Another attack from the left on McCains service

He did not intend to say that McCain was "sadly limited" based on being a POW? Then he should recant/clarify those words. Because that is EXACTLY what he DID say. Unless the journalist took two seperate comments and tossed them together out of context.

First off, I'm ready to take a back seat and watch cypress spank your @$$ once again for the billionth time, however before I sit back and watch the cyber skewering......

why don't you actually take a look at what was written IN ITS ENTIRETY and stop projecting your fauxrage into the conversation.

"Because he was in isolation essentially for many of those years and did not experience the turmoil here or the challenges that were involved for those of us who served in Vietnam during the Vietnam war," said Beers, a Marine veteran who served in Vietnam.

"So I think," Beers continued, "to some extent his national security experience in that regard is sadly limited and I think it is reflected in some of the ways that he thinks about how U.S. forces might be committed to conflicts around the world."

Yes. It is possible for other people to have gained more national security experience and leadership during the war. McCain did not have the opportunity because he was in a concentration camp. Being locked up tends to stifle ones career growth. Not exactly a new idea.
poor McCain. getting owned I personally think that someone who was tortured like that shouldn't be president b/c it could have a long term effect on your brain and judgement.... war makes many a little (or lot) nuts.
poor McCain. getting owned I personally think that someone who was tortured like that shouldn't be president b/c it could have a long term effect on your brain and judgement.... war makes many a little (or lot) nuts.

hit the deck.

I"m sure you're going to be accused of hating our troops now.
Of course the libs disdain McCain's service.

They rooted for the VC at the time.

They "loathe the military" just like BJ Clinton.

Their hate-mongering is predictable, and should be expected.
Of course the libs disdain McCain's service.

They rooted for the VC at the time.

They "loathe the military" just like BJ Clinton.

Their hate-mongering is predictable, and should be expected.

how astute of you. Considering most of us weren't even born then.
Of course the libs disdain McCain's service.

They rooted for the VC at the time.

They "loathe the military" just like BJ Clinton.

Their hate-mongering is predictable, and should be expected.

Well said, indie. You really summed up the real feelings of Superfreak & the rest w/ that one.

Great input.
Of course the libs disdain McCain's service.

They rooted for the VC at the time.

They "loathe the military" just like BJ Clinton.

Their hate-mongering is predictable, and should be expected.

Oh please id love to see some swift boat do what they did to kerry in 04 and see what republicans would do and say.
Do you remember how every single con on FP and JPP told us that Kerry using his military service in a campaign, opened him up for attack?

What a bunch of whiny crybabies these cons are. Clark's got nothing to back down for, and nothing that has been said about McCain is even remotely similar to the swifboat lies, and those cons who enabled and excused them are being total hacks.

What a load of crap. "every single con" did not tell you it was ok to attack Kerry for his service.

But I know... you enjoy creating your little strawmen. It makes you feel superior when the reality is your a leg humping little cyber stalking piece of shit. Not to mention your violent homophobic tendencies.

Do the world a favor, grow up.
What a load of crap. "every single con" did not tell you it was ok to attack Kerry for his service.

Its called hyperbole. Calm down.

But I know... you enjoy creating your little strawmen.

Interesting coming from the person who completely misrepresented Beer's quote just posts earlier.

It makes you feel superior when the reality is your a leg Thumping little cyber stalking piece of *&^. Not to mention your violent homophobic tendencies.

Do the world a favor, grow up.

meme quote::rolleyes:
First off, I'm ready to take a back seat and watch cypress spank your @$$ once again for the billionth time, however before I sit back and watch the cyber skewering......

why don't you actually take a look at what was written IN ITS ENTIRETY and stop projecting your fauxrage into the conversation.

"Because he was in isolation essentially for many of those years and did not experience the turmoil here or the challenges that were involved for those of us who served in Vietnam during the Vietnam war," said Beers, a Marine veteran who served in Vietnam.

"So I think," Beers continued, "to some extent his national security experience in that regard is sadly limited and I think it is reflected in some of the ways that he thinks about how U.S. forces might be committed to conflicts around the world."

Yes. It is possible for other people to have gained more national security experience and leadership during the war. McCain did not have the opportunity because he was in a concentration camp. Being locked up tends to stifle ones career growth. Not exactly a new idea.

LMAO... so once again you are going to spin this? He did not say that "others in the war gained more experience". He stated that because McCain was a POW that McCAINS experience was "sadly limited". Not being afforded the opportunity for advancement in rank does not in any way limit someones national security experience.

Does it?

Because Beers was talking about MCCAIN.... not whether or not other officers could advance their careers.

Please do encourage Gumby to try again.... I just can't wait for his inevitable pathetic "your gay" "insult".
LMAO... so once again you are going to spin this? He did not say that "others in the war gained more experience". He stated that because McCain was a POW that McCAINS experience was "sadly limited". Not being afforded the opportunity for advancement in rank does not in any way limit someones national security experience.

Does it?

Because Beers was talking about MCCAIN.... not whether or not other officers could advance their careers.

Please do encourage Gumby to try again.... I just can't wait for his inevitable pathetic "your gay" "insult".

And you're being intentionally obtuse in your neglect to acknowledge that the quote you keep harping on is preceded by "in that regard". acting like a child by attacking Cypress doesn't deflect that fact that you keep intentionally ignoring that crucial part of the statement. Either that or you, like most cons, are too stupid to comprehend it. Jury's still out on that.
Its called hyperbole. Calm down.

Interesting coming from the person who completely misrepresented Beer's quote just posts earlier.

meme quote::rolleyes:

LMAO... I am quite calm dear.

I have not once misrepresented Beers comments. You have. In completely ignoring the fact that he stated quite specifically that McCains time as a POW "sadly limits" his national security experience. Yet not one of you has shown how this can even remotely be accurate.

Being a POW doesn't make him more or less experienced today for national security issues. Acting like he has no idea about what other Vets went through or the fact that their was turmoil at home is simply idiotic rhetoric from Beers.

Which is why you and Gumby and Dung etc... continue to try to bring Clark into this conversation. Because you know what Clark stated was accurate and you can defend such a position.
And you're being intentionally obtuse in your neglect to acknowledge that the quote you keep harping on is preceded by "in that regard". acting like a child by attacking Cypress doesn't deflect that fact that you keep intentionally ignoring that crucial part of the statement. Either that or you, like most cons, are too stupid to comprehend it. Jury's still out on that.

LMAO... I have not ignored that portion dear... I have repeatedly pointed to it.

As I stated, Beers is saying that McCains time as a POW somehow "sadly limits" his current national security abilities.

HOW??? Oh yeah, it doesn't.

Saying that "others might have gained more experience" is a cop out. To act as though all leadership qualities and development are somehow better for a FREE Vet still in Vietnam or for a Vet who "witnessed the turmoil in the US" is IDIOTIC.
LMAO... I am quite calm dear.

I have not once misrepresented Beers comments. You have. In completely ignoring the fact that he stated quite specifically that McCains time as a POW "sadly limits" his national security experience. Yet not one of you has shown how this can even remotely be accurate.

Being a POW doesn't make him more or less experienced today for national security issues. Acting like he has no idea about what other Vets went through or the fact that their was turmoil at home is simply idiotic rhetoric from Beers.

Which is why you and Gumby and Dung etc... continue to try to bring Clark into this conversation. Because you know what Clark stated was accurate and you can defend such a position.

Take your cyber skewering like the man you wish you were.

You've been told repeatedly where your way off base with your assessment of his comments. Yet you continue to ignore them. Beer clearly stated the context he was using, yet you continue to misread and construe (sp?) his statements.
LMAO... I have not ignored that portion dear... I have repeatedly pointed to it.

As I stated, Beers is saying that McCains time as a POW somehow "sadly limits" his current national security abilities.

HOW??? Oh yeah, it doesn't.

Saying that "others might have gained more experience" is a cop out. To act as though all leadership qualities and development are somehow better for a FREE Vet still in Vietnam or for a Vet who "witnessed the turmoil in the US" is IDIOTIC.

I don't know if you're impersonating Dixie today or your just this dense.

1) I didn't say "all leadership" qualities. You're using a strawman and being very dishonest in your statements. Pretty ironic.

2) I simply stated that Beers is completely correct. While he was locked up in the camp (which incidently is the very thing that McCain wears on his sleeve) he didn't get the same leadership and security experience that others who were in direct combat did. They learned to negotiate situations that McCain did not. That's not to say that McCain didn't gain other skills. But if he's going to tout that as reasons as to why he's qualified to run the country, yes, it should be questioned and analyzed and just because people call him a "war hero" doesn't leave it off the table despite conservative fauxrage and emotardness.
Take your cyber skewering like the man you wish you were.

You've been told repeatedly where your way off base with your assessment of his comments. Yet you continue to ignore them. Beer clearly stated the context he was using, yet you continue to misread and construe (sp?) his statements.

Lets look at that again... then tell me who is misreading this....

"Because he was in isolation essentially for many of those years and did not experience the turmoil here or the challenges that were involved for those of us who served in Vietnam during the Vietnam war," said Beers, a Marine veteran who served in Vietnam.

"So I think," Beers continued, "to some extent his national security experience in that regard is sadly limited and I think it is reflected in some of the ways that he thinks about how U.S. forces might be committed to conflicts around the world."

So what he is saying is that somehow McCain (who by the way served in Vietnam during the Vietnam war) being a POW was limited? I ask again HOW.

He knew what was going on in the US at the time, the same... if not more so... than those Vets that were still free in Vietnam. Because if memory serves me (from what I have read), the POWs were shown videos of the protests at home to try to break their spirits while the military tried to shield the free Vets from what was going on at home because they didn't want to have potential morale issues.

So the first part that could "limit" McCain is bogus.

The second part.... "the challenges involved" for the free Vets. Please tell me what challenges those free Vets faced that was so much more valuable than the challenges the POWs faced?????

Then Beers goes into the second paragraph stating ... "in that regard" (which to me means McCains POW "isolation") McCain's national security experience is "sadly limited".

AGAIN>>> HOW is his national security experience limited????
I don't know if you're impersonating Dixie today or your just this dense.

1) I didn't say "all leadership" qualities. You're using a strawman and being very dishonest in your statements. Pretty ironic.

2) I simply stated that Beers is completely correct. While he was locked up in the camp (which incidently is the very thing that McCain wears on his sleeve) he didn't get the same leadership and security experience that others who were in direct combat did. They learned to negotiate situations that McCain did not. That's not to say that McCain didn't gain other skills. But if he's going to tout that as reasons as to why he's qualified to run the country, yes, it should be questioned and analyzed and just because people call him a "war hero" doesn't leave it off the table despite conservative fauxrage and emotardness.

Fine, take out the "all".... How do you figure that leadership qualities were better developed in those that were free vs. POW? Both situations call for leadership skills. Both situations called for tough decisions. Yes, they were not the exact same situations. But BOTH faced challenges and BOTH were forced to make tough decisions.

To suggest that one is better than the other is idiotic. It is just as dumb as saying... " I flew a plane and thus my command experience is better than those who were on the ground". Different? Sure. But one is not generically better than the other.
Clearly Beers was attacking qualifications, not service. I agree it was weak, but an attack on McCain's service it was not!

Candy, if some guy spent the last 25 years isolated in a POW camp completly cut off from American culture, then he just got out of his POW camp and returned to the United States and somehow got his party's nomination for president... Would pointing out that he lacked the qualifications to be president because of that be an attack on the guys service?
Clearly Beers was attacking qualifications, not service. I agree it was weak, but an attack on McCain's service it was not!

Candy, if some guy spent the last 25 years isolated in a POW camp completly cut off from American culture, then he just got out of his POW camp and returned to the United States and somehow got his party's nomination for president... Would pointing out that he lacked the qualifications to be president because of that be an attack on the guys service?

good point.