Announcment about my new name for liberals

The past few days have been disgusting. I understand hating a president, but the leftists on JPP literally hate this country. You hate our institutions, you hate our values. Because of you, we've become pussies in the middle easts eyes and have completely lost the ability to deter them all due to your policy of appeasement. That is until, donald trump. Your trump derangement syndrome is so bad, you want to side with a terrorist supporting nation. Your eager to do so.

I will no longer call you leftists or liberals or democrats. I will be calling all of you America Haters from now on, perhaps AH for shorthand.

thank you.
Post of the century.
cypress outs himself as someone that reads me threads, even though he pretends he doesn't.
You have a long history of assumptions, guesswork, and unfounded extrapolation.

Unlike you, I have genuine friends whose posts show up on my profile page, and I respond to them when is suits me.

You are still one of the most mind-numbingly boring posters here and I generally have zero interest in your medicre and tepid posts
You have a long history of assumptions, guesswork, and unfounded extrapolation.

Unlike you, I have genuine friends whose posts show up on my profile page, and I respond to them when is suits me.

You are still one of the most mind-numbingly boring posters here and I generally have zero interest in your medicre and tepid posts

And ANOTHER dumb motherfucker speaks. Just pitiful.
The past few days have been disgusting. I understand hating a president, but the leftists on JPP literally hate this country. You hate our institutions, you hate our values. Because of you, we've become pussies in the middle easts eyes and have completely lost the ability to deter them all due to your policy of appeasement. That is until, donald trump. Your trump derangement syndrome is so bad, you want to side with a terrorist supporting nation. Your eager to do so.

I will no longer call you leftists or liberals or democrats. I will be calling all of you America Haters from now on, perhaps AH for shorthand.

thank you.

Get control, are gonna blow a gasket or Trump...whichever.

In any case, with all this genius-inspired ranting...

...any chance you can learn the difference between the word "your" and the contraction "you're?"

My guess is you can't.

Anyway, putting aside the your/you're bullshit...

...the rest of your rant was...

...uhhh... should I put this...

...fuckin' horrible.

You write like a grammar school dropout.
why do liberals never get even barely above 50% when everything is going great for them? you do not like america. you try to overturn free speech, the second amendment, you support wiretaps on presidential candidates, you don't believe in our constitution or our way of life. You always side with our enemies. You are not an american.

Liberals my ass. Donald Trump has never gotten over 42% approval, since he was nominated

Donald Trump is the one telling you idiots that America is so bad, he wants to make it better again.

Donald Trump is the one who hates Free Speech and the media, as he has suggested legislation to shut them up.

We Democrats do want insure that you so called MILITIA is well regulated- just like the Constitution says.

There has never been a presidential candidate ever wiretapped IDIOT! But, I really don't give a FUCK one way or the other about that as our candidates have nothing to hide. We don't cheat in our elections.

We Democrats are followers of the Constitution, and take our oath to do so very seriously. Donald Trump has already had to retract 6 or more executive orders because the courts have said they were unconstitutional. And DOnald Trump is currently impeached because he violated the Constitution and his oath of office.

And Donald Trump is in love with Kim Jong Un, writes him love letters, and sought help from Russia to get himself elected so it is Donald Trump and you people that support him who are siding with enemies.
Get control, are gonna blow a gasket or Trump...whichever.

In any case, with all this genius-inspired ranting...

...any chance you can learn the difference between the word "your" and the contraction "you're?"

My guess is you can't.

Anyway, putting aside the your/you're bullshit...

...the rest of your rant was...

...uhhh... should I put this...

...fuckin' horrible.

You write like a grammar school dropout.


Frank! Settle down! You're blowing a gasket!!
Liberals my ass. Donald Trump has never gotten over 42% approval, since he was nominated

Donald Trump is the one telling you idiots that America is so bad, he wants to make it better again.

Donald Trump is the one who hates Free Speech and the media, as he has suggested legislation to shut them up.

We Democrats do want insure that you so called MILITIA is well regulated- just like the Constitution says.

There has never been a presidential candidate ever wiretapped IDIOT! But, I really don't give a FUCK one way or the other about that as our candidates have nothing to hide. We don't cheat in our elections.

We Democrats are followers of the Constitution, and take our oath to do so very seriously. Donald Trump has already had to retract 6 or more executive orders because the courts have said they were unconstitutional. And DOnald Trump is currently impeached because he violated the Constitution and his oath of office.

And Donald Trump is in love with Kim Jong Un, writes him love letters, and sought help from Russia to get himself elected so it is Donald Trump and you people that support him who are siding with enemies.


There are no words...