Ancient ALIEN Creationism - science or new age RELIGION?

Since at one point the mouse was nothing more than a zygote all the info came from that and modern science neither has a clue how this happens or any idea how to look for sperm changes in an individual resulting from bad experiences. In fact evolutionary theory dictates that changes in DNA are random and that they occur over long periods of time. This experiment blows that out of the water as this change happens in one generation, even though the change is not permanent................

They have witnessed the sperm change, idiot. They knew that the cherry blossoms would affect the gene Olfr151. You clearly don't understand the study or what it showed.

Using olfactory molecular specificity, we examined the inheritance of parental traumatic exposure, a phenomenon that has been frequently observed, but not understood. We subjected F0 mice to odor fear conditioning before conception and found that subsequently conceived F1 and F2 generations had an increased behavioral sensitivity to the F0-conditioned odor, but not to other odors. When an odor (acetophenone) that activates a known odorant receptor (Olfr151) was used to condition F0 mice, the behavioral sensitivity of the F1 and F2 generations to acetophenone was complemented by an enhanced neuroanatomical representation of the Olfr151 pathway. Bisulfite sequencing of sperm DNA from conditioned F0 males and F1 naive offspring revealed CpG hypomethylation in the Olfr151 gene. In addition, in vitro fertilization, F2 inheritance and cross-fostering revealed that these transgenerational effects are inherited via parental gametes. Our findings provide a framework for addressing how environmental information may be inherited transgenerationally at behavioral, neuroanatomical and epigenetic levels.
The belief that Aliens created mankind through genetic manipulation has become very popular in the atheist religion. Many millenials are in awe that they have discovered this new 'truth". (though it's a 50 year old idea).

So why did the ancient aliens use 1970's space technology? The proof from Daniken and Giorgio Tsuckadickolous involves fire emitting rockets, bulky space suits, and landing strips for space shuttles or winged space ships. As well as giant pyramids to navigate, because apparently the aliens could find our planet out of billions, but yet were incapable of local navigation without giant stone monuments.

Many are so invested in this belief that it has taken on a religious quality for them as a creation story.


That sounds far less crazy than the belief that 'God' did it and sent his son to earth to tell everybody he did it.

Religion is BELIEF .. facts not required.
Let's start with this and you can extrapolate from there ...

What percentage of Americans believe in UFOS?
A past poll by the same group, in 2013, found that 50 percent of Americans thought that extraterrestrial life exists, while only 38 percent said that intelligent life exists. However, a 2012 survey by National Geographic found that 77 percent of Americans think that aliens have visited Earth.Sep 29, 2015

What is there to "extrapolate"? consensus establishes facts of Science, a consensus is nothing but a philosophy. 99% of everyone on earth could believe in little green men but that consensus does not make it true void of establishing prima facie evidence beyond the reason of any sane person to doubt other wise. Its easy to establish doubt to Alien life ever having visited earth at any time....the number one doubt is the application of the Scientific Method. If something can't be quantified to produce truth through either actual observance and reproducible experimentation or through the measurement of POTENTIAL of that which can't be observed.....there is no fact of science possible. one can see Gravity....but its potential is very quantifiable...the same for wind, no one can observe the wind but its power and potential are very obvious and quantifiable......the same for atomic power, simply because men never knew of its potential....did that mean that atomic power did not exist in any other form other than solar energy? Of course not....the technology finally demonstrated the hidden power and potential of the atom. Until such time as Science and Physics can demonstrate the reality of inner galaxy space travel or alternate dimensional travel.....its all nothing but a type of philosophy based upon conjecture, speculation, and science fiction.
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Using olfactory molecular specificity, we examined the inheritance of parental traumatic exposure, a phenomenon that has been frequently observed, but not understood. We subjected F0 mice to odor fear conditioning before conception and found that subsequently conceived F1 and F2 generations had an increased behavioral sensitivity to the F0-conditioned odor, but not to other odors. When an odor (acetophenone) that activates a known odorant receptor (Olfr151) was used to condition F0 mice, the behavioral sensitivity of the F1 and F2 generations to acetophenone was complemented by an enhanced neuroanatomical representation of the Olfr151 pathway. Bisulfite sequencing of sperm DNA from conditioned F0 males and F1 naive offspring revealed CpG hypomethylation in the Olfr151 gene. In addition, in vitro fertilization, F2 inheritance and cross-fostering revealed that these transgenerational effects are inherited via parental gametes. Our findings provide a framework for addressing how environmental information may be inherited transgenerationally at behavioral, neuroanatomical and epigenetic levels.

I will translate more slowly

Using olfactory molecular specificity, we examined the inheritance of parental traumatic exposure, a phenomenon that has been frequently observed, but not understood.

Based on what is known about molecular responses in mice to smells, they examined the inheritance of parental traumatic exposure, a phenomenon that has been frequently observed, but not understood.

We subjected F0 mice to odor fear conditioning before conception and found that subsequently conceived F1 and F2 generations had an increased behavioral sensitivity to the F0-conditioned odor, but not to other odors.

They tortured some mice and conditioned them to fear an odor. They found that two generations of their offspring showed behavioral sensitivity to the odor.

When an odor (acetophenone) that activates a known odorant receptor (Olfr151)

They knew the odor would effect the odorant receptor controlled by gene Olfr151.

the behavioral sensitivity of the F1 and F2 generations to acetophenone was complemented by an enhanced neuroanatomical representation of the Olfr151 pathway

Two generations showed behavioral sensitivity complemented by nervous system changes that affected their sense of smell.

Bisulfite sequencing of sperm DNA from conditioned F0 males and F1 naive offspring revealed CpG hypomethylation in the Olfr151 gene.

They ran a DNA test on the sperm and found some changes in the gene Olfr151.

In addition, in vitro fertilization, F2 inheritance and cross-fostering revealed that these transgenerational effects are inherited via parental gametes.

They eliminated any chance that it was passed down through nurture by separating the offspring from the parent in different ways.
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What is there to "extrapolate"? consensus establishes facts of Science, a consensus is nothing but a philosophy. 99% of everyone on earth could believe in little green men but that consensus does not make it true void of establishing prima facie evidence beyond the reason of any sane person to doubt other wise. Its easy to establish doubt to Alien life ever having visited earth at any time....the number one doubt is the application of the Scientific Method. If something can't be quantified to produce truth through either actual observance and reproducible experimentation or through the measurement of POTENTIAL of that which can't be observed.....there is no fact of science possible. one can see Gravity....but its potential is very quantifiable...the same for wind, no one can observe the wind but its power and potential are very obvious and quantifiable......the same for atomic power, simply because men never knew of its potential....did that mean that atomic power did not exist in any other form other than solar energy? Of course not....the technology finally demonstrated the hidden power and potential of the atom.

I was responding to a question about the amount of millenials Believing in ancient alien theory. I left it up to the questioner (Dick) to determine the age of the survey respondents ... or extrapolate ages by other means.
They have witnessed the sperm change, idiot. They knew that the cherry blossoms would affect the gene Olfr151. You clearly don't understand the study or what it showed.

Using olfactory molecular specificity, we examined the inheritance of parental traumatic exposure, a phenomenon that has been frequently observed, but not understood. We subjected F0 mice to odor fear conditioning before conception and found that subsequently conceived F1 and F2 generations had an increased behavioral sensitivity to the F0-conditioned odor, but not to other odors. When an odor (acetophenone) that activates a known odorant receptor (Olfr151) was used to condition F0 mice, the behavioral sensitivity of the F1 and F2 generations to acetophenone was complemented by an enhanced neuroanatomical representation of the Olfr151 pathway. Bisulfite sequencing of sperm DNA from conditioned F0 males and F1 naive offspring revealed CpG hypomethylation in the Olfr151 gene. In addition, in vitro fertilization, F2 inheritance and cross-fostering revealed that these transgenerational effects are inherited via parental gametes. Our findings provide a framework for addressing how environmental information may be inherited transgenerationally at behavioral, neuroanatomical and epigenetic levels.

Even if they did witness a sperm change, this change was caused by a life experience, and not by random variation. If what you are saying is true, then all of Darwinistic evolutionary theory goes out the window. Look moron, they could do this same experiment with any smell, say the smell of solid rocket fuel. Do mice have a gene for the smell of solid rocket fuel? No they do not, thus your babbles have no meaning. So even if sperm are changed by a fearful experience in a mouse, there is still no known mechanism for this to happen, this is like rewriting the pages in a book after it is written. I am not saying that it is not happening, but I might add that if DNA is changed then this change would be permanent, not just lasting for several generations. You are clearly ignorant of how traits are passed

PS. I have never lost an argument, and in fact I am not arguing here, you are, I am just asking a question that can not be answered at present, and you are trying to prove my question invalid, and failing, like always.
I will translate more slowly

Based on what is known about molecular responses in mice to smells, they examined the inheritance of parental traumatic exposure, a phenomenon that has been frequently observed, but not understood.

They tortured some mice and conditioned them to fear an odor. They found that two generations of their offspring showed behavioral sensitivity to the odor.

They knew the odor would effect the odorant receptor controlled by gene Olfr151.

Two generations showed behavioral sensitivity complemented by nervous system changes that affected their sense of smell.

They ran a DNA test on the sperm and found some changes in the gene Olfr151.

They eliminated any chance that it was passed down through nurture by separating the offspring from the parent in different ways.

I listened to a podcast on this two days ago. All your science sounds like a satanic magical incantation to a Trump supporter.
I was responding to a question about the amount of millenials Believing in ancient alien theory. I left it up to the questioner (Dick) to determine the age of the survey respondents ... or extrapolate ages by other means.

Pragmatist, my ass. You're a dumbshitmatist
Even if they did witness a sperm change, this change was caused by a life experience, and not by random variation. If what you are saying is true, then all of Darwinistic evolutionary theory goes out the window. Look moron, they could do this same experiment with any smell, say the smell of solid rocket fuel. Do mice have a gene for the smell of solid rocket fuel? No they do not, thus your babbles have no meaning. So even if sperm are changed by a fearful experience in a mouse, there is still no known mechanism for this to happen, this is like rewriting the pages in a book after it is written. I am not saying that it is not happening, but I might add that if DNA is changed then this change would be permanent, not just lasting for several generations. You are clearly ignorant of how traits are passed

PS. I have never lost an argument, and in fact I am not arguing here, you are, I am just asking a question that can not be answered at present, and you are trying to prove my question invalid, and failing, like always.

Yes, it was caused by a life experience.

No, it does not go out the window. They only showed a change to two generations and this does not explain genetic variation at all.

I have no clue if mice have a gene for a rocket fuel. I do know the abstract said there was a gene olfr151 for the smell of acetophenone (found in cherry blossoms).

The possible mechanisms have been explained to you over and over again, but this is clearly over your head.
Yes, it was caused by a life experience.

No, it does not go out the window. They only showed a change to two generations and this does not explain genetic variation at all.

I have no clue if mice have a gene for a rocket fuel. I do know the abstract said there was a gene olfr151 for the smell of acetophenone (found in cherry blossoms).

The possible mechanisms have been explained to you over and over again, but this is clearly over your head.

How is a gene that is the smell of cherry blossoms first created in a mouse, and then identified by humans?

You are fake news and are not attending White house press briefings, stomp up and down all you want.


by Aaron Kase

on February 20, 2015

Do you have a fear of spiders? Maybe snakes? It could be your ancestors trying to tell you something. Recent studies have provided evidence that memories of fear are one of many things our forebearers pass down to us through our DNA.

A 2013 study from Emory University found that mice trained to fear a specific odor would pass their emotions on to their offspring and future generations. Scientists applied electric shocks to mice as they exposed them to the smell of cherry blossoms. The mice then bred, and both the children and grandchildren of the affected rodents demonstrated a fear of cherry blossoms the first time they smelled them.

“Our results allow us to appreciate how the experiences of a parent, before even conceiving offspring, markedly influence both structure and function in the nervous system of subsequent generations,” Dr. Brian Dias of the Emory University department of psychiatry said to the Daily Telegraph. “Such a phenomenon may contribute to the etiology and potential intergenerational transmission of risk for neuropsychiatric disorders such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.”

The study went beyond just observing a fear reaction. Scientists actually looked at the brains of the animals and found physical changes in the areas that process odors, and also found a marker on the odor gene of the mouse DNA.

The experiment worked even when the researchers used artificial insemination in place of allowing the mice to breed naturally. The scientists still aren’t sure how the fear imprint makes it into the sperm — whether the smell itself passes through the blood, or the brain processes the odor and sends its own signal.
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How is a gene that is the smell of cherry blossoms first created in a mouse, and then identified by humans?

You are fake news and are not attending White house press briefings, stomp up and down all you want.

Olfactory receptors (ORs), also known as odorant receptors, are expressed in the cell membranes of olfactory receptor neurons and are responsible for the detection of odorants (i.e., compounds that have an odor) which give rise to the sense of smell. Activated olfactory receptors trigger nerve impulses which transmit information about odor to the brain. These receptors are members of the class A rhodopsin-like family of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).[1][2] The olfactory receptors form a multigene family consisting of around 800 genes in humans and 1400 genes in mice.[3]

Olfactory receptors (ORs), also known as odorant receptors, are expressed in the cell membranes of olfactory receptor neurons and are responsible for the detection of odorants (i.e., compounds that have an odor) which give rise to the sense of smell. Activated olfactory receptors trigger nerve impulses which transmit information about odor to the brain. These receptors are members of the class A rhodopsin-like family of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).[1][2] The olfactory receptors form a multigene family consisting of around 800 genes in humans and 1400 genes in mice.[3]

Which does not even come near the topic of how fear can be transmitted thru DNA...........................

The experiment worked even when the researchers used artificial insemination in place of allowing the mice to breed naturally. The scientists still aren’t sure how the fear imprint makes it into the sperm — whether the smell itself passes through the blood, or the brain processes the odor and sends its own signal.

Can you read that, no one knows how a fear is passed to offspring. But since you can repost nonsense that Alfalfa posted on Wiki well you clearly are the head little rascal now
Which does not even come near the topic of how fear can be transmitted thru DNA...........................

The experiment worked even when the researchers used artificial insemination in place of allowing the mice to breed naturally. The scientists still aren’t sure how the fear imprint makes it into the sperm — whether the smell itself passes through the blood, or the brain processes the odor and sends its own signal.

Can you read that, no one knows how a fear is passed to offspring. But since you can repost nonsense that Alfalfa posted on Wiki well you clearly are the head little rascal now

Smell passes through the blood? WTF?

The gene that controls the mouses perception of this smell was modified in the sperm.
Smell passes through the blood? WTF?

The gene that controls the mouses perception of this smell was modified in the sperm.

No one knows, and in fact AS I SAID no one has a real clue, this is the problem. DNA is NOT understood, if it were there would be no disease and we would never die.

Again read

A 2013 study from Emory University found that mice trained to fear a specific odor would pass their emotions on to their offspring and future generations. Scientists applied electric shocks to mice as they exposed them to the smell of cherry blossoms. The mice then bred, and both the children and grandchildren of the affected rodents demonstrated a fear of cherry blossoms the first time they smelled them.

“Our results allow us to appreciate how the experiences of a parent, before even conceiving offspring, markedly influence both structure and function in the nervous system of subsequent generations,” Dr. Brian Dias of the Emory University department of psychiatry said to the Daily Telegraph. “Such a phenomenon may contribute to the etiology and potential intergenerational transmission of risk for neuropsychiatric disorders such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.”

The study went beyond just observing a fear reaction. Scientists actually looked at the brains of the animals and found physical changes in the areas that process odors, and also found a marker on the odor gene of the mouse DNA.

The experiment worked even when the researchers used artificial insemination in place of allowing the mice to breed naturally. The scientists still aren’t sure how the fear imprint makes it into the sperm — whether the smell itself passes through the blood, or the brain processes the odor and sends its own signal.

Give up wear purple and a Hillary mask, just don't scare any little kids
No one knows, and in fact AS I SAID no one has a real clue, this is the problem. DNA is NOT understood, if it were there would be no disease and we would never die.

Again read

A 2013 study from Emory University found that mice trained to fear a specific odor would pass their emotions on to their offspring and future generations. Scientists applied electric shocks to mice as they exposed them to the smell of cherry blossoms. The mice then bred, and both the children and grandchildren of the affected rodents demonstrated a fear of cherry blossoms the first time they smelled them.

“Our results allow us to appreciate how the experiences of a parent, before even conceiving offspring, markedly influence both structure and function in the nervous system of subsequent generations,” Dr. Brian Dias of the Emory University department of psychiatry said to the Daily Telegraph. “Such a phenomenon may contribute to the etiology and potential intergenerational transmission of risk for neuropsychiatric disorders such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.”

The study went beyond just observing a fear reaction. Scientists actually looked at the brains of the animals and found physical changes in the areas that process odors, and also found a marker on the odor gene of the mouse DNA.

The experiment worked even when the researchers used artificial insemination in place of allowing the mice to breed naturally. The scientists still aren’t sure how the fear imprint makes it into the sperm — whether the smell itself passes through the blood, or the brain processes the odor and sends its own signal.

They do have a clue. Your own article states that.
They do have a clue. Your own article states that.

Wrong, we and they are certain that it happens, but there is nothing in the scientific database that allows for life experiences or memories to become written into DNA code. In fact DNA code is believed to be set in stone once fertilization of an egg takes place. All changes are believed to be the result of random mutation and mixing. These changes are however set at the moment of fertilization and are passed on to the next generation at the next fertilization. You are confusing knowing that something happens, with knowing how it happens. For example for 2 to 6 million years depending upon ones anthropological view, humans knew that the sun would rise in the morning, but did not know why or how or what a planet or star were. This is no different, the answer may rewrite many texts, as it is now known that major change can happen in one generation without any random variation. See this change is not random, but direct and purposeful, with the clear intention to help the future generation. This actually indicates that the mind effects reproduction on a cellular level.

You need to give up and wear that purple

Well, it's pretty amazing that life experience can change a heritable trait.

So evolution may not be dependent on random mutation only. That's pretty cool.
Wrong, we and they are certain that it happens, but there is nothing in the scientific database that allows for life experiences or memories to become written into DNA code. In fact DNA code is believed to be set in stone once fertilization of an egg takes place. All changes are believed to be the result of random mutation and mixing. These changes are however set at the moment of fertilization and are passed on to the next generation at the next fertilization. You are confusing knowing that something happens, with knowing how it happens. For example for 2 to 6 million years depending upon ones anthropological view, humans knew that the sun would rise in the morning, but did not know why or how or what a planet or star were. This is no different, the answer may rewrite many texts, as it is now known that major change can happen in one generation without any random variation. See this change is not random, but direct and purposeful, with the clear intention to help the future generation. This actually indicates that the mind effects reproduction on a cellular level.

You need to give up and wear that purple

Again, the means is believed to be an epigenetic mechanism.

It is not written into DNA code. Epigenetics are believed to effect how genes are expressed.

You have been completely off base about this study from the start and originally claimed it supports reincarnation.
Well, it's pretty amazing that life experience can change a heritable trait.

So evolution may not be dependent on random mutation only. That's pretty cool.

It is. But they have not shown a lasting effect and it does not change the dna sequence (i.e., no mutation).