Are Democrats Racist?

This morning, I was watching Chris Matthews show, (nothing else was on except infomercials, and my cable is out.) He had a guest, Cynthia Tucker, and some others... but the conversation surrounded the Democrat nominee for 2008.

Tucker, a black woman, thought Al Gore had the most legitimate shot at winning the nomination... Matthews pretty much agreed with her, but the reasoning was what interested me. Both concluded that the Democrats would realize, the two people sucking up all the oxygen, are a woman and a black man... "long shots" according to Matthews.

There was no discussion about policy, or views, or even a difference in the candidates political platforms, just this insidious reference to their race and gender, as the one and only determining factor. This just smacked of racism and sexism to me, especially considering Gore's obvious mental instability.

Oh yeah, later in the show, one of the other guests said he thought the woman or the black man could win the presidency, with a general on the ticket. It's nice to know the Democrats are so focused on the issues and concerns of Americans, and not the race or gender of their candidates.
I'm not.

to discuss political reality is not racist.... that would be like the republican state committee in Alabama discussing whether it made any sense to try to nominate a black man for governor.
I'm not.

to discuss political reality is not racist.... that would be like the republican state committee in Alabama discussing whether it made any sense to try to nominate a black man for governor.

Could you imagine what pinheads would post, if Sean Hannity had a conversation with a republican pundit about Condi's chances at becoming nominated, and both Hannity and his guest agreed, she couldn't possibly win the republican nomination because she was a black woman? I mean, can anyone possibly imagine the level of shrill rhetoric we would hear about the "racist" republicans?

The hypocrisy is absolutely astonishing to me.
Are Democrats Racist?

Given that your party's entire House congressional delegation is made of of white people, I think your asking the wrong question. The GOP doesn't have a single black person, or hispanic person (to my knowledge) in the House of Representatives.
that would be like the republican state committee in Alabama discussing whether it made any sense to try to nominate a black man for governor.

No, it's more like... two Democrat political hacks discussing how a black man or a woman would be a 'long-shot' to win the Democrat nomination, precisely because of their race and gender, and no other reason. That's what it's more like to me.
Could you imagine what pinheads would post, if Sean Hannity had a conversation with a republican pundit about Condi's chances at becoming nominated, and both Hannity and his guest agreed, she couldn't possibly win the republican nomination because she was a black woman? I mean, can anyone possibly imagine the level of shrill rhetoric we would hear about the "racist" republicans?

The hypocrisy is absolutely astonishing to me.

I saw the show dumbass.

They were not talking about Hillary's or Obama's chances to win the nomination...they were talking about who could win the general election.

Don't lie.

And why would they come to the conclusion that America might not line up to elect either a woman or a black man to the Presidency? Well, they must be out of their minds. After all, we've had black Presidents and female Presidents before.
m'eh. I think it's about time...

To tell the truth, even though I don't like it, well unless we get another neocon candidate, the Rs have little chance of winning in two years if nothing changes. Realistically, whomever gets the D nod is likely to win at this juncture.
that would be like the republican state committee in Alabama discussing whether it made any sense to try to nominate a black man for governor.

No, it's more like... two Democrat political hacks discussing how a black man or a woman would be a 'long-shot' to win the Democrat nomination, precisely because of their race and gender, and no other reason. That's what it's more like to me.

The transcript is not up yet, but when they put it up, you better run your ass out of here.

How stupid that you would even try and pass off this BS, that anybody said that it would be a "long-shot" for Hillary especially to win the Democratic nomination when the latest polls show her blowing away the rest of the field, at 41% among Democratic voters.
m'eh. I think it's about time...

To tell the truth, even though I don't like it, well unless we get another neocon candidate, the Rs have little chance of winning in two years if nothing changes. Realistically, whomever gets the D nod is likely to win at this juncture.

I don't necessarily agree Damo, that a woman or a black male could not win a general election. I'm not sure about it. You know, historically, sexism has proved to be a stronger force in the white male than racism. Witnessed by the black male gaining the vote before the female. In fact, there was one amendment for voting rights, or one of the civil rights bills (I forget which one) where a Republican Southerner inserted that it would also gain the same rights for females, believing that the white male would balk at that and it would kill any chance of the legislation passing. It actually did pass anyway, but it does show that sexism was a more acceptable and perhaps, deeper, prejudice than racism. So going by that, a black male would become President before a female of any race. I personally believe that Colin Powell is electable in a general. I do not know about Obama because there are other factors there than race.

But anyway, I'm not validating their opinion that a female or a black male could not win the general, I'm just stating what their actual position was, rather than pulling it out of my butt and making it up as I go along. Like some people whose name I will not mention but whose initials are Dixie Dumbass.
I saw the show dumbass.

They were not talking about Hillary's or Obama's chances to win the nomination...they were talking about who could win the general election.

Don't lie.

And why would they come to the conclusion that America might not line up to elect either a woman or a black man to the Presidency? Well, they must be out of their minds. After all, we've had black Presidents and female Presidents before.

Well, yes darling, they were also talking about the general election, but they specifically talked about the Democratic nomination, and Cynthia Tucker did specifically say, the Democrats would "wake up and realize" they were about to nominate a black man or a woman, and end up nominating Gore instead, and Matthews did specifically agree and call them "long-shots" because of their race and gender.

I don't know why they would come to such a conclusion, Darla, why don't you explain it to me? I thought we lived in a day and age where race didn't matter, and people were judged by their character and not skin color or gender. Why don't you tell us how these Democrats apparently think race and gender would be the only factor keeping these people from winning the nomination for your party?
Well, yes darling, they were also talking about the general election, but they specifically talked about the Democratic nomination, and Cynthia Tucker did specifically say, the Democrats would "wake up and realize" they were about to nominate a black man or a woman, and end up nominating Gore instead, and Matthews did specifically agree and call them "long-shots" because of their race and gender.

I don't know why they would come to such a conclusion, Darla, why don't you explain it to me? I thought we lived in a day and age where race didn't matter, and people were judged by their character and not skin color or gender. Why don't you tell us how these Democrats apparently think race and gender would be the only factor keeping these people from winning the nomination for your party?

Long-shots in the general. Both Tucker and Matthews expressed the opinion that if the Democrats nominated a woman or a black man, they would be a long shot in the general. Neither said anything close to "a black man or a woman could not win the Democratic nomination".

So I can't tell you why "these Democrats apparently think race and gender would be the only factor keeping these people from winning the nomination for my party" because neither do think that.

What they think is that people like you, living in states like yours, would never vote for a black man or a woman. Why do they think that?

Take a good look in the mirror and discover why.
Well, yes darling, they were also talking about the general election, but they specifically talked about the Democratic nomination, and Cynthia Tucker did specifically say, the Democrats would "wake up and realize" they were about to nominate a black man or a woman, and end up nominating Gore instead, and Matthews did specifically agree and call them "long-shots" because of their race and gender.

I don't know why they would come to such a conclusion, Darla, why don't you explain it to me? I thought we lived in a day and age where race didn't matter, and people were judged by their character and not skin color or gender. Why don't you tell us how these Democrats apparently think race and gender would be the only factor keeping these people from winning the nomination for your party?

why would smart democrats come to the conclusion that that a woman or a black man might face an uphill battle to win the white house? Are you really asking that question? YOU, who has opposed removing the ban against interracial marriage in your own state... YOU, who acknowledges that racism still exists in America.... do you really need to ask why a party that would like to win might want to question whether it made political sense to nominate someone of a race or gender that had never been nominated, let alone elected before? Maybe you should wait until the republicans debate whether to nominate a woman or an african american and then let's compare the reactions of our party...of course I will live and die of old age before YOUR party ever considers nominating anyone other than a white man, so, until such time, why don't you shut the fuck up?
I will live and die of old age before YOUR party ever considers nominating anyone other than a white man, so, until such time, why don't you shut the fuck up?

Um... Colin Powell... He refused it twice. He chose not to run. So, you would be wrong that you would "die of old age before (his) party ever considered nominating anyone other than a white man..." when in fact they considered it before your party did.
Um... Colin Powell... He refused it twice. He chose not to run. So, you would be wrong that you would "die of old age before (his) party ever considered nominating anyone other than a white man..." when in fact they considered it before your party did.

wrong. My party considered nominating Shirley Chisholm, an african american, and a woman, years ago.
Long-shots in the general. Both Tucker and Matthews expressed the opinion that if the Democrats nominated a woman or a black man, they would be a long shot in the general. Neither said anything close to "a black man or a woman could not win the Democratic nomination".

Yes they did! That was precisely what they said, they would be long-shots in the general, that was why they wouldn't win the nomination! They predicted Gore would win the nomination, because DEMOCRATS would realize, they couldn't nominate a black man or a woman, because they would be long-shots!

My question is, why are the Democrats concerned with race and gender? Why would they not set the standard, and put up the best candidate regardless of this? How are they not racially and sexually discriminating, by even suggesting that these people can't be elected in the general election? I certainly know, if Republicans suggested such a thing, they would be accused of racism.
Long-shots in the general. Both Tucker and Matthews expressed the opinion that if the Democrats nominated a woman or a black man, they would be a long shot in the general. Neither said anything close to "a black man or a woman could not win the Democratic nomination".

Yes they did! That was precisely what they said, they would be long-shots in the general, that was why they wouldn't win the nomination! They predicted Gore would win the nomination, because DEMOCRATS would realize, they couldn't nominate a black man or a woman, because they would be long-shots!

My question is, why are the Democrats concerned with race and gender? Why would they not set the standard, and put up the best candidate regardless of this? How are they not racially and sexually discriminating, by even suggesting that these people can't be elected in the general election? I certainly know, if Republicans suggested such a thing, they would be accused of racism.

duh...because both parties realise that with the relative parity that exists, a successful candidate needs to draw votes from both sides and everyone knows that republicans "spit the bit" when it comes to women or niggers as president.
why would smart democrats come to the conclusion that that a woman or a black man might face an uphill battle to win the white house?

I have no idea why Democrats who claim to not be racist, would even consider race and gender when selecting a candidate. Why don't you explain it to me? And no one said they would "face an uphill battle", they said, they would not be nominated because they were "long-shots" due to their race and gender.

Hey, stop trying to blame it on Republicans, we don't nominate your candidates, you do! The overwhelming vast majority of Republicans are not going to vote for your candidate in the general either, regardless of what color or gender they are, so that point is moot.