Another Month Brings Another World Heat Record

What in the hell does that mean, “employed and productive are expected to support the unemployed and unproductive as if they were equally employed and productive”
Sorry he used big words for you. He didn't realize you don't understand or read English.
The employment rate used the same metrics the other admins have used.
Blatant lie.
The point of the unemployment rate is to see if it is going up, or going down.
Fake numbers are random numbers. They are not data.
I am sure you were silent when Trump broadcasted his unemployment stats.
He didn't.
Then you were treating it properly. Trump castigated the methods when Obama was in office. When he got in office, he used the same ones, but embroidered them with lies.
What lies?
'Expert' worship.

I do not defend 'climate change'. Climate cannot change.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the ocean.
The fact that you are unqualified to make statements about many of the topics you comment on doesn't mean I worship experts. What qualifies you to determine that a birth certificate is fake and what qualifies you to determine that known weather events, El Nino and La Nina, aren't real?

Surely you don't expect any to believe you 'just because', right?
Oh, I see we’re returning with the Labor Participation Rate, which was fully explained and deflated back when it was erroneously employed to attack Obama, especially lost favor when it actually increased during Trump’s Presidency, you got to keep up “revolution”

And your whacky statement still stands unexplained, not surprising
Random numbers are not data, Anchovies.
The fact that you are unqualified to make statements about many of the topics you comment on doesn't mean I worship experts.
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
What qualifies you to determine that a birth certificate is fake and what qualifies you to determine that known weather events, El Nino and La Nina, aren't real?
RQAA. Stop asking the same question over and over and over and over and over and over.
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.

RQAA. Stop asking the same question over and over and over and over and over and over.
The only paradox, you nutter butter of a troll, is that you decry "expert worship" while expecting me to view you as an expert! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
You know the original... From each according to their ability to each according to their need...


The basic underlying tenant of all of Socialism. Where it fails is when it runs headlong into human nature.
Quite right...and it always fails BECAUSE it runs headlong into human nature.
Which goes nowhere explaining what in the hell does employed and productive are expected to support the unemployed and unproductive as if they were equally employed and productive” means

Want to try again? Let’s see you use your own words to explain something you said
You really should learn English, Anchovies. You would understand what people are posting here.
This is a "problem" our socialist obsessed citizens magnify to fit an agenda that has little bearing on reality but seems to have qualities of titillation. Like other capitalist economies the country learned long ago it is better for everyone to keep the unemployed from starving, and there always have been unemployed.

Currently the national unemployment rate is 4 percent.
Argument from randU fallacy. There is currently no data.
Oh? Then describe 'peer review' for us please.
It's validating claims by looking for errors and omissions. 99 scientists can look at specific results and find no errors, while one scientists find an error. The fact that 99 missed an error is irrelevant.
It's validating claims by looking for errors and omissions. 99 scientists can look at specific results and find no errors, while one scientists find an error. The fact that 99 missed an error is irrelevant.
A theory of science has no error or omission. It is not possible to prove any theory True.

Singulars do not use the plural form of a word.
The fact that you are unqualified to make statements about many of the topics you comment on doesn't mean I worship experts. What qualifies you to determine that a birth certificate is fake and what qualifies you to determine that known weather events, El Nino and La Nina, aren't real?

Surely you don't expect any to believe you 'just because', right?
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox. You must clear your paradox. You've been locked in this paradox for some time.