Another Month Brings Another World Heat Record

I notice you repeat the genocidal mantra of those who want the land cleansed of Jews, that's pretty much all we need to know about you. You are a genocidal terrorist lover. I get that. Though I reject any idea that folks responding to October 7th are somehow the "aggressor", that's the absurdity here. The Great Hamas Gaslight that useless idiots suck through a straw. It's thick and smells like poo, but eventually like a shake you just grimace your way to the great gaslight flavor.

I get that there is no way to convince you that Hamas uses human shields, even when you are shown it directly. That they use hospitals as military bases, they did. They even shot their own hospital parking lot with a missile and tried to blame Israel for it and got caught.

Anyway, you get on wit' your "bad" self. You are going to have no real traction trying to convince people with brains that less than 37,000 people in the "most densely packed area of the world" (rolling my eyes there, it is dense but not the "most dense in the world") is proof of genocide, if anything it proves that there is no genocide, in the "most densely packed" population center it would be like fish in a barrel if they actually were committing genocide. The death toll would be boundless if they were actually doing what you claim they were.

I side with civilian folks in the area. Hamas is the bad guy. Israel is doing what they have to in order to ensure the safety of the folks that live there.

The reality: The elected government in Gaza attacked civilians, illegally took hostages, illegally used at least one hospital as a military command base, illegally used civilians (in that hospital and in population centers) as human shields, dragged pieces of raped women around screaming about how much greater their god is, and have tried to leverage action using hostages they illegally hold to this very day.

If Hamas wanted to end the war all they have to do is put down their arms and it would be over, if Israel put down their arms Hamas would bomb them out of existence and as you so idiotically chant sweep them into the ocean thus freeing the land of Jews "from the river to the sea".
It's becoming clearer that you're not very bright., This is evident in your continued regurgitating of simplistic prosemitic canards regarding the Palestinian resistance . You should man up and accept two overarching facts;
1) The occupation of Palestine by the pseudo-Jewish regime is illegal. That's ILLEGAL as against international law.
2) The Jews have killed over 37,000 Palestinians , including 17,000 kids , the remainder being predominantly women. That's just in this latest period of one-sided conflict. The death toll is , of course, many times that.

Decent people around the world- and in America too- expect that the ICC arrest warrants requested for the Israeli leadership will be granted and that the ICJ will determine that that same government is indeed guilty of attempting a genocide.

Should that be the outcome then, without any doubt, you will be among those squealing that the UN is worthless and that America knows best . It's the expected reaction of the criminal found out- the law is wrong and the criminal is right.
Well- I'm not going to spend any time attempting to educate those that refuse to be educated. You've laid down with the dogs and you're happy with the fleas . For my part I'll support the democratic UN and its laws . What you support is precisely what the UN was designed to eliminate.

Meanwhile, the world at large moves to end the genocidal intent of the criminal Israeli scum;


It's becoming clearer that you're not very bright., This is evident in your continued regurgitating of simplistic prosemitic canards regarding the Palestinian resistance . You should man up and accept two overarching facts;
1) The occupation of Palestine by the pseudo-Jewish regime is illegal. That's ILLEGAL as against international law.
2) The Jews have killed over 37,000 Palestinians , including 17,000 kids , the remainder being predominantly women. That's just in this latest period of one-sided conflict. The death toll is , of course, many times that.

Decent people around the world- and in America too- expect that the ICC arrest warrants requested for the Israeli leadership will be granted and that the ICJ will determine that that same government is indeed guilty of attempting a genocide.

Should that be the outcome then, without any doubt, you will be among those squealing that the UN is worthless and that America knows best . It's the expected reaction of the criminal found out- the law is wrong and the criminal is right.
Well- I'm not going to spend any time attempting to educate those that refuse to be educated. You've laid down with the dogs and you're happy with the fleas . For my part I'll support the democratic UN and its laws . What you support is precisely what the UN was designed to eliminate.

Meanwhile, the world at large moves to end the genocidal intent of the criminal Israeli scum;


You are deliberately ignorant, and continue to conflate my dislike of Hamas with a dislike of Palestinians folks, which is simply untrue. I simply and directly point to the culprit and the cause of the conflict that is happening there.

Pretending that the illegal actions of the elected government in Gaza isn't the cause of this is the absurd and deliberate idiocy of folks who support the genocide of Jews in the region. Your argument is weak and ineffectual because it "strikes" at only the strawman you create without regard to the words spoken to you, mostly because you are an apologist for Hamas whom you support and not the Palestinian people.

You, the useful idiot, continues to support the one group that promotes and works towards actual genocide to the detriment of the people who live in the region.
Hey, why listen to scientists from around the globe, or hurt your mind reading, when you can watch movies on Youtube?
I've been watching 1950s boxing and wrestling matches in blurry black and white on YouTube
because the planet is probably fucked beyond salvation already.
I'm guessing that we've already completed the job of destroying it.

It may lost long enough for those of us here now,
but it's probably irresponsible for people to keep having kids.
I've been watching 1950s boxing and wrestling matches in blurry black and white on YouTube
because the planet is probably fucked beyond salvation already.
I'm guessing that we've already completed the job of destroying it.
You are obviously hallucinating. Earth is still here.
It may lost long enough for those of us here now,
but it's probably irresponsible for people to keep having kids.
You want to reduce the population? You first.

You don't get to designate whether people are allowed to have children.
You are deliberately ignorant, and continue to conflate my dislike of Hamas with a dislike of Palestinians folks, which is simply untrue. I simply and directly point to the culprit and the cause of the conflict that is happening there.

Pretending that the illegal actions of the elected government in Gaza isn't the cause of this is the absurd and deliberate idiocy of folks who support the genocide of Jews in the region. Your argument is weak and ineffectual because it "strikes" at only the strawman you create without regard to the words spoken to you, mostly because you are an apologist for Hamas whom you support and not the Palestinian people.

You, the useful idiot, continues to support the one group that promotes and works towards actual genocide to the detriment of the people who live in the region.
The forces of hegemonic Zionism have been employing the ' divide and conquer ' technique to Palestinians for decades- to no effect. If you think that your spurious weight on the bandwagon will make any difference than you are kidding yourself.
Palestine has the right to self-defense. Palestine has the right to secure borders, free from encroachment and attack by sadistic Jewish snipers. Palestine has the right to free trade with whomever it chooses, the right to universities, airports, hospitals- all the necessities of civilization. The Palestinian resistance- in ALL its forms, Hamas included, will continue to insist that the vile pseudo-Jews of Israel leave Palestine and withdraw to the territory that they were legally granted by UNGAR 181 in 1947-0 because they have NO RIGHTS WHATSOEVER to anything else.
If you want the rule of law then you will quit supporting the criminals of the foul Zionist doctrine- both in Israel and in the US which keeps the genocidal Jews on life-support.
Palestine is a recognized sovereign state. Get out.