Are Democrats Racist?

Maybe you should wait until the republicans debate whether to nominate a woman or an african american and then let's compare the reactions of our party...

I've already posted about that. Condi Rice is the name on every one's lips, and she is both, a woman, and African-American. I have heard Sean Hannity talk about her running, I have heard Rush talk about her, I have heard any number of other Republicans mention her as a possible candidate for the Republican nomination, and not ONCE have ANY of them mentioned her being a "long-shot" because she is black or a woman! Not ONE! I have a feeling, if ANY Republican dared to even suggest that Rice couldn't win the Republican nomination because she was black or female, all we would hear from the left, would be cries of racism and discrimination. Yet... somehow... it's perfectly alright for the Democrats to discriminate against people because they are black or female, and NOT nominate them because of it!
wrong. My party considered nominating Shirley Chisholm, an african american, and a woman, years ago.
Either way, you are not dead of old age and the past happened. You are simply wrong in every way. Also don't forget Elizabeth Dole who was often promoted after Bob's run...

Both a woman and a person of color were promoted as good candidates. That they refused even the attempt doesn't change that fact.
Maybe you should wait until the republicans debate whether to nominate a woman or an african american and then let's compare the reactions of our party...

I've already posted about that. Condi Rice is the name on every one's lips, and she is both, a woman, and African-American. I have heard Sean Hannity talk about her running, I have heard Rush talk about her, I have heard any number of other Republicans mention her as a possible candidate for the Republican nomination, and not ONCE have ANY of them mentioned her being a "long-shot" because she is black or a woman! Not ONE! I have a feeling, if ANY Republican dared to even suggest that Rice couldn't win the Republican nomination because she was black or female, all we would hear from the left, would be cries of racism and discrimination. Yet... somehow... it's perfectly alright for the Democrats to discriminate against people because they are black or female, and NOT nominate them because of it!

let's see how well Condi does in Iowa and New Hampshire....LOL
Maine, the debate is not about how well Condi will do in Iowa or New Hampshire. Somehow, you think you've diverted the discussion off into something else, but we are still talking about the Democrats, and how they will not allow a black man or a woman to win their party's nomination, because they consider their race and gender to be handicaps. No one has suggested any such thing about Condi Rice, in fact, many Republicans are begging her to run! The same was true with Colin Powell, there was no great debate among Republicans of whether a black man would be a long-shot to win.
I hope the African-Americans are taking note of how their party is conveniently shoving them in the corner and denying them opportunities because they are openly discriminating against them. I hope they understand, essentially what the Democrats are saying... you CAN'T run for president because you are woman or black, and you CAN'T possibly win, so we WON'T even nominate you!
I hope the African-Americans are taking note of how their party is conveniently shoving them in the corner and denying them opportunities because they are openly discriminating against them. I hope they understand, essentially what the Democrats are saying... you CAN'T run for president because you are woman or black, and you CAN'T possibly win, so we WON'T even nominate you!

yeah...African Americans are pretty smart folks... they have been taking note of which party has their better interests at heart, and they've been voting accordingly for the past 40 years.

And if only democrats voted in presidential elections, women and blacks would stand a much better chance... the discussion about electability only comes into play when we are forced to consider how the racist, misogynist republicans who make up the other half will vote.
So, now, according to Einstein, discussing the pracitality of if a woman or a black man can win is racist?

How is discussing that racist? Talk about PC police!
That was what I was wondering About Jarod. Sort of like it is taboo to discuss Obamba being a muslim ? But it is ok to discuss romney being a Morman ? How does that convoluted logic work ?
yeah...African Americans are pretty smart folks... they have been taking note of which party has their better interests at heart, and they've been voting accordingly for the past 40 years.

And if only democrats voted in presidential elections, women and blacks would stand a much better chance... the discussion about electability only comes into play when we are forced to consider how the racist, misogynist republicans who make up the other half will vote.

He knows all this. He’s using willful ignorance in order to bait people. This is in contrast to is usual debate technique of plain ole ignorant ignorance. In other words Mainman…he’s a dick!
I hope the African-Americans are taking note of how their party is conveniently shoving them in the corner and denying them opportunities because they are openly discriminating against them. I hope they understand, essentially what the Democrats are saying... you CAN'T run for president because you are woman or black, and you CAN'T possibly win, so we WON'T even nominate you!

I hope the African-Americans are taking note of how their party is conveniently shoving them in the corner and denying them opportunities because they are openly discriminating against them

After you get done "hoping" take a look at the United States Congress: The people with black or brown skin virtually all have a (D) next to their name.

Then look at the GOP congressional contingent. And prepare to be blinded by all the pale white skin.
That was what I was wondering About Jarod. Sort of like it is taboo to discuss Obamba being a muslim ? But it is ok to discuss romney being a Morman ? How does that convoluted logic work ?
Well, you see, one is a Democrat the other is a Republican, so depending on who you are talking to and how much they are "yellow dogging" it, it's all right to speak about a religion of somebody so long as the main player is Christ and people like to make fun of it...

If the main player is Mohammed, however, you must avoid all mention of it at all costs because you might be termed a "bigot" of some sort or another...

I think that pretty much covers what the dichotomy is all about.
Barak Obama is a member of the United Church of Christ..... just because his step father took him and his mother to live in Indonesia for a few years does not make him a muslim
yeah...African Americans are pretty smart folks... they have been taking note of which party has their better interests at heart, and they've been voting accordingly for the past 40 years.

And if only democrats voted in presidential elections, women and blacks would stand a much better chance... the discussion about electability only comes into play when we are forced to consider how the racist, misogynist republicans who make up the other half will vote.

LMAO... The trend for African Americans voting Republican, has grown over the past generation, pay attention. More and more, they are realizing you don't really have their interests at heart, you are simply using their votes to garner power for your party.

Essentially what you, Chris Matthews, Cynthia Tucker, and Darla are saying is.... You black folk just keep your seat on the back of the bus, while we stand here in the schoolhouse door of national politics, so we can protect you from the bigoted racist Republicans out there!
LMAO... The trend for African Americans voting Republican, has grown over the past generation, pay attention. More and more, they are realizing you don't really have their interests at heart, you are simply using their votes to garner power for your party.

oh yeah... the trend is really impressive.... it has gone from 99.9% of blacks voting democratic to 90% over the past 40 years..... hey.... at that rate, you'll achieve parity with us sometime in the NEXT century!
LMAO... The trend for African Americans voting Republican, has grown over the past generation, pay attention. More and more, they are realizing you don't really have their interests at heart, you are simply using their votes to garner power for your party.

Essentially what you, Chris Matthews, Cynthia Tucker, and Darla are saying is.... You black folk just keep your seat on the back of the bus, while we stand here in the schoolhouse door of national politics, so we can protect you from the bigoted racist Republicans out there!

Look at your own avatar.

As long as a lot of republicans like you glorify a symbol of slavery, like the confederate flag, and vote in large numbers to keep interacial marriage illegal in Alabama, don't expect much sympathy from the african american community.
oh yeah... the trend is really impressive....

But it is indeed a trend in the opposite direction for your party. I think, it's precisely this kind of thing, that drives them away. To suggest they can't even be nominated because you don't believe they can win because of their race. To automatically disqualify them, because they are black, and say it's because black people can't win national elections... that is just plain racist.

Subsequently, and despite only 10% (and growing) support from the black community, this administration has busted down all kinds of racial and gender barriers to offices of power in our government. They have appointed blacks and women to high-level cabinet positions, the highest they've ever obtained.

So, you keep clinging to your illustrious 40 year history of black support, as it dwindles away, while you patronize blacks and tell them they aren't qualified to be your nominee because of their race. Just keep shoving them to the back of the bus while you stand in the schoolhouse door of national politics, and protect them from the big bad racist republicans! They aren't buying your bullshit anymore, as the growing 'trend' indicates.
Oh...and by the way...Obama is MY choice and I will donate to his campaign and work on his Maine State committee.