Another"responsible" gun owner gives public demonstration of safety skills

Oh this just keeps getting better and better! this really is the gift that keeps on giving!

So NOW you're going to pretend this guy followed you and your son up and down the block, puffing smoke like some kind of demented choo choo train while at the same time maliciously trying to block your path, while 8 SEPARATE onlookers each called 911?

You still haven't explained why you didn't just ENTER THE STORE your wife was doing her shopping in, which would have IMMEDIATELY defused the situation.

Only you chose to stay outside and allow the situation to continue to escalate.
Read the original post, part of it is in your sig line.
I'm outside a store, some distance from it. Nobody stands blocking a doorway.
A guy walks past smoking a cigar, I cough when the cloud comes around me and my son, he turned ranting about what the fuck is my problem.
I pointed out that he was blowing smoke all over my child, asking if he could please blow his smoke elsewhere.
He informed me that he could smoke where the fuck he likes.
I walked away, he ran ahead of me turned around and blew smoke at my son, I again asked him to stop.
Eventually I stopped faced him and told him that he had better stop, he walked right up to us, put his face right up to my sons and released a cloud of smoke into my sons face.
My son, already panicked by this nutters aggression got into an awfull state, I pulled my gun and invited the nutter to do that again, he declined and left.
When the police arrived they already knew what happened and told me they had received several 911 calls about this scumbag.

Again you selectively edit.
It's like you liberals keep lying that George Zimmerman shot Trayvon just because he had tea and skittles!
already answered it

finally you will shut up and this place will smell better now ButtHurtYurt is going to play the "round and round" game, never answering the questions put to him.

Not a problem...I can continue to draw attention to his gutless evasions as long as he likes!

It's just further proof that BHY is indeed just a pathetic troll who's NEVER been interest in honest debate.
stop whining zappa. i've challenged you to one on one debate and you run away every time.

you're a pussy. you can't debate in a one on one.
stop whining zappa. i've challenged you to one on one debate and you run away every time.

you're a pussy. you can't debate in a one on one.

You keep whining and whining about one on one debate, but you can't even answer a single question.

...typical "do as I say and not as I do" Butt Hurt Yurt!
given i asked you to debate over a YEAR ago....the onus is on you

So you still refuse to answer my very simple question...

What a total surprise.

I have no doubt a "one on one" debate with you will end in the exact same manner as this thread...with you resorting to the same petty evasions everyone sees from you all the time or just outright ignoring questions that make you uncomfortable.

Since you've refused to answer the very simple question put to you here, you demonstrate once again you aren't REALLY interested in open debate, just in baiting others and I see no reason to engage in another exercise in futility with you on another thread.
Can I borrow that crystal ball you used to see into the future to make that determination? I'd like this weekend's lotto numbers.


We are talking flesh and blood doggies...not indestructible Robotic Cyber-canines with Adamantium bones and Kevlar skin.

One good whack to the head with a shovel or other garden tool and I can guarantee ol Fido ain't getting back up!

hey zappa retard, i'm just wonderin how many minutes you'd spend trying to beat ol fido with your 2x4 instead of getting the gun. would it look something like this?