Another Month Brings Another World Heat Record

I don't reject climate change. The planet's climate changes. What I reject is Gorebal Warming. That is, the near-religious belief that anthropogenic CO2 is the cause of the rate of current change and that all other sources are secondary or irrelevant to that as cause of change. I also reject that the solution is to eliminate anthropogenic CO2 sources and replace them with ones that are horribly expensive, inefficient, unworkable, and would lead to rationing and control by government to a much greater degree than we have today.

I also see that, to date, the so-called climate scientists have gotten virtually nothing correct in their predictions on Gorebal Warming. Their track record is worse in that respect than random choice. A psychic or palm reader could do better. We could throw darts and get better results. That gives me zero confidence in their "science."

Reject it as you wish but it is a belief held by the vast majority of scientists who study climate, making it a scientific belief. Many on the Right rejected the medical science recommendations of masks and social distancing during the Covid pandemic and are dead. Two aspects both had in common: politics and ignorance of the subject. It's puzzling how anyone with at least ordinary intelligence would feel comfortable rejecting without the necessary scientific training a finding of science that may affect him directly. Such is the religion of politics.
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Reject it as you wish but it is a belief held by the vast majority of scientists who study climate, making it a scientific belief. Many on the Right rejected the medical science recommendations of masks and social distancing during the Covid pandemic and are dead. Two aspects both had in common: politics and ignorance of the subject. It's puzzling how anyone with at least ordinary intelligence would feel comfortable rejecting without the necessary scientific training a finding of science that may affect him directly. Such is the religion of politics.
Much, most of "climate science" is government funded. When that's the case, the bulk of scientists involved in that field make sure to find the results that will get them more grant and research money, rather than do good science.

For example, shortly after 9/11, studies started to come out that contrails contributed significantly to climate change. The politics intervened and these studies were dropped almost entirely, and the 'party' line became that its contribution was insignificant, and we were back to the CO2 line. With the IPCC, a leading purveyor of Gorebal Warming having a near 100% track record of wrong predictions, doesn't help either. Piling onto that, the same bunch of climate scientists told us the hole in the ozone layer would heal by now if we got rid of CFC's. We did. The hole's still there and just as big or bigger than its ever been.

Given their poor track record of prediction, the clear political influence going into what's studied and what results are obtained, I have little to no faith in the science of climate change. When you top all of that off with the clearly political solutions, particularly in energy, to climate change, I am left with little reason to accept or believe what I'm being told about it.

"May 2024 was the warmest May on the books, marking a full year of record-high monthly temperatures, NASA scientists found. Average global temperatures for the past 12 months hit record highs for each respective month – an unprecedented streak – according to scientists from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. NASA can't do it either.
“It’s clear we are facing a climate crisis,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.
There is no such thing as 'climate crisis', except as a religious artifact.
“Communities across America—like Arizona, California, Nevada—and communities across the globe are feeling first-hand extreme heat in unprecedented numbers.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. It is not possible to measure the temperature of Arizona, the SDTC, or Nevada.
NASA and the Biden-Harris Administration recognize the urgency of protecting our home planet.
From what?
We are providing critical climate data
Climate has no data. Climate has no temperature. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. There is no such thing as a 'global climate' except as a religious artifact.
to better lives and livelihoods, and benefit all humanity.”
A void argument.
The run of record temperatures
No data.
fits within a long-term warming trend driven by human activity
Base rate fallacy. There is no data.
— primarily greenhouse gas emissions.
No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You are ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics again.
The trend has become evident over the past four decades, with the last 10 consecutive years being the warmest 10 since record-keeping began in the late 19th century.
Base rate fallacy. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
Before this streak of 12 straight months of record temperatures, the second longest streak lasted for seven months between 2015 and 2016."
No data.

Argument from randU fallacy.

It gets hot, it gets cold…the climate changes.

Poor Marty.
Climate cannot change. Climate has no temperature. Weather changes. It gets hot, it gets cold. Poor Marty. He actually believes you can create energy out of nothing.
Hey, why listen to scientists from around the globe, or hurt your mind reading, when you can watch movies on Youtube?
The Church of Global Warming has no scientists. The Church of Global Warming denies science, specifically the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. You cannot create energy out of nothing.

The Church of Global Warming also denies mathematics, specifically algebra, random number mathematics, probability mathematics, and statistical mathematics.

The Church of Global Warming believes a government agency is science.

You don't get to speak for everyone. Omniscience fallacy.
You show no sign of having a clue either about my clues or much else. Let's take a look at Happer, one of your "scientists", who offered this:

"Climate models that attempt to predict the future temperature of the planet...don’t work. They haven’t worked in the past. They don’t work now."; "the number of factors that influence climate—the sun, the earth’s orbital properties, oceans, clouds, and, yes, industrial man—is huge and enormously variable"; "CO2 is a minor contributor to the warming of the earth"
No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth at all. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
Wrong: climate models don't have to be perfect to be useful indicators.
Not an indicator. A random number generator.
This is a consensus verdict from a survey of scientists:
Science doesn't use consensus. There is no voting bloc in science.
Climate models can account for a variety of factors that influence Earth’s climate, including land, atmosphere, ice, and human activities. The effects of these factors can vary depending on the climatic pattern being evaluated. For instance, greenhouse gas emissions have a strong effect on global warming, whereas the Sun and the Earth’s orbital properties do not influence the global temperature over the timescales relevant to current warming trends. Climate models don’t need to perfectly capture every parameter to accurately model the average global temperature. State-of-the-art climate models have accurately reproduced past climatic patterns and forecasted future global warming trends.
Random number generators are not data.
Human caused emissions of CO2 are a significant driver of global warming.
No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You are again ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
Science Feedback

Typical clumsy slight of hand by the Right's intellectual frauds, attempting to render useless a finding that something is usually true by showing it is not always true.
Irrelevant. You are still trying to ignore the 1st law of thermodynamics.

Here is something else for you to think about, Martin.​

Ocean currents may be more important than the greenhouse effect​

“If it [a scientific hypothesis] disagrees with experiment, it’s WRONG.” Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman


A rather different challenge to the CO2 global warming hypothesis from the challenges discussed in my previous posts postulates that human emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere have only a minimal impact on the earth’s temperature. Instead, it is proposed that current global warming comes from a slowdown in ocean currents.
CO2 has NO impact on Earth's temperature. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing.

Ocean currents are NOT 'slowing down'. As long as there is a difference of temperature between the equator and the poles, there WILL be ocean currents. You can't stop them.
The daring challenge has been made in a recent paper

The minimal contribution of CO2 is evident from the following table, which shows how the amount of longwave radiation from greenhouse gases absorbed at the tropical surface goes up only marginally as the CO2 concentration increases. The dominant greenhouse gas is water vapor, which produces 361.4 watts per square meter of radiation at the surface in the absence of CO2; its value in the table (surface radiation) is the average global tropical value.

Argument from randU fallacy. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. It is not possible to measure the global CO2 concentration of Earth. There is no such thing as a 'greenhouse gas'. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
Corrupted, manipulated data, per usual.
No. Completely synthesized. They are nothing more than random numbers. There is NO DATA.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. There are simply nowhere near enough thermometers and it's not possible to build that many thermometers.
People untrained in science make fools of themselves cherry picking the science. Righties make a habit of it. This thread by contrast
cites planetary temperatures reported in the news.
No science here...move along...move along...

You deny science, specifically the 1st law of thermodynamics (so far). You cannot create energy out of nothing. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
I have a degree in pure chemistry for my sins what do you have? Fuck all is my guess.
Science is not a degree, certification, license, college, University, government agency, paper, magazine, journal, society, academy, or web site.

Claiming any credentials on a blind forum such as JPP is really rather pointless. Don't base your argument on credentials. There is always someone that will deny them and you have no way to prove your credentials.

If you understand chemistry, you understand that you cannot create energy out of nothing. You should already understand the 1st law of thermodynamics, which means no gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
Which qualifies you to debate climate science? You're in the wrong place. Try it at a science forum and see how you do. Good luck.
There is no such thing as 'climate science'. Denying science as you do is not science. Religion is not science.
Much, most of "climate science" is government funded. When that's the case, the bulk of scientists involved in that field make sure to find the results that will get them more grant and research money, rather than do good science.
In that case, they are not scientists. Merely scammers with a degree.
Science is not a degree nor funding.
For example, shortly after 9/11, studies started to come out that contrails contributed significantly to climate change.
Climate cannot change. There is no value associated with climate to 'change'. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
The politics intervened and these studies were dropped almost entirely, and the 'party' line became that its contribution was insignificant, and we were back to the CO2 line. With the IPCC, a leading purveyor of Gorebal Warming having a near 100% track record of wrong predictions, doesn't help either. Piling onto that, the same bunch of climate scientists told us the hole in the ozone layer would heal by now if we got rid of CFC's. We did. The hole's still there and just as big or bigger than its ever been.
The 'climate scientists' you refer to are not scientists at all. They are priests.
The Church of the Ozone Hole is related to the Church of Global Warming. They both stem from the Church of Green. That in turn stems from the Church of Karl Marx.
Given their poor track record of prediction,
The true test of a Seer.
the clear political influence going into what's studied and what results are obtained, I have little to no faith in the science of climate change. When you top all of that off with the clearly political solutions, particularly in energy, to climate change, I am left with little reason to accept or believe what I'm being told about it.
There is no 'science of climate change'.
We should expect uncommonly warm temperatures throughout the summer and beyond.
And the Seer speaks...
El Niño is dead. Here’s what to expect in the coming months
Published 9:01 AM EDT, Thu June 13, 2024

El Niño has officially come to an end and the ripples from its demise will shake up weather around the globe.
How do you 'shake up weather'?? Do you put it in a can and use paint mixer machine?
El Niño – a natural climate pattern
Climate isn't a pattern. Climate has no temperature.
marked by warmer than average ocean temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean
Nope. The Pacific Oscillation (El Nino/La Nina/Neutral) does not create energy out of nothing. All it does is move warm or cold water around. It does not create any energy to warm the ocean. This equatorial counter-current can get pinched off in some years, leaving warmer water on either the East Pacific, or the West Pacific, or distributed rather evenly along the equator.

This normal variation in equatorial counter-currents takes place in the Atlantic as well.

– has gripped the planet since the start of last summer. It reached super status earlier this year after boosting temperatures during the hottest year on record and influencing other global weather events.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. There is no such thing as 'global weather'.
With El Niño out of the spotlight, its opposite is preparing to take center stage later this summer: La Niña.
I suppose you like to predict when a slot machine is 'due' as well. Las Vegas LOVES rubes like you!
For now, neither La Niña nor El Niño are present and a so-called neutral phase has begun, according to NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center. But this will change quickly as La Niña builds through the summer and is likely firmly in control by September during the peak of hurricane season.
NOAA cannot measure the temperature of the Earth, or it's oceans. It's prediction is as good as yours...useless. See ya in Las Vegas!
Here’s what a summer without El Niño and a budding La Niña could have in store.

Sweltering summer, active Atlantic
La Niña summers following strong El Niño winters have historically been some of the hottest on record in the US. This summer could be no different, even before La Niña is entrenched.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the United States.
Above-average temperatures are expected over nearly all of the Lower 48 this summer. Sizzling conditions began early in the West and a push of July-like heat is spreading over the eastern half of the country.
Did you know it's summer in the United States? Temperatures tend to get higher in the summer. Big deal. Go out and enjoy the summer instead of worrying about the end of the world.
Another Holy Link. You sure like to use these.
But, but, but some obscure ex TV weatherman or alike proved that man made climate change is a hoax, global conspiracy, besides, Science is lying
The Church of Global Warming is a religion perpetuating a hoax. It is a global religion, and a global conspiracy. It denies science and mathematics.

Climate cannot change.
Much, most of "climate science" is government funded. When that's the case, the bulk of scientists involved in that field make sure to find the results that will get them more grant and research money, rather than do good science.

For example, shortly after 9/11, studies started to come out that contrails contributed significantly to climate change. The politics intervened and these studies were dropped almost entirely, and the 'party' line became that its contribution was insignificant, and we were back to the CO2 line. With the IPCC, a leading purveyor of Gorebal Warming having a near 100% track record of wrong predictions, doesn't help either. Piling onto that, the same bunch of climate scientists told us the hole in the ozone layer would heal by now if we got rid of CFC's. We did. The hole's still there and just as big or bigger than its ever been.

Given their poor track record of prediction, the clear political influence going into what's studied and what results are obtained, I have little to no faith in the science of climate change. When you top all of that off with the clearly political solutions, particularly in energy, to climate change, I am left with little reason to accept or believe what I'm being told about it.

In summary then: the EPA is in the pocket of the fossil fuel industry. Climate scientists earned their masters degrees and doctorates to become professional liars.

You're in a world of your own. Nothing to discuss.
So now a film, not a peer reviewed study nor research, but a you tube video, and one produced not by a scientist nor climate expert, but a British TV director, negates the consensus view of Science that we are experiencing the results of man made climate change

Yeah, going to run right out and watch that film
Science does not use 'peer review'. Science is not 'experts'. Science does not use consensus. There is no voting bloc in science.
Climate cannot change. There is no such thing in science as 'climate change'.