Are Republican Women Prettier?

My gorgeous wife is republican- so yes

As to the fox bimbos vs educated successful woman
Yes the bimbos look better
More Proof that I am Right
Republican women tend to age better. Lying causes stress, stress causes wrinkles and ugliness, and Democrats are liars...
I remember back in the '90s, liberals didn't dare say Clinton was handsome because cons would be all over that, claiming Clinton got women's votes because of his looks.

Fast forward 20 years and we see cons have done a 180-degree turn, bragging about their politicians' looks as if it has any relevance whatsoever.
I remember back in the '90s, liberals didn't dare say Clinton was handsome because cons would be all over that, claiming Clinton got women's votes because of his looks.

Fast forward 20 years and we see cons have done a 180-degree turn, bragging about their politicians' looks as if it has any relevance whatsoever.

It really came out of left field. It's a fairly new meme as far as I know. I've rarely seen anything stupider. First of all cons will claim liberal women are ugly then whine about "liberal hollywood" and never see the contradiction. Secondly, who gives a crap? What could possibly be more meaningless?

In my experience with cons they are not better looking necessarily, but looks are far more important to them. Personally I don't give a crap, I don't define my own worth that way nor anyone else's.
Between this thread and the "conservative dudes are more macho" thread, I think the safe conclusion to draw is that conservatives on this here board have tremendously fucked self-esteem issues. I mean, Jeuss, guys (and it's always guys). Get a fucking grip.
It really came out of left field. It's a fairly new meme as far as I know. I've rarely seen anything stupider. First of all cons will claim liberal women are ugly then whine about "liberal hollywood" and never see the contradiction. Secondly, who gives a crap? What could possibly be more meaningless?

In my experience with cons they are not better looking necessarily, but looks are far more important to them. Personally I don't give a crap, I don't define my own worth that way nor anyone else's.

I believe too many young girls learn that their looks are their defining feature or characteristic. The sort of tripe being spouted about the looks of our elected leaders is part of the reason for this.
Between this thread and the "conservative dudes are more macho" thread, I think the safe conclusion to draw is that conservatives on this here board have tremendously fucked self-esteem issues. I mean, Jeuss, guys (and it's always guys). Get a fucking grip.

So true. Talk about protesting too much.

Time to remind folks just how damaging "pretty" can be. And how trivial it is to limit a woman's worth to the façade she buys/presents in order to gain acceptance from those who repeatedly judge her looks and ignore every worthwhile characteristic.
actually it lots of product and plastic surgery

IT's funny because, and I know everyone is going to think I'm making this up, but you guys who know me have my word, this is the truth. My SIL is a Republican. Beautiful woman, I will state that right out. Could have been a movie star. Also, ftr, I love her. We are like sisters.

Anyway, she literally always yells at me for laughing! I swear to God, she doesn't laugh. Do you know why? Laughing and smiling too broadly cause wrinkles and creases! I am not making this up.

I told her last year on Fire Island when I was laughing my head off, G, bring on the wrinkles because I love life too much not to laugh and not to smile whenever a smile strikes me. So who knows what cost people don't wrinkle at, but I know that I have not gotten plastic surgery, don't see it in my future, I laugh and smile, and I wouldn't change a thing. Aging causes wrinkles and creases. I hope I live long enough to get very wrinkled - all from laughs and smiles!
once along time ago I saw this lady on TV and she had a wrinkle solution.

It is a face exersize.

You contort your face in all sorts of manners.

open your mouth wide asyou can and roll your jaw arround as dramtically as you can being sure to tense all your neck muscles while you do it.

Its making faces.

Just for the hell of It I did it in the car or shower or whenever no one was arround and it kind of fun to look in the mirror and make faces for a coupld of minutes.

My far more beautiful sister wanted to know how I kept my neck so smooth and wanted to know what products I was using.

I aint wrinkle free but looking at my older sisters I can tell it helped.

I had to tell my right wing sis that I didnt use product at all.

contort your faces girls it actually keeps the wrinkles from setting in.

and its fun and free
IT's funny because, and I know everyone is going to think I'm making this up, but you guys who know me have my word, this is the truth. My SIL is a Republican. Beautiful woman, I will state that right out. Could have been a movie star. Also, ftr, I love her. We are like sisters.

Anyway, she literally always yells at me for laughing! I swear to God, she doesn't laugh. Do you know why? Laughing and smiling too broadly cause wrinkles and creases! I am not making this up.

I told her last year on Fire Island when I was laughing my head off, G, bring on the wrinkles because I love life too much not to laugh and not to smile whenever a smile strikes me. So who knows what cost people don't wrinkle at, but I know that I have not gotten plastic surgery, don't see it in my future, I laugh and smile, and I wouldn't change a thing. Aging causes wrinkles and creases. I hope I live long enough to get very wrinkled - all from laughs and smiles!

I have some wrinkles beside my eyes. I am damn proud of them. They show I spent more time laughing than I did frowning.
Oly Snowe looks like a horse... And, oddly enough, she's married to a veritable Ken Doll of a empty headed republican.
women have more value than their fuckability score in your nutsack meter.

Your nutscak meter means absolutely nothing to 9.9999999999999999999999999 percent of women out of 10.
I have always thought that Sarah Palin was absolutely striking, and intelligent to boot. No one in Hollywood can equal her looks, and brain combination. You radical Libs are sometimes just too much Liberal with your Lib only blind eyes, truly unbelievable. Why don't you try to tell the truth for once and admit that Sarah Palin is gorgeous and intelligent. Name one Lib as fabulous as Sarah Palin? Here pretty daughter Bristol is also terrific looking, and she did do well on DWTS which I religiously watch because I once took a ballroom dancing course at Arthur Murrey's Dance Studio in Bixby Knolls, Long Beach, Ca. The Palins all did a Family type series about the Palins in Alaska, it was wonderful, I especially liked when Sarah went hunting and fishing, because I go hunting and fishing. I have never seen more attractive "well rounded" women in my entire life, than beautiful Sarah Palon and her daughter. Of course there is always Monica Lewinski to "come" back on....LOL...Evince is still the same Fool that was here when I came back here to post awhile back, Evince is not a Mensa candidate, no way, no how....LOL....TOUCHE'
pretty daughter Bristol is also terrific looking


Do you mean Bristol the Pistol before the nose job, ear job, chin job, boob job, and tummy tuck? Or the Bristol the Pistol from DWTS who earned the distinction of being the only player to GAIN weight on the show and go further with the worst scores ever? Not to mention getting her fat baby mama ass kicked off as soon as her second stint on the show started?
