Another"responsible" gun owner gives public demonstration of safety skills


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Legal gun owner arrested for chambering round at Connecticut Chuck E. Cheese

A Connecticut woman was arrested at the children’s restaurant Chuck E. Cheese in Newington on Monday after she was accused of pulling her gun and chambering a round while threatening another mother.

According to Newington police, 30-year-old Tawana Bourne brandished a .380 semi-automatic handgun and chambered a round while arguing with another woman, the New Haven Register reported. Both women were at the restaurant with children.

Restaurant employees quickly called police, who separated the women and confiscated Bourne’s handgun. Police said that Bourne had a legal Connecticut permit to carry the weapon.

“Bourne was charged with breach of peace, three counts of risk of injury to a minor, second-degree threatening and first-degree reckless endangerment,” according to the Register. She was released on $50,000 bond.

Bourne’s Facebook page indicated that she was a social worker and involved with There Is Hope, a program to mentor “at-risk” males who could otherwise find themselves in the custody of the Connecticut Department of Youth and Families.

She told WJW that she had “pursued her dream of working with children after rediscovering God and conquering a crack cocaine addiction.”

“I’m a very good person,” Bourne explained. “Very, very involved in the community.”

“Tawana then believes she was delivered from the demons of addiction through prayer at a church service,” according to a profile that had been removed from the Urban Alliance’s website by the time of publication.

“Tawana is the Vice-President of the Parent Teacher Organization at her sons’ school, and on the steering committee for CT Parent Power ‘a parent-led organization with a mission to engage, educate and mobilize parents to act on children’s issues,’” the profile said.

Raw Story ( guys are on the ball here. I read this post, went to get this article and by the time I came back it was moved. Anyway, here's a better story:

An 11-year-old boy was riding a bike through his Washington, D.C. neighborhood when he encountered a trio of unleashed pit bulls. The pit bulls viciously attacked the boy, with the young man’s uncle later recalling that all three of the dogs were biting the boy’s limbs. A neighbor who witnessed the attack went home, retrieved a pistol, and fired at the dogs, striking one. The sound of gunfire alerted a police officer to the attack, and once on the scene the officer dispatched the other two dogs. Following the attack, the boy was taken to a local hospital and underwent surgery.
The boy’s uncle praised the actions of the armed citizen and police officer, stating, “They did the right thing.” Unfortunately, doing the right thing can be a crime in Washington, D.C., as District police are investigating whether the armed citizen violated any of the city’s onerous gun control laws.

The guy shouldn't have had to take time to go to his house and retrieve a gun or wait on an officer to get there (even though in this case it sounds as if the officer was nearby) but he was in Washington DC ... which is famous for a couple of things.
As to the OP, the woman should be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law if it is deemed she is definitely in the wrong...and it seems to me that she is. I do like the addendum of the religious stuff at the end. All whackos are religious or are whackos because of religion, I suppose. guys are on the ball here. I read this post, went to get this article and by the time I came back it was moved. Anyway, here's a better story:

An 11-year-old boy was riding a bike through his Washington, D.C. neighborhood when he encountered a trio of unleashed pit bulls. The pit bulls viciously attacked the boy, with the young man’s uncle later recalling that all three of the dogs were biting the boy’s limbs. A neighbor who witnessed the attack went home, retrieved a pistol, and fired at the dogs, striking one. The sound of gunfire alerted a police officer to the attack, and once on the scene the officer dispatched the other two dogs. Following the attack, the boy was taken to a local hospital and underwent surgery.
The boy’s uncle praised the actions of the armed citizen and police officer, stating, “They did the right thing.” Unfortunately, doing the right thing can be a crime in Washington, D.C., as District police are investigating whether the armed citizen violated any of the city’s onerous gun control laws.

The guy shouldn't have had to take time to go to his house and retrieve a gun or wait on an officer to get there (even though in this case it sounds as if the officer was nearby) but he was in Washington DC ... which is famous for a couple of things.

Interesting highlights perfectly how a gun can transform a coward into someone others refer to as "brave".

I question the neighbor's need to go get the gun before attempting a rescue...I would have gone for a 2X4, a shovel, a piece of lawn furniture...anything lying around the yard...and used it to fight off the dogs. The neighbor wasted precious seconds going into his house to get a weapon. The article even points out how the neighbor's gunshot didn't chase off the other two dogs...the police had to do that.
Interesting highlights perfectly how a gun can transform a coward into someone others refer to as "brave".

So now you attack the gun owner and call him a coward?

I question the neighbor's need to go get the gun before attempting a rescue...I would have gone for a 2X4, a shovel, a piece of lawn furniture...anything lying around the yard...and used it to fight off the dogs.

ROFLMAO... wow, you are pathetic. You have a lot of 2x4's, shovels etc... lying around in your yard do you? A piece of lawn furniture? Comical... truly comical. Got lawn furniture in your front yard do ya?

The neighbor wasted precious seconds going into his house to get a weapon. The article even points out how the neighbor's gunshot didn't chase off the other two dogs...the police had to do that.

As opposed to running around looking for a 2x4 as you suggested?
Interesting highlights perfectly how a gun can transform a coward into someone others refer to as "brave".

I question the neighbor's need to go get the gun before attempting a rescue...I would have gone for a 2X4, a shovel, a piece of lawn furniture...anything lying around the yard...and used it to fight off the dogs. The neighbor wasted precious seconds going into his house to get a weapon. The article even points out how the neighbor's gunshot didn't chase off the other two dogs...the police had to do that.

Because that's what the cops would have done. Using an inferior tool doesn't make you manly, it makes you stupid.

Then you understand that out of 100,000,000 gun owners, there would need to be 1,000 incidents like this every single day of the year to represent 1/3rd of 1% of guns owners. I know you make similar arguments about Muslims and blacks, which have a much higher rate of violence (which still does not make them inherently violent). You shouldn't let the actions of a very very very very very very small minority represent a group at large. But apparently you only apply that methodology to rights that you like.
So now you attack the gun owner and call him a coward?

Is that what I did?

Don't blame me if its right there in the article...the neighbor only felt brave enough to confront the dogs AFTER he got his gun.

ROFLMAO... wow, you are pathetic. You have a lot of 2x4's, shovels etc... lying around in your yard do you? A piece of lawn furniture? Comical... truly comical. Got lawn furniture in your front yard do ya? is so typical when someone makes a point unpopular with this board's gun nuts...I DARED to question the use of a gun and VOILA...the derision begins almost immediately.

My wife has been working on the planters that run along the front of our house lately and because of this, we have a shovel and other gardening tools handy nearby...but don't let a little common sense stop you from your snide derision

As opposed to running around looking for a 2x4 as you suggested?

I'd have used my bare hands to help that child if necessary...the neighbor didn't feel brave enough to help until he'd gotten his gun.
Community organizer and mother of two 'pulled a gun at Chuck E Cheese's

[h=1]Community organizer and mother of two 'pulled a gun at Chuck E Cheese's on a woman during heated argument over their feuding toddlers'[/h]
A Connecticut mother of two was arrested after allegedly pulling a gun on another woman during an argument over their kids at a Chuck E. Cheese's restaurant.

Police say Tawana Bourne, 30, of Middletown, threatened a mother at the popular children's pizza eatery in Newington with a .380 caliber semiautomatic handgun and chambered a round Monday.


Both women had their young children present at the time.

Bourne, who has a valid pistol permit, was charged with breach of peace, three counts of risk of injury to a minor, first-degree reckless endangerment and second-degree threatening. She was released on $50,000 bond and is due back in court February 19.

Chuck E. Cheese’s released a statement saying weapons are banned in its restaurants and managers are evaluating security. The incident took place at around 8pm Monday when police received a report of an argument involving a firearm from the restaurant on Berlin Turnpike.

Bourne's alleged victim, Shkurte Berisha, of New Britain, said that it all started when she addressed the suspect's five-year-old son after the boy had pushed her two-year-old daughter of a children's ride.

Bourne allegedly told her, 'Watch your tone with my son,' to which the little girl’s mother replied that the 30-year-old should watch her child. At that point, Berisha said Bourne took a gun out of her right pocket and pointed it at her, prompting Berisha to shield her daughter with her body.

Shortly after, the 30-year-old put the gun away and Berisha dialed 911, Hartford Courant reported. No one was injured in the confrontation.

Bourne disputed the allegation that she waved the gun around, saying only, 'That's incorrect.'
On Tuesday, the 30-year-old mother of two described herself as 'a very good person' who has been 'very, very involved in the community.'

In 2010, Bourne, a reformed crack addict, founded Healthy Home Healthy child, a Middletown-based organization that works with at-risk families.


I will get behind a law that takes away the guns of community organizers...those people are all crazy.
Is that what I did?

Yes, that is precisely what you did.

Don't blame me if its right there in the article...the neighbor only felt brave enough to confront the dogs AFTER he got his gun.

That is your problem, you are arbitrarily assigning fear as the rationale for his going to get the gun. You ignore the fact that it could have simply been common sense. Get attacked by just one pit bull sometime... then tell me what you think your odds are of going in against three of them. is so typical when someone makes a point unpopular with this board's gun nuts...I DARED to question the use of a gun and VOILA...the derision begins almost immediately.

Your attacking the man as a coward is what caused you to get mocked. It was pure nonsense and has nothing to do with gun control. You then said you would grab a 2x4 or shovel as if people just have those lying around the yard. That too got you mocked. Trying to ward off three pit bulls with lawn furniture, well... that just presented too funny of a picture.

My wife has been working on the planters that run along the front of our house lately and because of this, we have a shovel and other gardening tools handy nearby...but don't let a little common sense stop you from your snide derision

The point is that most people don't leave tools lying around their yard, they put them away. Obviously you and your wife are a bit sloppy and don't care if crap is lying about your yard. But for you to assume that people just have stuff lying around shows that is something that is common where you live. What is really odd is that you think grabbing one of these as a weapon doesn't make you a coward to begin with and only 'brave' enough to help once you had your 2x4.

I'd have used my bare hands to help that child if necessary...the neighbor didn't feel brave enough to help until he'd gotten his gun.

lol... sure you would have.
Interesting highlights perfectly how a gun can transform a coward into someone others refer to as "brave".

I question the neighbor's need to go get the gun before attempting a rescue...I would have gone for a 2X4, a shovel, a piece of lawn furniture...anything lying around the yard...and used it to fight off the dogs. The neighbor wasted precious seconds going into his house to get a weapon. The article even points out how the neighbor's gunshot didn't chase off the other two dogs...the police had to do that.

you are 20 pounds of crazy in a 5 pound bag. That you can't even see your idiotic hypocrisy is amusing. I don't believe you've EVER had to break up a dog fight, much less do I ever believe you'd intervene in a dog attack on a child. If you even tried doing so with something as stupid ad a 2x4 or piece of lawn furniture, you'd never do it again. and it's totally laughable watching you keep a very solid and definitive line about your belief that cops are awesome superheroes and citizens are just weak and stupid, unable to do anything. seriously, the citizens gunshot didn't chase off the dogs, only the superhero cops could?
That is your problem, you are arbitrarily assigning fear as the rationale for his going to get the gun. You ignore the fact that it could have simply been common sense. Get attacked by just one pit bull sometime... then tell me what you think your odds are of going in against three of them.

Oh's "common sense" to run away and abandon a child being mauled by dogs, instead of IMMEDIATELY attempting to rescue the child...ROTFLMAO!

And Y-E-S..."common sense" says a grown man who won't risk personal injury to rescue a child being attacked by dogs is a coward. Sorry if the label stings.

Of course this will be the part where you tell me all about how you've been attacked by HUNDREDS of pitbulls through the years, how I have no idea what I'm talking about and how you are eminently more qualified to comment on attacks than I.

Your attacking the man as a coward is what caused you to get mocked. It was pure nonsense and has nothing to do with gun control. You then said you would grab a 2x4 or shovel as if people just have those lying around the yard. That too got you mocked. Trying to ward off three pit bulls with lawn furniture, well... that just presented too funny of a picture.

Again...common sense says any man unwilling to risk some bodily injury to rescue a child being attacked by dogs IS a coward.

It took me a bit, but I finally understand how someone too scared to risk injury to rescue a child from attacking dogs might find comical the concept of fighting off dogs with anything other than a gun.

The point is that most people don't leave tools lying around their yard, they put them away. Obviously you and your wife are a bit sloppy and don't care if crap is lying about your yard. But for you to assume that people just have stuff lying around shows that is something that is common where you live. What is really odd is that you think grabbing one of these as a weapon doesn't make you a coward to begin with and only 'brave' enough to help once you had your 2x4.

Oh my word, look at all the justification being done to rationalize your inability to respond with anything other than's no wonder civil discourse is dying on these boards. point was there are any number of weapons at hand in most people's yards and only a coward would forgo utilizing one to instead abandon a child while they go inside to get a gun.

lol... sure you would have.

And now the coward who will only fight off dogs if he's got a gun presumes to speak for me...ROTFLMAO!!
you are 20 pounds of crazy in a 5 pound bag. That you can't even see your idiotic hypocrisy is amusing.

Your refusal to admit that a grown man who leaves a child being attacked by dogs is indeed a COWARD, is what's amusing.

I don't believe you've EVER had to break up a dog fight, much less...intervene in a dog attack on a child.

Well, I don't believe I've EVER given two rat farts what you believe or don't believe about me.

If you even tried doing so with something as stupid ad a 2x4 or piece of lawn furniture, you'd never do it again.

You don't think breaking a 2X4 over the head of a dog might break up an attack? Or maybe catching it in the ribs with a shovel or a 20lb piece of lawn furniture?

Well of course I should have consulted with you and SF, the board's EXPERTS on fending off dog attacks.

and it's totally laughable watching you keep a very solid and definitive line about your belief that cops are awesome superheroes

I have never made such a claim...why can't you just discuss this honestly for a change?

and citizens are just weak and stupid, unable to do anything.

I never said that either, did I?
Your refusal to admit that a grown man who leaves a child being attacked by dogs is indeed a COWARD, is what's amusing.
what makes him a coward? would it make a cop a coward because he didn't immediately jump in barehanded, but used his gun right away?

You don't think breaking a 2X4 over the head of a dog might break up an attack? Or maybe catching it in the ribs with a shovel or a 20lb piece of lawn furniture?
I think you'd stand a 50/50 chance of also hitting the child being attacked, then what would you do?

Well of course I should have consulted with you and SF, the board's EXPERTS on fending off dog attacks.
maybe you should have. I have 7 dogs, 4 of them Pit Bulls and yes, i've had to break up fights several times. I'd consider myself an expert.

I have never made such a claim...why can't you just discuss this honestly for a change?

I never said that either, did I?
you have consistently declared that cops are specifically trained to make split second life and death decisions, but then have absolutely no problem cutting them all kinds of slack for any mistakes they may make (even though they are highly trained) yet insist on the average citizen pay the highest price possible for making a mistake because they didn't wait for a cop. you're a hypocritical sheeple for just that very reason.
what makes him a coward? would it make a cop a coward because he didn't immediately jump in barehanded, but used his gun right away?

No, the use of a gun doesn't make him a coward...the fact he would spend precious seconds going into his home, finding the gun, loading it and returning before confronting the dogs makes him a coward.

If an officer was on scene at the beginning of the attack, it makes perfect sense to use his gun...if the dog owner had been carrying a gun at the time it would make sense for him to use it, but to waste precious seconds retrieving a gun while the dogs continue to maul the child does not make sense.

I think you'd stand a 50/50 chance of also hitting the child being attacked, then what would you do?

Doesn't the child stand a chance of getting shot by anyone with a gun trying to kill the attacking dog?

maybe you should have. I have 7 dogs, 4 of them Pit Bulls and yes, i've had to break up fights several times. I'd consider myself an expert.

And every time you had to break up a fight, did you let the animals continue to tear each other apart while you went and got your gun, or did you utilize whatever was at hand to help you stop the fight?

you have consistently declared that cops are specifically trained to make split second life and death decisions, but then have absolutely no problem cutting them all kinds of slack for any mistakes they may make (even though they are highly trained) yet insist on the average citizen pay the highest price possible for making a mistake because they didn't wait for a cop. you're a hypocritical sheeple for just that very reason.

That's because vigilante justice is wrong...we pay the police to be the experts...weekend warriors with itchy trigger fingers are a danger to the public.
Interesting highlights perfectly how a gun can transform a coward into someone others refer to as "brave".

I question the neighbor's need to go get the gun before attempting a rescue...I would have gone for a 2X4, a shovel, a piece of lawn furniture...anything lying around the yard...and used it to fight off the dogs. The neighbor wasted precious seconds going into his house to get a weapon. The article even points out how the neighbor's gunshot didn't chase off the other two dogs...the police had to do that.
Ever taken on a wild animal with improvised weapons?

We hear one part of the story, woman draws gun, chambers round.
Nothing as to why.
It's chucky fucking cheese , the biggest collection of human refuse outside of prison!
How often do we hear of violence and assaults in these shitholes?
Interesting highlights perfectly how a gun can transform a coward into someone others refer to as "brave".

I question the neighbor's need to go get the gun before attempting a rescue...I would have gone for a 2X4, a shovel, a piece of lawn furniture...anything lying around the yard...and used it to fight off the dogs. The neighbor wasted precious seconds going into his house to get a weapon. The article even points out how the neighbor's gunshot didn't chase off the other two dogs...the police had to do that.
Saved the kids life.
If he had no gun the kid would be dead.
We are talking pit bulls not fucking spaniels!
Wild animals are dangerous.
Animals trained to fight and kill are more dangerous !

Dead kids are great so long as guns are banned though, right ?

Bringing us back to chucky fucking Cheese!