhibit transcription.

You are too stupid to get it. I am done.

How does an epigenic marker get into sperm????????????????????????

LOL you are clueless, and scared of something as well.