Another Month Brings Another World Heat Record

In summary then: the EPA is in the pocket of the fossil fuel industry. Climate scientists earned their masters degrees and doctorates to become professional liars.

You're in a world of your own. Nothing to discuss.
Fossils aren't used as fuel. Fossils don't burn. There is no 'fossil fuel industry'.
The EPA is a government agency.
There is no such thing as a 'climate scientist'. Climate isn't a science.
Ok as far as I'm concerned you're just another fool, funny how you refuse to declare what your scientific background is, if any. I think it's immensely revealing that you think having a chemistry degree means nothing in the climate science world. As I've already stated you're a fool and will treat you as such in future.
I'd say that you're a typical journalist.

Anyway I've a plane to catch to catch to Singapore from Bangkok, see you later.
There is no 'climate science world'. There is no 'climate science' (except as a religious artifact).
In summary then: the EPA is in the pocket of the fossil fuel industry. Climate scientists earned their masters degrees and doctorates to become professional liars.

You're in a world of your own. Nothing to discuss.
No, the EPA is in the pocket of the radical environmental Left. One of the best indicators of this is how the EPA and those groups on the Left use "consent decrees" to make policy.

What the two do is collude where the EPA wants to regulate something but can't get it politically passed. So, they go to environmental groups off the record and help them sue the EPA who, of course, doesn't do much or anything to fight the suit. The two then agree to a consent decree rather than a court fight where the EPA is now legally obligated to regulate what they wanted to regulate all along.

The link above is one example of this were environmental groups sued the EPA to control methane flaring in oil fields and the EPA now gets to control methane flaring in oil fields.

Climate scientists in academia assist in this sort of collusion by producing "research" the EPA wants that backs Leftist environmental positions. This gives those groups the necessary supposed "expert opinions / research" to use to file their court cases which the EPA has encouraged them to do.
Reject it as you wish but it is a belief held by the vast majority of scientists who study climate, making it a scientific belief.
Science is not religion. There is no such thing as 'scientific belief'. A theory of science simply exists. You ignore theories of science, including the 1st law of thermodynamics.

Climate is not a study.
Many on the Right rejected the medical science recommendations of masks
I see you are member of the Church of Covid as well. There is no 'medical science' of masks. N95 masks are incapable of stopping a virus.
Paradox V.
and social distancing during the Covid pandemic and are dead.
Covid does not kill.
Two aspects both had in common: politics and ignorance of the subject. It's puzzling how anyone with at least ordinary intelligence would feel comfortable rejecting without the necessary scientific training a finding of science that may affect him directly. Such is the religion of politics.
You are describing yourself.
No, the EPA is in the pocket of the radical environmental Left. One of the best indicators of this is how the EPA and those groups on the Left use "consent decrees" to make policy.

What the two do is collude where the EPA wants to regulate something but can't get it politically passed. So, they go to environmental groups off the record and help them sue the EPA who, of course, doesn't do much or anything to fight the suit. The two then agree to a consent decree rather than a court fight where the EPA is now legally obligated to regulate what they wanted to regulate all along.

The link above is one example of this were environmental groups sued the EPA to control methane flaring in oil fields and the EPA now gets to control methane flaring in oil fields.

Climate scientists in academia assist in this sort of collusion by producing "research" the EPA wants that backs Leftist environmental positions. This gives those groups the necessary supposed "expert opinions / research" to use to file their court cases which the EPA has encouraged them to do.
Conspiracy theory as an art form.

Question: why is "the radical left" focused on the environment? Why does it care about methane in oil fields?
Conspiracy theory as an art form.

Question: why is "the radical left" focused on the environment? Why does it care about methane in oil fields?
Because the radical Left looks for issues that can be used to gain power and control over a society and nation.
The perfect description of MAGAT "news" and the MAGAT's Gropingfuehrer. Thanks!
Reject it as you wish but it is a belief held by the vast majority of scientists who study climate, making it a scientific belief. Many on the Right rejected the medical science recommendations of masks and social distancing during the Covid pandemic and are dead. Two aspects both had in common: politics and ignorance of the subject. It's puzzling how anyone with at least ordinary intelligence would feel comfortable rejecting without the necessary scientific training a finding of science that may affect him directly. Such is the religion of politics.

We were just discussing this today. The typical annual flu vaccine is usually tri- or quadrivalent meaning that it protects us against more than one flu strain. This year's vaccin will be bivalent, containing only two. Why? Because one common seasonal variant went extinct during the pandemic -- because of simple measures like masks, social distancing, and hand washing.

Science works, even if you are an idiot denier.
Are the climate engineers who are dumping who knows what into the atmosphere without even attempting to gain our consent causing it?

Could be.