Announcment about my new name for liberals

Hello Do Si Dos,

The past few days have been disgusting. I understand hating a president, but the leftists on JPP literally hate this country.

Oh, BS. I love this country and I love her people. This is my country and I fly our flag very proudly. I find it very bothersome to see it disrespectfully dragged around in the dirt on the back of a pick up truck.

You hate our institutions, you hate our values.

Ridiculous. You can't speak for me. You are entitled to your own view. That's all.

Because of you, we've become pussies in the middle easts eyes and have completely lost the ability to deter them all due to your policy of appeasement.

Hogwash. The Middle East thinks we cannot be trusted because we made a deal and Trump reneged on it. He trashed our credibility.

That is until, donald trump. Your trump derangement syndrome is so bad, you want to side with a terrorist supporting nation. Your eager to do so.

Totally BS. Has nothing to do with anything I have said. ZERO.

I will no longer call you leftists or liberals or democrats. I will be calling all of you America Haters from now on, perhaps AH for shorthand.

thank you.

Try forgetting about stereotyping and treating people as individuals.

All conservatives are not alike so what in the world makes you think all liberals are alike?
The past few days have been disgusting. I understand hating a president, but the leftists on JPP literally hate this country. You hate our institutions, you hate our values. Because of you, we've become pussies in the middle easts eyes and have completely lost the ability to deter them all due to your policy of appeasement. That is until, donald trump. Your trump derangement syndrome is so bad, you want to side with a terrorist supporting nation. Your eager to do so.

I will no longer call you leftists or liberals or democrats. I will be calling all of you America Haters from now on, perhaps AH for shorthand.

thank you.


I believe it was their ambassador who said that. It just recently hit the news.

So, who's side are you on? America or Iran? Ain't no in the middle, Jack.

You know I support 'Freedom, Liberty, and the American Way'. Why do you support Middle Eastern religions, ... and will you return to Bethlehem and live there?
You know I support 'Freedom, Liberty, and the American Way'. Why do you support Middle Eastern religions, ... and will you return to Bethlehem and live there?

Why did religion infiltrate this conversation? Why would I chose to live in Bethlehem?
The past few days have been disgusting. I understand hating a president, but the leftists on JPP literally hate this country. You hate our institutions, you hate our values. Because of you, we've become pussies in the middle easts eyes and have completely lost the ability to deter them all due to your policy of appeasement. That is until, donald trump. Your trump derangement syndrome is so bad, you want to side with a terrorist supporting nation. Your eager to do so.

I will no longer call you leftists or liberals or democrats. I will be calling all of you America Haters from now on, perhaps AH for shorthand.

thank you.

Oh NO!!

How WILL I go on?!?!?!
Why did religion infiltrate this conversation? Why would I chose to live in Bethlehem?

You asked 'Who's side I was on'.
I asked you the same thing.
(You've given the impression that you are a Religious Fanatic that supports one of the Middle Eastern Religions)
There was a country where the leaders did terrible shit including murdering millions of their own citizens because of their religion.
They committed thousands of war crimes.
They killed millions of civilians in other lands.
Citizens who spoke up were murdered.
Their neighbors were okay with it, those bad citizens hated the Fatherland because they didn't support the Fuhrer and the Wehrmacht. They deserved death.
Smells like some want America to be just like that country.
The past few days have been disgusting. I understand hating a president, but the leftists on JPP literally hate this country. You hate our institutions, you hate our values. Because of you, we've become pussies in the middle easts eyes and have completely lost the ability to deter them all due to your policy of appeasement. That is until, donald trump. Your trump derangement syndrome is so bad, you want to side with a terrorist supporting nation. Your eager to do so.

I will no longer call you leftists or liberals or democrats. I will be calling all of you America Haters from now on, perhaps AH for shorthand.

thank you.

When are you going to get a brain.
Try looking at the BIG PICTURE.

With the Deal,
1. Iran WASN'T developing nuclear weapons.
2. Iran and the US were BOTH fighting ISIS.

Now, it's just the opposite.

So, Iran was going to just stop developing its nuclear weapons program the same way NK agreed to stop, 20 years ago?
You asked 'Who's side I was on'.
I asked you the same thing.
(You've given the impression that you are a Religious Fanatic that supports one of the Middle Eastern Religions)

You never asked, you just played silly word games and made assumptions.

I gave no "impression" of religion whatsoever. It was never advocated.
i think democrats honestly want these countries to develop nuclear weapons in the hopes that it makes america weaker in the world. It fits their m.o. perfectly, they would be taking down the privileged america. they hate hierachies. They hate america, as they are america haters
The past few days have been disgusting. I understand hating a president, but the leftists on JPP literally hate this country. You hate our institutions, you hate our values. Because of you, we've become pussies in the middle easts eyes and have completely lost the ability to deter them all due to your policy of appeasement. That is until, donald trump. Your trump derangement syndrome is so bad, you want to side with a terrorist supporting nation. Your eager to do so.

I will no longer call you leftists or liberals or democrats. I will be calling all of you America Haters from now on, perhaps AH for shorthand.

thank you.

Most people, including the UK, France, Germany, China, and Russia, thought the Nuke Deal with Iran was a Good Idea.

WRONG; most leftists from those countries had that stupid belief.

NOW, because of Idiot Boy,

Buy a mirror JackOFF.

...we have turned Iraq against us, a Country that we spent billions on and lost thousands of Americans over in Liberating it.

Wrong; thanks to Iranian loving Shiites who will once again vote for their own enslavement.

Iran is now gung-ho back into nuclear weapons development.

It never stopped you naive, uneducated dunce.

No one has a problem with killing General Soleimani, he has American Blood on his hands.

Apparently you, the Phony media, the left and the Democratic Party of the Jackass feel that Trump is the problem. Yes, you all really are that boorish and stupid.
i think democrats honestly want these countries to develop nuclear weapons in the hopes that it makes america weaker in the world. It fits their m.o. perfectly, they would be taking down the privileged america. they hate hierachies. They hate america, as they are america haters

I agree. :thumbsup:
i think democrats honestly want these countries to develop nuclear weapons in the hopes that it makes america weaker in the world. It fits their m.o. perfectly, they would be taking down the privileged america. they hate hierachies. They hate america, as they are america haters


Feel any better?