Are Democrats Racist?

As long as a lot of republicans like you glorify a symbol of slavery, like the confederate flag

The battle flag of the Confederacy is not a symbol of slavery. The Civil War was not fought about the sole issue of slavery, and the young men who gave their lives in battle, who didn't even own slaves, and had no 'dog in the hunt' with regard to the slavery issue, deserve some level of respect and honor, we even allow the Japanese to pay homage to their fallen Kamikaze pilots!

I have the flag in my avatar because I am not a PC Moron who is ignorant of Civil War history, and I don't recognize the flag as being a symbol of anything, except the brave men who fought and died for their country. You are free to disagree with me on that, I really don't care. To me, the flag symbolizes something entirely different than it does to you, and this is something you can either understand and comprehend, or be a bigot about, that's entirely up to you.
Oh...we understand what it symbolizes to you.

maybe you should consider what it symbolizes to black americans...cuz if you ever want more than a small percentage of their votes, you might think about removing that symbol.
like I the rate it's "dwindling", I'll be dead long before it gets down to 80%

I don't know, it "dwindled" about 11% the last two elections, so unless you plan on croaking before 2012, I wouldn't make that statement.

Oh...and by the way...Obama is MY choice and I will donate to his campaign and work on his Maine State committee.

Well of course you are... his middle name is Hussein! We all know how big of a Hussein fan you are! This stands to reason! You know, the title of this thread was not, "Is Maine a Racist?" We are not discussing your personal views, although we all appreciate your vigor in making it perfectly clear you have no racist views. It's too bad your party doesn't share your sentiments, and feels that Al Gore will win the nomination, because Obama is a 'long-shot' because of his race. I'm not sure how you justify supporting a racist political party, but I'm sure you have found a way to make it alright... just like supporting abortion through your Christian faith.
actually....I really liked Barak long before I ever knew his middle name. My parents are lifelong democrats living in Illinois and they have been singing his praises even before he ran for the Senate. I've kept any eye on him for years.
Oh...we understand what it symbolizes to you.

maybe you should consider what it symbolizes to black americans...cuz if you ever want more than a small percentage of their votes, you might think about removing that symbol.

I know what it symbolizes to IGNORANT Americans. This is why I use it, so that I might educate them. I refuse to let political correctness tarnish the remembrance of the Confederate soldier. These men were Americans as much as anyone else, and they deserve to be honored for their sacrifice, regardless of who believed in or supported their sacrifice, and regardless of how race-baiting liberal punks want to portray that sacrifice. I have relatives who fought and died for the country that flag represented, and it damn sure wasn't about "slavery" or "civil rights". I'll be damned if I allow a bunch of whining relentless pinheads to dictate what I should and shouldn't honor with regard to my heritage.

If you are such a racial bigot, you can't understand the Confederate flag doesn't represent slavery or racism, there isn't much hope for you... racial bigots seldom change stripes. I have been to countless Confederate Memorial Day observances, and not ONCE has anyone EVER mentioned slavery or racism, civil rights, or the KKK. The people I know, who honor the Confederate flag, are people who mostly had relatives who died in the war, and the flag is symbolic to them, in that regard alone. You want to ascribe to the wrong-headed view, that the flag symbolizes something it never was intended to symbolize, and was in fact, hijacked to represent in the years following the war.

If some hate group hijacked your Naval unit's insignia, and used it to promote racism, would it change what that insignia means to you? Would it change the valor or courage of the men who fought and died under that insignia? Would it shame you into disavowing that insignia, and disassociating yourself with it completely? I think not! I think, if that were to happen, you would post an avatar with the insignia, and proudly post here daily about it! You would refuse to accept the premise that the insignia represented hate, and something entirely different than it was originally designed for.
actually....I really liked Barak long before I ever knew his middle name. My parents are lifelong democrats living in Illinois and they have been singing his praises even before he ran for the Senate. I've kept any eye on him for years.

Yeah Maine, he's a great guy! Very articulate, very intelligent, well-spoken, handsome, and dignified... too bad your party has decided he can't win their nomination because of his skin color!
Well, you see, one is a Democrat the other is a Republican, so depending on who you are talking to and how much they are "yellow dogging" it, it's all right to speak about a religion of somebody so long as the main player is Christ and people like to make fun of it...

If the main player is Mohammed, however, you must avoid all mention of it at all costs because you might be termed a "bigot" of some sort or another...

I think that pretty much covers what the dichotomy is all about.

What is it with you guys and your victim culture? Oh poor us.

Give me a break!

The only context that I have yet to hear Romney’s religion discussed in, was whether or not the Christian nut base, who have extraordinary power in your primaries, would vote for someone not of their denomination. And that question remains an open one.

I don’t think that anyone believes that the mainstream general electorate gives a rat’s ass about the issue.
Yeah Maine, he's a great guy! Very articulate, very intelligent, well-spoken, handsome, and dignified... too bad your party has decided he can't win their nomination because of his skin color!

The Democratic party has decided nothing yet. Nor will they until the primaries.

Stop lying.
Yeah Maine, he's a great guy! Very articulate, very intelligent, well-spoken, handsome, and dignified... too bad your party has decided he can't win their nomination because of his skin color! party hasn't decided anything yet. the fact that politicians are talking about the electability of candidates is what all politicians do....

And the way you speak so highly of Barak, can he count on your vote in '08?
What is it with you guys and your victim culture? Oh poor us.

Give me a break!

The only context that I have yet to hear Romney’s religion discussed in, was whether or not the Christian nut base, who have extraordinary power in your primaries, would vote for someone not of their denomination. And that question remains an open one.

I don’t think that anyone believes that the mainstream general electorate gives a rat’s ass about the issue.
Right... Victim. LOL. I need a napkin.

This is one of those conversation enders...

His religion is consistently spoken of in a "If he won the nomination would America vote for a..." context. It's a bit laughable to pretend it's okay to talk about one group because of their "victim" status but not about the other because of their "victim" status.

My whole fascetious post was about that whole "victim" thing...

That's why I am still laughing at your "victim status" post...
Right... Victim. LOL. I need a napkin.

This is one of those conversation enders...

His religion is consistently spoken of in a "If he won the nomination would America vote for a..." context. It's a bit laughable to pretend it's okay to talk about one group because of their "victim" status but not about the other because of their "victim" status.

My whole fascetious post was about that whole "victim" thing...

That's why I am still laughing at your "victim status" post...

Well I haven't heard that. I've only heard conservatives discussing this as to whether the religious whack jobs would go for him in the primary.

I'm not concerned about Obama being a "victim", perhaps others are I wouldn't know. He can handle himself. Did you see him make a damned jackass out of Brownback in that church? And in such a charming way. I don't think he's anybody victim. If Romney is...that's a shame. If anyone here takes up a collection for him, I'll contribute, that's how badly I feel!
Well I haven't heard that. I've only heard conservatives discussing this as to whether the religious whack jobs would go for him in the primary.

I'm not concerned about Obama being a "victim", perhaps others are I wouldn't know. He can handle himself. Did you see him make a damned jackass out of Brownback in that church? And in such a charming way. I don't think he's anybody victim. If Romney is...that's a shame. If anyone here takes up a collection for him, I'll contribute, that's how badly I feel!
lol. Nah. He's a Neocon. I'd prefer somebody else. I'm tired of Social-only Conservatism. They are pretty much as opposite as you can be and be part of the same party...

:\ party hasn't decided anything yet. the fact that politicians are talking about the electability of candidates is what all politicians do....

And the way you speak so highly of Barak, can he count on your vote in '08?

Nope... He doesn't have enough experience to be president at this point. I think he sould run, I think it will help establish him as a potential future candidate, and get his feet wet, but I can't vote for someone with no experience in foreign policy at this time. It has nothing to do with his race, I would vote for Condi in a heartbeat, if we could convince her to run. I would have certainly voted for Powell if he had run against Clinton, so I am not basing my choices on race or gender at all, and never have. Too bad the Democrats have already decided Obama can't win because he is black, and Hillary can't win because she is a woman, I guess we'll get stuck with the white man, Al Gore, as your party's representative.
the fact that politicians are talking about the electability of candidates is what all politicians do....

Yes, they do... it's just that, most of them don't establish racial and gender barriers, unless they are prejudiced against people due to their race or gender. Most non-racist people discuss policy positions, and the differing viewpoints of certain candidates, they talk about experience in foreign policy, or holding elected offices, and make an informed opinion on who is the best candidate based on those criteria, not race and gender. When you have a bunch of Democrat saying that Obama can't win because he is black, and Hillary can't win because she is a woman, so let's nominate Al Gore... that is pure racism, plain and simple, and there is no other way to spin it.
the fact that politicians are talking about the electability of candidates is what all politicians do....

Yes, they do... it's just that, most of them don't establish racial and gender barriers, unless they are prejudiced against people due to their race or gender. Most non-racist people discuss policy positions, and the differing viewpoints of certain candidates, they talk about experience in foreign policy, or holding elected offices, and make an informed opinion on who is the best candidate based on those criteria, not race and gender. When you have a bunch of Democrat saying that Obama can't win because he is black, and Hillary can't win because she is a woman, so let's nominate Al Gore... that is pure racism, plain and simple, and there is no other way to spin it.

Who said that?
The Democratic party has decided nothing yet.

Well, Chris Matthews and Cynthia Tucker have decided that the Democrats will wake up and realize they can't nominate a black man or a woman, and that Al Gore will win the nomination. This is what we are discussing, and you were going to show us all the transcript of.... what happened there? Did you find that what I said was correct? Did you realize how racist, sexist, and prejudiced their comments were, when you read them?
Who said that?

Chris Matthews and Cynthia Tucker, on his Sunday show. Do you not read the opening post of the threads? This is what we have been discussing for two days, and you are just now starting to pay attention?

The conversation was speculating on WHO would win the nomination for the Democrats. Tucker said, she thought that the Democrats would 'wake up and realize' they were about to nominate a black man or a woman, and they would opt to nominate Al Gore instead, because.... Matthews interjects... Obama and Hillary are "long-shots".

In other words... black folks need to keep their seats on the back of the bus, and let Al Gore ride up front, while the Democrats stand in the schoolhouse door of national politics, because of those mean old racist republicans!
The Democratic party has decided nothing yet.

Well, Chris Matthews and Cynthia Tucker have decided that the Democrats will wake up and realize they can't nominate a black man or a woman, and that Al Gore will win the nomination. This is what we are discussing, and you were going to show us all the transcript of.... what happened there? Did you find that what I said was correct? Did you realize how racist, sexist, and prejudiced their comments were, when you read them?

they haven't decided anything...they have voiced their opinion....

and since when do those two speak for MY party?

Does Limbaugh speak for YOUR party?
the fact that politicians are talking about the electability of candidates is what all politicians do....

Yes, they do... it's just that, most of them don't establish racial and gender barriers, unless they are prejudiced against people due to their race or gender. Most non-racist people discuss policy positions, and the differing viewpoints of certain candidates, they talk about experience in foreign policy, or holding elected offices, and make an informed opinion on who is the best candidate based on those criteria, not race and gender. When you have a bunch of Democrat saying that Obama can't win because he is black, and Hillary can't win because she is a woman, so let's nominate Al Gore... that is pure racism, plain and simple, and there is no other way to spin it.

you don't think that republicans are talking about whether Romney can get elected because he is a mormon? get real. talking about reality in America is not racist.