Announcment about my new name for liberals

It's interesting that NONE of you liberal lunatics have addressed the topic that was presented in the opening post of this thread. This is further proof that you really ARE brainless, brainwashed and totally lacking of ANY intellect. It must be horrific to be THAT dumb. Just dreadful.

The opening post is from a stoned out burn out,vaping to much Indica!
When was the last time you had an undrugged thought.

I know you like to joke around about my cannabis consumption, but the fact of the matter is, yes, I really believe this stuff. I'm not trolling. I hate america haters, I geniunely believe democrats are evil, and truly do not like this country. I have posted a poll about this already. Even under obama liberals could barely get themselves over 50%, and republicans were in the 80s for how much they love america. So litearlly when everything is going at the absolute best for liberals, you can only begrudgingly tolerate america.

To an american hating liberal, canada is better, all of europe is better, but they never leave and go to these countries. You dishonor your own heritage. Americans are decedents of trailblazers and risk takers. We ventured out into the great unknown, and moved to greener pastures. We moved from europe to backward boonie colonies, and forged a new dynasty. And then we moved west and did it again.

So what is the reason liberals have all these awesome, socialist countries all over the world that they like so much better than america, where healthcare is plentiful and quality of life is so much more progressive, but liberals continue to stay in america crying like little bithces? because they are not americans. They do not have the american spirit. They are worthless parasitic leech failures who want to bring everyone down with them.

To me, America is the best country in the world. There is no where else I would rather be.

What is your excuse, you pussy america hater? Why don't you get the fuck out and go somewhere else, instead of ruining the last great nation left on this earth?
The past few days have been disgusting. I understand hating a president, but the leftists on JPP literally hate this country. You hate our institutions, you hate our values. Because of you, we've become pussies in the middle easts eyes and have completely lost the ability to deter them all due to your policy of appeasement. That is until, donald trump. Your trump derangement syndrome is so bad, you want to side with a terrorist supporting nation. Your eager to do so.

I will no longer call you leftists or liberals or democrats. I will be calling all of you America Haters from now on, perhaps AH for shorthand.

thank you.

Dude, just accept the fact that you Trump Supporters are the real haters.

We Trump non-supporters don't even hate Donald Trump! We just do not agree with his hateful and reckless domestic and foreign policies.

Hate is the only thing to hate itself! And your obvious hatred towards Democrats is showing!
I know you like to joke around about my cannabis consumption, but the fact of the matter is, yes, I really believe this stuff. I'm not trolling. I hate america haters, I geniunely believe democrats are evil, and truly do not like this country. I have posted a poll about this already. Even under obama liberals could barely get themselves over 50%, and republicans were in the 80s for how much they love america. So litearlly when everything is going at the absolute best for liberals, you can only begrudgingly tolerate america.

To an american hating liberal, canada is better, all of europe is better, but they never leave and go to these countries. You dishonor your own heritage. Americans are decedents of trailblazers and risk takers. We ventured out into the great unknown, and moved to greener pastures. We moved from europe to backward boonie colonies, and forged a new dynasty. And then we moved west and did it again.

So what is the reason liberals have all these awesome, socialist countries all over the world that they like so much better than america, where healthcare is plentiful and quality of life is so much more progressive, but liberals continue to stay in america crying like little bithces? because they are not americans. They do not have the american spirit. They are worthless parasitic leech failures who want to bring everyone down with them.

To me, America is the best country in the world. There is no where else I would rather be.

What is your excuse, you pussy america hater? Why don't you get the fuck out and go somewhere else, instead of ruining the last great nation left on this earth?

Before Columbus,my Spirit was here!
Holy Toledo=Genesis 3:22-24
Dude, just accept the fact that you Trump Supporters are the real haters.

We Trump non-supporters don't even hate Donald Trump! We just do not agree with his hateful and reckless domestic and foreign policies.

Hate is the only thing to hate itself! And your obvious hatred towards Democrats is showing!

why do liberals never get even barely above 50% when everything is going great for them? you do not like america. you try to overturn free speech, the second amendment, you support wiretaps on presidential candidates, you don't believe in our constitution or our way of life. You always side with our enemies. You are not an american.
I know you like to joke around about my cannabis consumption, but the fact of the matter is, yes, I really believe this stuff. I'm not trolling. I hate america haters, I geniunely believe democrats are evil, and truly do not like this country. I have posted a poll about this already. Even under obama liberals could barely get themselves over 50%, and republicans were in the 80s for how much they love america. So litearlly when everything is going at the absolute best for liberals, you can only begrudgingly tolerate america.

To an american hating liberal, canada is better, all of europe is better, but they never leave and go to these countries. You dishonor your own heritage. Americans are decedents of trailblazers and risk takers. We ventured out into the great unknown, and moved to greener pastures. We moved from europe to backward boonie colonies, and forged a new dynasty. And then we moved west and did it again.

So what is the reason liberals have all these awesome, socialist countries all over the world that they like so much better than america, where healthcare is plentiful and quality of life is so much more progressive, but liberals continue to stay in america crying like little bithces? because they are not americans. They do not have the american spirit. They are worthless parasitic leech failures who want to bring everyone down with them.

To me, America is the best country in the world. There is no where else I would rather be.

What is your excuse, you pussy america hater? Why don't you get the fuck out and go somewhere else, instead of ruining the last great nation left on this earth?

Another fantastic post. Thank you.


When obama is in charge, liberals are barely over the 50% number.
Otherwise, way down in the 30's.

WIth republicans, they love america no matter who is president, even if it's obama who republicans obviously hated with a passion.

It seems that republicans/conservatives are more principled, and still love america more and don't let their hatred for a president make them dislike their coutry

Liberals on the otherhand, do not appreciate america. They don't like free speech, they don't like guns, they don't support our police, they always whine about moving to canada. Liberals are pathetic losers.

See my original thread here:

Liberals CANNOT explain why they are always dissatisfied with this country.

Republicans ALWAYS love america more. No matter WHO is in office. For america hating liberals, it's just about winning and destroying our country. They get sad when they don't have a cuck like obama around
I need a better term than america haters. It's too long. I will however, find a term that aptly describes the vicious hatred and unamericanness of todays modern democrats.
I need a better term than america haters. It's too long. I will however, find a term that aptly describes the vicious hatred and unamericanness of todays modern democrats.

I guess my term is way too long then. The Hate America First Democrat Socialist Party®
I need a better term than america haters. It's too long. I will however, find a term that aptly describes the vicious hatred and unamericanness of todays modern democrats.

So Grind is out of the closet as a full fledged Republican Fascist!Sieg Heil motherfucker!:laugh:
The past few days have been disgusting. I understand hating a president, but the leftists on JPP literally hate this country. You hate our institutions, you hate our values. Because of you, we've become pussies in the middle easts eyes and have completely lost the ability to deter them all due to your policy of appeasement. That is until, donald trump. Your trump derangement syndrome is so bad, you want to side with a terrorist supporting nation. Your eager to do so.

I will no longer call you leftists or liberals or democrats. I will be calling all of you America Haters from now on, perhaps AH for shorthand.

thank you.
Bawahahahaha haha, trolling in the New Year, oh yeah of the “deep state”, anti establishment party claiming liberals hate our institutions. This is one of your best trolling posts l, yet.

Happy 2020! Your still young enough to be drafted! Think about that why you contemplate the American hating liberals.
I know you like to joke around about my cannabis consumption, but the fact of the matter is, yes, I really believe this stuff. I'm not trolling. I hate america haters, I geniunely believe democrats are evil, and truly do not like this country. I have posted a poll about this already. Even under obama liberals could barely get themselves over 50%, and republicans were in the 80s for how much they love america. So litearlly when everything is going at the absolute best for liberals, you can only begrudgingly tolerate america.

To an american hating liberal, canada is better, all of europe is better, but they never leave and go to these countries. You dishonor your own heritage. Americans are decedents of trailblazers and risk takers. We ventured out into the great unknown, and moved to greener pastures. We moved from europe to backward boonie colonies, and forged a new dynasty. And then we moved west and did it again.

So what is the reason liberals have all these awesome, socialist countries all over the world that they like so much better than america, where healthcare is plentiful and quality of life is so much more progressive, but liberals continue to stay in america crying like little bithces? because they are not americans. They do not have the american spirit. They are worthless parasitic leech failures who want to bring everyone down with them.

To me, America is the best country in the world. There is no where else I would rather be.

What is your excuse, you pussy america hater? Why don't you get the fuck out and go somewhere else, instead of ruining the last great nation left on this earth?
Most be some good shit...