Another Month Brings Another World Heat Record

And the Seer speaks...

How do you 'shake up weather'?? Do you put it in a can and use paint mixer machine?

Climate isn't a pattern. Climate has no temperature.

Nope. The Pacific Oscillation (El Nino/La Nina/Neutral) does not create energy out of nothing. All it does is move warm or cold water around. It does not create any energy to warm the ocean. This equatorial counter-current can get pinched off in some years, leaving warmer water on either the East Pacific, or the West Pacific, or distributed rather evenly along the equator.

This normal variation in equatorial counter-currents takes place in the Atlantic as well.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. There is no such thing as 'global weather'.

I suppose you like to predict when a slot machine is 'due' as well. Las Vegas LOVES rubes like you!

NOAA cannot measure the temperature of the Earth, or it's oceans. It's prediction is as good as yours...useless. See ya in Las Vegas!

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the United States.

Did you know it's summer in the United States? Temperatures tend to get higher in the summer. Big deal. Go out and enjoy the summer instead of worrying about the end of the world.

Another Holy Link. You sure like to use these.
Much like your claim of determining that a birth certificate is fake, you have Not shown that you have any knowledge in this area either. The funny thing is, you are so on the defensive about climate change that you can't even accept normal, non-man made weather occurrences related to ocean temperature. 🤣
We were just discussing this today. The typical annual flu vaccine is usually tri- or quadrivalent meaning that it protects us against more than one flu strain. This year's vaccin will be bivalent, containing only two. Why? Because one common seasonal variant went extinct during the pandemic -- because of simple measures like masks, social distancing, and hand washing.

Science works, even if you are an idiot denier.
"The typical annual flu vaccine is usually tri- or quadrivalent meaning that it protects us against more than one flu strain."

I don't believe that's true. The success rate of the annual flu vaccine is generally around 50% because they don't account for multiple strains.
"The typical annual flu vaccine is usually tri- or quadrivalent meaning that it protects us against more than one flu strain."

I don't believe that's true. The success rate of the annual flu vaccine is generally around 50% because they don't account for multiple strains.
Nope. It has that rather low rate (which is accurate) because they make educated guesses early in the year as to which strains will be most prevalent when flu season begins. In between deciding and creating the vaccines, mutations occur and new strains may even show up. There are dozens of influenza strains circulating at any given moment.
Nope. It has that rather low rate (which is accurate) because they make educated guesses early in the year as to which strains will be most prevalent when flu season begins. In between deciding and creating the vaccines, mutations occur and new strains may even show up. There are dozens of influenza strains circulating at any given moment. it.
Nope. It has that rather low rate (which is accurate) because they make educated guesses early in the year as to which strains will be most prevalent when flu season begins. In between deciding and creating the vaccines, mutations occur and new strains may even show up. There are dozens of influenza strains circulating at any given moment.
Give it up. Righys are dismissing all science. I read a couple of stories saying rightys are not using Sun Block lotion because they do not trust it. Some crazy anti science guy wrote the article and it made sense to rightys. Some rightys said it smelled like it was cancerous whatever that means.
Because the radical Left looks for issues that can be used to gain power and control over a society and nation.
Reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of human nature. People are not automatons. They have moral centers, self respect, and this must be particularly true of those who dedicate themselves to a life's work in science. To suspect a few moral sell outs is one thing. To believe all or most are is unintelligent.
Give it up. Righys are dismissing all science. I read a couple of stories saying rightys are not using Sun Block lotion because they do not trust it. Some crazy anti science guy wrote the article and it made sense to rightys. Some rightys said it smelled like it was cancerous whatever that means.
Too uniform an opinion. Righties come in different sizes of dumbness as Lefties come in different levels of smarts.
Give it up. Righys are dismissing all science. I read a couple of stories saying rightys are not using Sun Block lotion because they do not trust it. Some crazy anti science guy wrote the article and it made sense to rightys. Some rightys said it smelled like it was cancerous whatever that means.
Live by the stupid, die by the stupid.
Reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of human nature. People are not automatons. They have moral centers, self respect, and this must be particularly true of those who dedicate themselves to a life's work in science. To suspect a few moral sell outs is one thing. To believe all or most are is unintelligent.
Gardner et al believe that anyone who isn't a MAGAT is a member of "the radical Left."

They are quick to paint any one with a different opinion in a negative light and lump us all together as a monolith. But watch what happens if you, for example, criticize a particular Xtian leader for immoral behaviors like adultery, pedophilia, or fleecing his flock. Suddenly the critics "hate all Christians" are want to "persecute" them. Have you ever seen such a bunch of whiny, helpless victims in your life?
The peer review process makes it incredibly difficult for scientists to lie about things actually related to science. Fauci is a politician. They stretch the truth and lie regularly.
Right up your street then, eh.
Reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of human nature. People are not automatons. They have moral centers, self respect, and this must be particularly true of those who dedicate themselves to a life's work in science. To suspect a few moral sell outs is one thing. To believe all or most are is unintelligent.
Yes, that's the problem with things Leftist and Leftist political theory. They think people are just interchangeable cogs in a machine called "society." If one cog isn't working correctly, they replace it discarding the defective cog.

That, for example, is the underlying problem with Socialism. It requires humans to be altruistic. That is, you are willing to give up your wealth and goods to others who don't produce their own wealth and goods without question. Doesn't happen in reality. The reality is those who can stop doing because they see no worth or value in continuing to contribute only to have it taken from them, while those who can't won't bother to even try as they get what they need handed to them for free. Sure, there are lots of degrees of that occurring, but it will occur.
Yes, that's the problem with things Leftist and Leftist political theory. They think people are just interchangeable cogs in a machine called "society." If one cog isn't working correctly, they replace it discarding the defective cog.

That, for example, is the underlying problem with Socialism.
Helping to explain why we continue to have a capitalist economy in which almost every working Democrat is employed.

Your answer doesn't rebut, it agrees.
True, and every working and non-working everyone else. If your head was slightly less buried you might see it.
The problem comes, as I pointed out earlier, when the employed and productive are expected to support the unemployed and unproductive as if they were equally employed and productive. Nobody that's employed and productive wants to do that.
Poor dumb poorly-educated MAGAT pEarl.

Couldn’t have been put any better, all about creating a false paradigm to muddle the waters
The problem comes, as I pointed out earlier, when the employed and productive are expected to support the unemployed and unproductive as if they were equally employed and productive. Nobody that's employed and productive wants to do that.
What in the hell does that mean, “employed and productive are expected to support the unemployed and unproductive as if they were equally employed and productive”