Another Month Brings Another World Heat Record

Neither does trolling
Lame. You can't even come up with an original insult.
or saying ridiculous things like "A theory of science has no error."
A theory of science has no error.
Scientific theories don't exist without humans to come up with them and humans make errors all the time, hence the importance of peer review, which has nothing to do with consensus.
A theory of science has no error. Science does not use consensus. There is no voting bloc in science. There is no 'peer review' in science. You are still locked in this paradox. You must clear your paradox. You cannot argue that science uses consensus and doesn't use consensus at the same time!
Lame. You can't even come up with an original insult.

A theory of science has no error.

A theory of science has no error. Science does not use consensus. There is no voting bloc in science. There is no 'peer review' in science. You are still locked in this paradox. You must clear your paradox. You cannot argue that science uses consensus and doesn't use consensus at the same time!
Second time.....peer review has nothing to do with consensus.

Second time....Scientific theories literally cannot exist without human minds to create them.

Which of those statements do you disagree with and why.
Perhaps you haven't noticed that there's an ACTUAL genocide in progress - and it's being conducted by genocidal Jews.
Perhaps you don't realize that the occupation of Palestine is illegal.
Perhaps you don't know that the genocidal Jews are holding 9,000 Palestinian hostages in their dungeons- including many women and children.
Perhaps you're unaware that these genocidal Jews have recently killed over 37,000 Palestinians- in their own country- 17,000 of them being children and most of the remainder being women.
Again, no occupation = no resistance to occupation.
The solution is for the genocidal Jews to withdraw back into the territory which is legally theirs and to give up their oft and loudly announced mantra of a ' Greater Israel ' consisting of all of Palestine with no Palestinians in it. Once they have done that then Palestine's resistance fighters will be redundant.
There is no genocide, Moonbat.
LIF. Grow up. That won't work. You must clear your paradox or continue to be irrational.

'Expert' worship. Word stuffing. You don't get to attack me for something I never said.
Yep.... another swing and miss. Avoidance at its best.

I have pointed out to you that it is in no way a genocide in the past and will here again. The numbers simply do not support that claim, and if Hamas were not using civilians as shields even those numbers would be less. 37,000+ is unsupported by those who are actually tasked with reporting the numbers, you are using the propaganda numbers given by Hamas and even then those numbers still do not support the claim of "genocide".

Anyway, perhaps you do not understand what I have actually said....

The victims are Palestinian (and Jewish) civilians who are used as meat shields by Hamas to protect Hamas who has illegally taken hostages, illegally used hospitals as military compounds, and forced Palestinian civilians to become shields to protect their genocidal behinds...

If you want to know who is responsible for the "genocide" you incorrectly attribute to Jews, it is Hamas and no other.
You're simply following the propaganda of the US weapons suppliers and the AIPAC-obligated fools in Congress who actually have the gall to announce sanction on the International Criminal Court for seeking arrest warrants for genocidal Jews. The UN is far better placed to decide what is- and what is not- a genocide and the actions of th criminals that you support have led the UN to believe that a genocide is taking place. The ICJ will deliver the final verdict- and it will be as fruitless for Washington Zionists to announce ' sanctions ' upon the world highest court as it is for them to announce ' sanctions ' upon the ICC.
The Zionists are the aggressors and the Palestinians are defending themselves against almost impossible odds imposed upon them by the US. Gaza is one of the world's most densely populated areas and to claim that the resistance is using that fact as a shield against US-supplied munitions in the hands of Jewish fanatics is absurd.
We'v seen the Veto of Shame wielded by Genocide Joe and we know that death toll is over 37,000 . For the peddlers of the armaments to claim that the death toll has been falsified ranks as a transparent act of ass-covering on the part of the monsters responsible.
FRom tghe river to the sea- Palestine will be free. 145 countries already recognize the Palestinian state and that figure will rise this year. It will rise to the point wherein further US vetoes will be cause for the UN General Assembly to invoke Resolution 377(V) in order to emphasize- with contempt- the failings of successive US governments to act for the benefit of all the world's peoples- and not just for the genocidal Jewish pals of the billionaires who have- already- reduced the standing of the US to that of malignant prosemitic clowns holding nukes.
You're simply following the propaganda of the US weapons suppliers and the AIPAC-obligated fools in Congress who actually have the gall to announce sanction on the International Criminal Court for seeking arrest warrants for genocidal Jews. The UN is far better placed to decide what is- and what is not- a genocide and the actions of th criminals that you support have led the UN to believe that a genocide is taking place. The ICJ will deliver the final verdict- and it will be as fruitless for Washington Zionists to announce ' sanctions ' upon the world highest court as it is for them to announce ' sanctions ' upon the ICC.
The Zionists are the aggressors and the Palestinians are defending themselves against almost impossible odds imposed upon them by the US. Gaza is one of the world's most densely populated areas and to claim that the resistance is using that fact as a shield against US-supplied munitions in the hands of Jewish fanatics is absurd.
We'v seen the Veto of Shame wielded by Genocide Joe and we know that death toll is over 37,000 . For the peddlers of the armaments to claim that the death toll has been falsified ranks as a transparent act of ass-covering on the part of the monsters responsible.
FRom tghe river to the sea- Palestine will be free. 145 countries already recognize the Palestinian state and that figure will rise this year. It will rise to the point wherein further US vetoes will be cause for the UN General Assembly to invoke Resolution 377(V) in order to emphasize- with contempt- the failings of successive US governments to act for the benefit of all the world's peoples- and not just for the genocidal Jewish pals of the billionaires who have- already- reduced the standing of the US to that of malignant prosemitic clowns holding nukes.
I notice you repeat the genocidal mantra of those who want the land cleansed of Jews, that's pretty much all we need to know about you. You are a genocidal terrorist lover. I get that. Though I reject any idea that folks responding to October 7th are somehow the "aggressor", that's the absurdity here. The Great Hamas Gaslight that useless idiots suck through a straw. It's thick and smells like poo, but eventually like a shake you just grimace your way to the great gaslight flavor.

I get that there is no way to convince you that Hamas uses human shields, even when you are shown it directly. That they use hospitals as military bases, they did. They even shot their own hospital parking lot with a missile and tried to blame Israel for it and got caught.

Anyway, you get on wit' your "bad" self. You are going to have no real traction trying to convince people with brains that less than 37,000 people in the "most densely packed area of the world" (rolling my eyes there, it is dense but not the "most dense in the world") is proof of genocide, if anything it proves that there is no genocide, in the "most densely packed" population center it would be like fish in a barrel if they actually were committing genocide. The death toll would be boundless if they were actually doing what you claim they were.

I side with civilian folks in the area. Hamas is the bad guy. Israel is doing what they have to in order to ensure the safety of the folks that live there.

The reality: The elected government in Gaza attacked civilians, illegally took hostages, illegally used at least one hospital as a military command base, illegally used civilians (in that hospital and in population centers) as human shields, dragged pieces of raped women around screaming about how much greater their god is, and have tried to leverage action using hostages they illegally hold to this very day.

If Hamas wanted to end the war all they have to do is put down their arms and it would be over, if Israel put down their arms Hamas would bomb them out of existence and as you so idiotically chant sweep them into the ocean thus freeing the land of Jews "from the river to the sea".