Are Democrats Racist?

the fact that politicians are talking about the electability of candidates is what all politicians do....

Yes, they do... it's just that, most of them don't establish racial and gender barriers, unless they are prejudiced against people due to their race or gender. Most non-racist people discuss policy positions, and the differing viewpoints of certain candidates, they talk about experience in foreign policy, or holding elected offices, and make an informed opinion on who is the best candidate based on those criteria, not race and gender. When you have a bunch of Democrat saying that Obama can't win because he is black, and Hillary can't win because she is a woman, so let's nominate Al Gore... that is pure racism, plain and simple, and there is no other way to spin it.

you don't think that republicans are talking about whether Romney can get elected because he is a mormon? get real. talking about reality in America is not racist.

If I were booking Jay Z on a concert tour, I don't think I'd book him into a redneck beer joint with confederate flags on the wall and nothing but C&W on the jukebox...that is not is an admission that rap music - a particularly black genre - would not sell in that venue. So.. if politicians wonder if Obama will "sell" in certain venues - such as the south - and some may come to the conclusion that he wouldn't.... that is not being racist...that is acknowledging that there IS racism in America and calculating its effect on the candidacy and electability of Obama.
The Democratic party has decided nothing yet.

Well, Chris Matthews and Cynthia Tucker have decided that the Democrats will wake up and realize they can't nominate a black man or a woman, and that Al Gore will win the nomination. This is what we are discussing, and you were going to show us all the transcript of.... what happened there? Did you find that what I said was correct? Did you realize how racist, sexist, and prejudiced their comments were, when you read them?

You admitted that they were talking about the general election two pages back after I first said I’d get the transcript. Then you started lying and backtracking again.

In fact, neither of them said that Obama or Hillary couldn’t win the nomination. They were in the middle of talking about whether or not Gore was going to enter, and that is when Tucker made that comment indicating she thought that Gore would enter. She never said that Obama or Hillary couldn’t win. Nobody would make such a stupid comment with Hillary currently blowing away all comers among registered Democrats at 41%, with her closest rival far behind her. Even if Tucker had made that claim, she is not “the Democratic party” and the Democratic party has decided nothing and will decide nothing until the primaries. I know you rednecks don’t much like elections, but here in the North we still talk em up some.

You are the only one making that claim with one hand on the keyboard and the other on your two inch dick, because you get off on aggravating people like Mainman with your dozens of posts filled with lies designed to incite.

Why don’t you download some porn like normal men?
you don't think that republicans are talking about whether Romney can get elected because he is a mormon? get real.

Well, it's not racist to discriminate against Mormons, so what does that have to do with this discussion?
You admitted that they were talking about the general election two pages back after I first said I’d get the transcript. Then you started lying and backtracking again.

I've not lied or backtracked about a goddamn thing, toots! You tried to lie and claim they were talking only about the general election, and that wasn't the case. They specifically were talking about Gore's chances of winning the DEMOCRATIC nomination against two "long-shots", who were deemed "long-shots" specifically because of their race and gender... not by Republicans, but by DEMOCRATS!

As for the rest of your rant, you sound like one of my more bitter and resentful ex-girlfriends. If I didn't know better, I would swear that's who you were, because your level of venomous hatred and vile for me, doesn't seem to be normal. It's almost as if you have some personal vendetta against me, and how could that be, if you don't know me personally? So, who are you? Wendy, the pinheaded MENSA liberal I used to date? Or maybe Vicky, the feminist man-hating ball buster I dumped?
you don't think that republicans are talking about whether Romney can get elected because he is a mormon? get real.

Well, it's not racist to discriminate against Mormons, so what does that have to do with this discussion?

it is not racist to discuss and evaluate the effect of racism on the electability of a candidate. what an assinine thought.
You admitted that they were talking about the general election two pages back after I first said I’d get the transcript. Then you started lying and backtracking again.

I've not lied or backtracked about a goddamn thing, toots! You tried to lie and claim they were talking only about the general election, and that wasn't the case. They specifically were talking about Gore's chances of winning the DEMOCRATIC nomination against two "long-shots", who were deemed "long-shots" specifically because of their race and gender... not by Republicans, but by DEMOCRATS!

As for the rest of your rant, you sound like one of my more bitter and resentful ex-girlfriends. If I didn't know better, I would swear that's who you were, because your level of venomous hatred and vile for me, doesn't seem to be normal. It's almost as if you have some personal vendetta against me, and how could that be, if you don't know me personally? So, who are you? Wendy, the pinheaded MENSA liberal I used to date? Or maybe Vicky, the feminist man-hating ball buster I dumped?

Keep lying Dixie, they said no such thing, and nobody EVER called either of them a "longshot" to win the nomination.

Dixie I could never be one of your living exes. The only way I'd end up waking up next to the likes of you is if you drugged my drink. (and I don't put that past you, it probably wouldn't be the first time). And if you drugged my drink and I woke up next to the likes of you, I would immediately commit suicide in your bathroom, but only after I had showered because I would not wish to present myself to the Lord with your smell still on me! I cannot imagine how I would explain such a thing to her.

I do however, have absolutely no doubt that you have left behind a trail of "bitter" exes. That will happen when a woman is expecting a mile and you give her an inch!
it is not racist to discuss and evaluate the effect of racism on the electability of a candidate.

It's racist to suggest you can't nominate someone because they are unelectable due to their race or gender. I am sorry, but if this were Republicans, you'd be all over it, calling it out and out RACIST, and it IS!
and nobody EVER called either of them a "longshot" to win the nomination.

Not the nomination, the general election, that is exactly what Chris Matthews said in response to Tucker's assessment. Go find the transcript!
and nobody EVER called either of them a "longshot" to win the nomination.

Not the nomination, the general election, that is exactly what Chris Matthews said in response to Tucker's assessment. Go find the transcript!

Nope, that's not what she said at all.

You made the claim, you prove your claim. That's how this works.
Nope, that's not what she said at all.

You made the claim, you prove your claim. That's how this works.

Chris Matthews isn't a "she". I don't need to find the transcript, I am telling the truth, you are the one insisting it's a lie, so go find the evidence to support your challenge! The fact is, that was what was said by Matthews, exactly, verbatim. You want to challenge that? Go for it, toots!

This link doesn't work yet, they haven't posted the transcript for Sunday's show as of yet... I guess pinheads are still busy with other things... but this should be the link when it comes online.

Tell ya what Darling... let's have a little wager here... if I am correct, and Matthews DID say the words "long shot" in reference to Obama and Hillary, you have to post a formal apology thread to me, and if I am not correct, I will do the same for you, and admit that I told a lie. Deal?
it is not racist to discuss and evaluate the effect of racism on the electability of a candidate.

It's racist to suggest you can't nominate someone because they are unelectable due to their race or gender. I am sorry, but if this were Republicans, you'd be all over it, calling it out and out RACIST, and it IS! is not racist to simply point out that there may be enough racists in America to keep a black man out of the white house. It is talking about the political realities in America... and that reality is that there are people all over this country that would not vote for an otherwise qualified candidate simply because he was black.

The guy who pulls the fire alarm when he sees your house going up in smoke is not automatically an arsonist for doing so.

This link doesn't work yet, they haven't posted the transcript for Sunday's show as of yet... I guess pinheads are still busy with other things... but this should be the link when it comes online.

Tell ya what Darling... let's have a little wager here... if I am correct, and Matthews DID say the words "long shot" in reference to Obama and Hillary, you have to post a formal apology thread to me, and if I am not correct, I will do the same for you, and admit that I told a lie. Deal?

Who's gonna take a wager with you, after you lost bets to maineman and watermark and then stiffed them?

This link doesn't work yet, they haven't posted the transcript for Sunday's show as of yet... I guess pinheads are still busy with other things... but this should be the link when it comes online.

Tell ya what Darling... let's have a little wager here... if I am correct, and Matthews DID say the words "long shot" in reference to Obama and Hillary, you have to post a formal apology thread to me, and if I am not correct, I will do the same for you, and admit that I told a lie. Deal?

You're such a little punk Dixie. I never said he didn't use the phrase "long shot". I said it was in reference to their chances in the general, not in the primaries. You are insisting tht their position was that Obama and Hillary could not win the Democratic nomination, which is absurd.

Why do you insist on lying?
"They specifically were talking about Gore's chances of winning the DEMOCRATIC nomination against two "long-shots", who were deemed "long-shots" specifically because of their race and gender... not by Republicans, but by DEMOCRATS! "

"Not the nomination, the general election, that is exactly what Chris Matthews said in response to Tucker's assessment. Go find the transcript!"

Dixie, before we get to transcripts, can you please point out which of the two positions above you are actually arguing??? You are making two completely contradictory claims here.

Now, if you are going to argue both sides of it, that is, if you are going to claim in one post "they specifically were talking about the Democrat nomination" and then three posts later, make the claim "Not the nomination, the general election!" then of course, no matter what the transcript reveals, you will be right. This reminds me of Ralph Kramden's old, "Heads you lose, Tails I win" ployl

Now, if you do wish to continue to take both sides of the debate, perhaps everyone else should just step out of it, and allow you to continue arguing with yourself? It will be quite entertaining.
You admitted that they were talking about the general election two pages back after I first said I’d get the transcript. Then you started lying and backtracking again.

I've not lied or backtracked about a goddamn thing, toots! You tried to lie and claim they were talking only about the general election, and that wasn't the case. They specifically were talking about Gore's chances of winning the DEMOCRATIC nomination against two "long-shots", who were deemed "long-shots" specifically because of their race and gender... not by Republicans, but by DEMOCRATS!

As for the rest of your rant, you sound like one of my more bitter and resentful ex-girlfriends. If I didn't know better, I would swear that's who you were, because your level of venomous hatred and vile for me, doesn't seem to be normal. It's almost as if you have some personal vendetta against me, and how could that be, if you don't know me personally? So, who are you? Wendy, the pinheaded MENSA liberal I used to date? Or maybe Vicky, the feminist man-hating ball buster I dumped?

Just in case we get a sudden urge to "edit for spelling".