Ancient ALIEN Creationism - science or new age RELIGION?

That's not a part of any work he published, dumbass. He did not set forth his theory of evolution through letters to friends. LOL

Look kid, the theory of evolution and abiogenesis began with Charles Darwin. You are clearly either being deliberately dense or you are retarded. There are no other choices................................

If you have medication take it..................please
sigh......its a waste of time trying to have a legitimate conversation with shit like asked me for a goalpost that will not change.....I gave you a goalpost that will not've been running ever since......fuck yourself and run away, but don't pretend you're a legitimate debater ever again......

The odd thing to me is that this clown almost seems intelligent, but then he gets literally everything backwards. I feel there is mental illness here, because one can be brilliant and completely mentally ill..........................
The odd thing to me is that this clown almost seems intelligent, but then he gets literally everything backwards. I feel there is mental illness here, because one can be brilliant and completely mentally ill..........................

nothing more complicated than a guy who hates losing an argument.......when he sees no chance to win he dodges every question......
did you notice that in what you quoted I mentioned that you did not explain how metamorphosis evolved? fucked up, now you're fucking up again.......just give it up before you end up looking even more stupid than you already do.....

I noticed that you asked about whether the species was evolving between larval and adult stages.

So we now understand metamorphosis....not about how it evolved in butterlies.....was it a flying creature that better survived by becoming a caterpillar (but didn't make it all the way to surviving better), so reproduced as a flying creature again?....

A caterpillar is not the name of a species. It is the larval stage of moths and butterfies. Your question reveals that you are still conflating metamorphosis and evolution. You have serious reading comprehension problems.
sigh......its a waste of time trying to have a legitimate conversation with shit like asked me for a goalpost that will not change.....I gave you a goalpost that will not've been running ever since......fuck yourself and run away, but don't pretend you're a legitimate debater ever again......

You never try to have a legitimate conversation, troll. You are a shitposter and all you have done here is try to change the subject, coward.

The discussion was about the claims of Ralph and other creationists that evolution is limited to "microevolution" or "horizontal evolution." You are too much of a chicken to give a consistent definition of that so you have just been giving us a display of how quickly you can move your goalposts. I am not impressed.
The odd thing to me is that this clown almost seems intelligent, but then he gets literally everything backwards. I feel there is mental illness here, because one can be brilliant and completely mentally ill..........................

You don't seem intelligent at all to me. I posted the abstract of that paper and you proceeded to contradict it's claims point by point. Then there is your continued insistence that the "memory" analogy is a literal part of this. It's clear you have low reading comprehension abilities like the dumbass PiMPle.
nothing more complicated than a guy who hates losing an argument.......when he sees no chance to win he dodges every question......

The debate was about how evolution is limited to "horizontal evolution" or "microevolution" and you have been trying to change the subject like a coward rather than give us a definition of the terms.
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I noticed that you asked about whether the species was evolving between larval and adult stages.

A caterpillar is not the name of a species. It is the larval stage of moths and butterfies. Your question reveals that you are still conflating metamorphosis and evolution. You have serious reading comprehension problems.

Relive your past failure instead of answering questions.....obviously a liberal.....are you embarrassed that you devoted so much arguing against your own faulty assumptions?.....
You never try to have a legitimate conversation, troll. You are a shitposter and all you have done here is try to change the subject, coward.

The discussion was about the claims of Ralph and other creationists that evolution is limited to "microevolution" or "horizontal evolution." You are too much of a chicken to give a consistent definition of that so you have just been giving us a display of how quickly you can move your goalposts. I am not impressed.

Dumbfuck won't discuss the definition I handed him.....can't handle having an unmovable goalpost.....what a dimwit.....if you ever growing a pair of balls to go with that tiny Internet dick, feel free to provide your "proof"......
The debate was about how evolution is limited to "horizontal evolution" or "microevolution" and you have been trying to change the subject like a coward rather than give us a definition of the terms.

So when you asked me to define macroevolution it was because the conversation was limited to microevolution?.....are even your fellow liberals stupid enough to buy that?....
You don't seem intelligent at all to me. I posted the abstract of that paper and you proceeded to contradict it's claims point by point. Then there is your continued insistence that the "memory" analogy is a literal part of this. It's clear you have low reading comprehension abilities like the dumbass PiMPle.

Copy and paste is a three year olds ability kid....................Try thinking clearly on your own, if you can
So when you asked me to define macroevolution it was because the conversation was limited to microevolution?.....are even your fellow liberals stupid enough to buy that?....

Learn to read, moron.

The debate was about how evolution is limited to "horizontal evolution" or "microevolution" and you have been trying to change the subject like a coward rather than give us a definition of the terms.
Learn to read, moron.

The debate was about how evolution is limited to "horizontal evolution" or "microevolution" and you have been trying to change the subject like a coward rather than give us a definition of the terms.

Where do you get off believing that other people have to agree with your lame ideas or participate in a debate about exactly what interest you
Where do you get off believing that other people have to agree with your lame ideas or participate in a debate about exactly what interest you

Douchenozzle, Ralph was the one that brought up the subject. Of course, I don't expect any of you cowards to actually take a stand.
Now that we know a mouse can pass down information about a scent it seems trivial to understand how an insect as adept at epigenetic change as the monarch might pass down information needed for its migration patterns. It becomes easy to explain how they even direct morphological changes to specific generations. They can probably use temperature to direct the epigenetic markers that tells each generation how big its wings need to be and by controlling reactions to scent and other stimulus they can probably tell them where to fly.

Nifty idea, but most of that information can NOT be "learned". The mice passed down what they were taught.
Nifty idea, but most of that information can NOT be "learned". The mice passed down what they were taught.

They passed down epigenetic markers. The mouse offspring does not learn to fear the smell. It's an "instinctual" response controlled by those epigenetic markets. Butterflies could easily do the same. It's not necessary that it be "learned" behavior.
They passed down epigenetic markers. The mouse offspring does not learn to fear the smell. It's an "instinctual" response controlled by those epigenetic markets. Butterflies could easily do the same. It's not necessary that it be "learned" behavior.

There are epigenic markers in monarch DNA for migration patterns? That would entail an Earth map......................So that is not happening. The fact is that no one knows how this is happening, and no one is even seriously looking at it, because this will rewrite every textbook as it proves we do not understand what DNA is, and that being said since we are forged out of DNA we can not know what we are. The answer is very machine like, even using electricity to power our CPU, the human brain, that creates other CPU's also needing electricity