Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

Your premise dodge and misrepresentation of the conversation. It ASSUMES that a child's immediate actions are a permanent determiner of their sexual orientation. As I discussed previously, they are not. My neighbor had 2 daughters and 1 son, the son being the baby of the family. Growing up at one point, he one day began to emulate his older sister's mannerisms. His father (old school Haitian), said, "That's it. From now on he does man's work only, and he can off the block to play with other boys (watched over by the eldest kid) instead of just staying here and playing with the girls (the majority of kids on our block).

Some say a tad extreme reaction, but the kid stopped his feminine emulations within a short time.

Just one example which is not the general situation in America, but you get the idea. On the flip side, I've got a cousin who is gay, but grew up as I did in traditional (damn near) "Our Gang-Little Rascals" environment.

It is what it is. My previous post stands.

" From now on he does man's work only, "

"My previous post stands."

You seem to live by stereo type instead of something else.

Homophobes do the same and that is immoral.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Your premise dodge and misrepresentation of the conversation. It ASSUMES that a child's immediate actions are a permanent determiner of their sexual orientation. As I discussed previously, they are not. My neighbor had 2 daughters and 1 son, the son being the baby of the family. Growing up at one point, he one day began to emulate his older sister's mannerisms. His father (old school Haitian), said, "That's it. From now on he does man's work only, and he can off the block to play with other boys (watched over by the eldest kid) instead of just staying here and playing with the girls (the majority of kids on our block).

Some say a tad extreme reaction, but the kid stopped his feminine emulations within a short time.

Just one example which is not the general situation in America, but you get the idea. On the flip side, I've got a cousin who is gay, but grew up as I did in traditional (damn near) "Our Gang-Little Rascals" environment.

It is what it is. My previous post stands.

" From now on he does man's work only, "

"My previous post stands."

You seem to live by stereo type instead of something else.

Homophobes do the same and that is immoral.


Wow, that's a weak come back! Out of context quotes coupled with an accusation based on ignoring the entirety of my previous posts. Your opinion is worthless.

That's the problem with jokers like you....when you can't logically or factually defend your position, you go this half assed route. What's sad is that the objective, rational reader can back track the chronology of the posts and see your intellectual dishonesty. Pity you don't have the cojones to just concede a point on an anonymous format such as this. Carry on.
christianity really focuses mostly on how we are all imperfect, and forgiveness is key.


Forgiveness gained by abdicating ones responsibility for ones own actions.

Jesus taught that we all die for our own sins, yet Christians read that as Jesus dying for them.

That is quite immoral, yet Christians don't have enough morals to care.

Homosexuality is the result of a cycle of repetitive child molestation that has perpetuated throughout the centuries.

How was the first homosexual created? Were they molested by a same sex-parent?

Would you like to tell us about your first hand experience on this subject that led you to these conclusions and questions?
Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I think the answer is is quite important as it would show us the cause/source of homosexuality.

If God, as believers think, then why is God creating gays?


If Jesus walked into a place of worship and gays bi's and trans were sitting on one side of the room and these right wing Godly haters of all things were on the other side of the room, who would Jesus sit with.
If Jesus walked into a place of worship and gays bi's and trans were sitting on one side of the room and these right wing Godly haters of all things were on the other side of the room, who would Jesus sit with.

Well, Jesus said he came for the ill and not the well, so I guess he would hag around with the believers so as to cure their thinking that God would create non-useful gay souls just for his people to hate.

Jesus would preach that all souls are created equal. Even gay souls.

Well, Jesus said he came for the ill and not the well, so I guess he would hag around with the believers so as to cure their thinking that God would create non-useful gay souls just for his people to hate.

Jesus would preach that all souls are created equal. Even gay souls.


And because of that the right would want him dead or at least have eternal damnation!
Homosexuality is the result of a cycle of repetitive child molestation that has perpetuated throughout the centuries.

How was the first homosexual created? Were they molested by a same sex-parent?

you solved your chicken and egg dilemma?
I think homophobes have self loathing for their suppressed homosexual feelings


I have yet to see one admit that or even step up to argue for his side.

They are moral cowards who just want to kiss their tribe's/religion's ass.

Morals are the last thing the religious engage in.

It is hard to justify adoring a genocidal, homophobic and misogynous God.

They do not even bother.


I have yet to see one admit that or even step up to argue for his side.

They are moral cowards who just want to kiss their tribe's/religion's ass.

Morals are the last thing the religious engage in.

It is hard to justify adoring a genocidal, homophobic and misogynous God.

They do not even bother.


Read the new testament carefully, you'll find Jesus doesn't say a word about homosexuality!
Read the new testament carefully, you'll find Jesus doesn't say a word about homosexuality!

Sure he did.

In two places that I can use as examples.

One is obviously the Golden Rule.

The other is when he told those about to stone the prostitute, that they could not without bringing forth an accomplish or victim.

IOW. Do not discriminate negatively without a just cause.

IDK how you missed those.

Sure he did.

In two places that I can use as examples.

One is obviously the Golden Rule.

The other is when he told those about to stone the prostitute, that they could not without bringing forth an accomplish or victim.

IOW. Do not discriminate negatively without a just cause.

IDK how you missed those.


What does the golden rule have to do with homosexuality?
Of course, it's not...or at least it shouldn't be. These days, however, with this SCOTUS, the extent to which this nation can do stupid things is unlimited.

I am not American, but know that some of your more red neck slave loving states still have sodomy laws.

There is also an American Christian church that funded the kill the gays bill in Uganda.

Your right winger extremists are criminals and inquisitors.
