Are Some Democrats *gasp* ...RACIST?

Again, Care, that one in five are only of the group that are willing to admit it. Most people in the US would be totally unwilling to admit such criteria in voting even when it was an issue for them.

The reality is, this number is high, even for this area. It is discomfiting at the very least to know that 20% of a state are willing to admit that race drove their vote even in this day and age where almost nobody would be willing to admit it.

colorado protects you from what you do not see.....i stand by the number being low for this region....people in the southern regions that are racists, HAVE absolutely NO RESERVATIONS in saying such....i was born in the land of cotton.... Dixie land, and sadly....old times there, are not some.

colorado protects you from what you do not see.....i stand by the number being low for this region....people in the southern regions that are racists, HAVE absolutely NO RESERVATIONS in saying such....i was born in the land of cotton.... Dixie land, and sadly....old times there, are not some.

Again, it is low because most people won't admit it. And it isn't like Maine gives you any great knowledge as to the area. 1 in 5 have no qualms, a larger number do, but still feel that way.
colorado protects you from what you do not see.....i stand by the number being low for this region....people in the southern regions that are racists, HAVE absolutely NO RESERVATIONS in saying such....i was born in the land of cotton.... Dixie land, and sadly....old times there, are not some.


I have seen far more racism in places like Wisconsin and Indiana than the South. Certainly the racial problems we've had as a nation are not confined to the South, Watts, LA, Detroit, Boston... all have had racial riots and unrest in the days since Dixieland prevailed.

Let's be crystal clear about something Care, racism is not confined to a geographic region. If your state had 22% Hillary voters, they probably would have answered the same way on such a poll, and who knows how many guilty white liberals are voting for Obama, just because he is black? Regardless, it is a vote based on race.

I really thought better of you Care, it's kind of a cheap shot to blame Democrat racism on the old South. But you Dems keep it up with this "southern ignorant rednecks" thing, that is playing well for you down here in Bible and Gun Country.
I have seen far more racism in places like Wisconsin and Indiana than the South. Certainly the racial problems we've had as a nation are not confined to the South, Watts, LA, Detroit, Boston... all have had racial riots and unrest in the days since Dixieland prevailed.

Let's be crystal clear about something Care, racism is not confined to a geographic region. If your state had 22% Hillary voters, they probably would have answered the same way on such a poll, and who knows how many guilty white liberals are voting for Obama, just because he is black? Regardless, it is a vote based on race.

I really thought better of you Care, it's kind of a cheap shot to blame Democrat racism on the old South. But you Dems keep it up with this "southern ignorant rednecks" thing, that is playing well for you down here in Bible and Gun Country.

Damo appeared to be SHOCKED that 20% said that race was part of their decision to vote the way they did....OR SOMETHING similar to this....(It would be nice to see the EXACT wording of the polling question btw)

My answer to him Paraphrased, was basically....."maybe you need to git outta where you live in Colorado once in a while?"

I also explained that race IS NOT the same thing as RACISM, just as sex is not the same thing as SEXISM.

And did the polls ever ask the gender question? If the question was asked,

"was gender part of your decision in who you voted for...?" Those that said YES, would it be labeled as SEXISM by you and Damo and other right leaning political Joes?

When there may be men that did not vote for Clinton JUST because she is a Female....there are women that may have voted for her JUST because she is a female.....

But I would also say that there could be males and females that did not vote for her because she has not served in the Military and is lacking in this experience to be commander and chief, due to her being a female, therefore her gender came in to play but not for sexist reasons or reasons of Malice that would bring the "ism" on. There are women that are voting for her because they see her as the most qualified, and there are women that are voting for her because they would like to see REAL CHANGE in our government and in our leadership and a Woman in office would do just that....bring may be that some women are just more comfortable to have a women in may be that men said gender had something to do with their decision TO VOTE for her, because the man wanted to see the female break this barrier of being that really all sexism to you?

As with Gender being a reason given ..... race as a reason to vote for a candidate.....may not be ALL in Malice is all I am trying to say and race as a reason may not all be in Malice....

That being said, I agree that there is racism and sexism and any other of negative "isms", throughout our country and throughout the world, it is just more prevelent in some regions over others depending on the "ism".

Also, I'm sick and tired of the right wing political hacks that have joined the Obama camp (for now), continually bashing Hillary fans, defining them as people that support her, ONLY BECAUSE they are racists....and sadly, yes sadly....some silly dems have "bought in to" the right wing jargon spewed out that was intentionally MEANT TO DIVIDE US, as a party.

Well, I don't buy is clear as day, that people like you and all of these other supposed independents, who were ALL BUSH VOTERS at one time, who now supposedly support Obama or Hillary....are the ones that really have stirred the pot and pushing the mob mentality in the different camps....just as you all did when Miami was trying to count their votes in 2000....

Tell me something Dixie....if a black man and a white woman were your nominees for the republican side in Kentucky or North Carolina...HOW MANY out of 5 would have answered yes to race being a reason?...

3 out of 5 would be my guess...hmmmmm, does that mean I am stereotyping repubs as racists?

Thus 1 out of 5, ain't that bad...imo.

Damo appeared to be SHOCKED that 20% said that race was part of their decision to vote the way they did....OR SOMETHING similar to this....(It would be nice to see the EXACT wording of the polling question btw)

Rubbish. I pointed out the numbers. While I am amazed that 20% would unabashedly admit that racism played their vote card for them, that doesn't change that I simply put forward numbers then you surmised a conclusion of "mine" from those numbers.

My answer to him Paraphrased, was basically....."maybe you need to git outta where you live in Colorado once in a while?"

And my answer was, you are no great expert yourself. Maybe you outta do some simple introspection before trying to clean my house.

I also explained that race IS NOT the same thing as RACISM, just as sex is not the same thing as SEXISM.

And I again pointed out that these people say it drove their voting decision. If 1 in 5 said sex drove their decision and 80% of those went for a man you'd be all up in arms. I find it interesting that you wish to excuse these people in such a manner.

And did the polls ever ask the gender question? If the question was asked,

"was gender part of your decision in who you voted for...?" Those that said YES, would it be labeled as SEXISM by you and Damo and other right leaning political Joes?

See above. BTW, the question was asked and a number of women said it was the driving factor in their vote. I can live with that, just as I could understand why a Black person might vote for Obama. Of course that isn't what drove that 80% to reject a black person when race was a factor.

When there may be men that did not vote for Clinton JUST because she is a Female....there are women that may have voted for her JUST because she is a female.....

There were, but of those, race was not the driving factor, sex was. Are you catching that yet? It was rare that a man said that sex was the driving factor in their vote.

But I would also say that there could be males and females that did not vote for her because she has not served in the Military and is lacking in this experience to be commander and chief, due to her being a female, therefore her gender came in to play but not for sexist reasons or reasons of Malice that would bring the "ism" on. There are women that are voting for her because they see her as the most qualified, and there are women that are voting for her because they would like to see REAL CHANGE in our government and in our leadership and a Woman in office would do just that....bring may be that some women are just more comfortable to have a women in may be that men said gender had something to do with their decision TO VOTE for her, because the man wanted to see the female break this barrier of being that really all sexism to you?

Again, of those, not one of them said that race was the driving factor in their vote. You are pretending again and building strawman after strawman to excuse what you perceive as racism so strongly that you surmised my opinion for me after I presented the numbers.

While I do believe that such high numbers cover a much deeper racism among those people and was surprised a bit at how high the number of people who would so directly admit it, at the time you first started jumping to a conclusion for me I had simply presented the numbers.

As with Gender being a reason given ..... race as a reason to vote for a candidate.....may not be ALL in Malice is all I am trying to say and race as a reason may not all be in Malice....

*sigh* and for some that may be true, but not for the majority of the people who said that race drove their vote.

That being said, I agree that there is racism and sexism and any other of negative "isms", throughout our country and throughout the world, it is just more prevelent in some regions over others depending on the "ism".

Well, duh. Finally you agree with me.

Also, I'm sick and tired of the right wing political hacks that have joined the Obama camp (for now), continually bashing Hillary fans, defining them as people that support her, ONLY BECAUSE they are racists....and sadly, yes sadly....some silly dems have "bought in to" the right wing jargon spewed out that was intentionally MEANT TO DIVIDE US, as a party.

I have never made such an assertion. Although I do enjoy watching Hillary implode.

Well, I don't buy is clear as day, that people like you and all of these other supposed independents, who were ALL BUSH VOTERS at one time, who now supposedly support Obama or Hillary....are the ones that really have stirred the pot and pushing the mob mentality in the different camps....just as you all did when Miami was trying to count their votes in 2000....

Again, I know of nobody who voted for Bush that supports these people other than Topper.

Tell me something Dixie....if a black man and a white woman were your nominees for the republican side in Kentucky or North Carolina...HOW MANY out of 5 would have answered yes to race being a reason?...

3 out of 5 would be my guess...hmmmmm, does that mean I am stereotyping repubs as racists?

Thus 1 out of 5, ain't that bad...imo.


Well, I am not Dixie. So I'll let him answer this one.
Tell me something Dixie....if a black man and a white woman were your nominees for the republican side in Kentucky or North Carolina...HOW MANY out of 5 would have answered yes to race being a reason?...

3 out of 5 would be my guess...hmmmmm, does that mean I am stereotyping repubs as racists?

Thus 1 out of 5, ain't that bad...imo.

LMAO... Okay, so because you can IMAGINE 60% of southern republicans voting based on race, that means it's not all that bad the Democrats only had 20% vote based on race. That's some really nice logic you have going there, Care!!

Ok ok, let me try this... Let's IMAGINE that most of the Hillary voters were too embarrassed to admit they voted on race, and the actual number of racist Hillary voters was 90%! OMG, that's worse than the 60% imaginary vote from Republicans!

I can tell you this, here in Alabama we would have nominated a black woman (Condi Rice) in overwhelming numbers, had she run. Those votes would have had absolutely NOTHING to do with her race. In a recent local survey of Birmingham voters, more than 72% said they would vote for Condi if she were on the ballot. Granted, Birmingham is her hometown, and has a large black population, but I think it is clear that racism is not as rampant down here as some of you ignorant northern elites like to believe.

I know it sucks to realize your candidate is garnering the racist vote, and it must be a real shocker to discover your beloved Democrat party is so full of bitter and hateful racist people, but I've been trying to tell you this for years. They even came up with a term to describe the phenomenon, "liberal white guilt." Liberal racists who keep their true feelings well hidden, and the guilt of their racism is overcompensated for by publicly supporting blacks, so we can all see how 'non-racist' they are.
"I know it sucks to realize your candidate is garnering the racist vote, and it must be a real shocker to discover your beloved Democrat party is so full of bitter and hateful racist people, but I've been trying to tell you this for years. They even came up with a term to describe the phenomenon, "liberal white guilt." Liberal racists who keep their true feelings well hidden, and the guilt of their racism is overcompensated for by publicly supporting blacks, so we can all see how 'non-racist' they are."

This sweeping conclusion supported, of course, by an exit poll for a primary in....Kentucky?

As someone mentioned about 50 posts ago, the thread is a total strawman, anyway (and the 2nd such thread you have started with the same basic title; I'm not psychologist, but I would call that a projection of some sort of guilt). I have never heard anyone contend that absolutely no Democrats are racist. It's silly to imply such a thing.

Overall, one party has done more for race relations, education & the inner cities than the other party; I don't think the Dem record is outstanding, but it's certainly miles ahead of what the GOP has done.
"I know it sucks to realize your candidate is garnering the racist vote, and it must be a real shocker to discover your beloved Democrat party is so full of bitter and hateful racist people, but I've been trying to tell you this for years. They even came up with a term to describe the phenomenon, "liberal white guilt." Liberal racists who keep their true feelings well hidden, and the guilt of their racism is overcompensated for by publicly supporting blacks, so we can all see how 'non-racist' they are."

This sweeping conclusion supported, of course, by an exit poll for a primary in....Kentucky?

As someone mentioned about 50 posts ago, the thread is a total strawman, anyway (and the 2nd such thread you have started with the same basic title; I'm not psychologist, but I would call that a projection of some sort of guilt). I have never heard anyone contend that absolutely no Democrats are racist. It's silly to imply such a thing.

Overall, one party has done more for race relations, education & the inner cities than the other party; I don't think the Dem record is outstanding, but it's certainly miles ahead of what the GOP has done.

Yeah, I'm sure all of your Democrat racists are confined to the ignorant white southern redneck gun and bible toter's. The rest of you are stalwarts for the black cause and have not a racist bone in your body, right? You keep on playing that "ignorant southern redneck" card... it's going to come back to bite your ass.

Hmm, I can only find one thread I've posted about the Hillary racist voters, but it is really good thing you aren't a psychologist, you suck big time at it. My family lineage is that of a mutt, we virtually have a little of everything in our tree, so any "racism" I might have, would be fairly self-defeating. I think I am comfortable with my own conscience, I know what I am and don't have to be ashamed of live in fear of being revealed as something I'm not. I have always fiercely debated both white and black racists, because I feel race relations are an issue that is important to us as a nation. For us to be the strongest as Americans, we must strive for understanding of each other as individuals, and follow the guidance of Dr. King, judging not by the color of skin, but content of character. Too bad Democrats can't do that.
"it's going to come back to bite your ass. "

You love to say that, but it has a poor track record. A lot of things were going to "bite us in the ass" in '06...remember? That didn't really work out too well.
LMAO... Okay, so because you can IMAGINE 60% of southern republicans voting based on race, that means it's not all that bad the Democrats only had 20% vote based on race. That's some really nice logic you have going there, Care!!

Ok ok, let me try this... Let's IMAGINE that most of the Hillary voters were too embarrassed to admit they voted on race, and the actual number of racist Hillary voters was 90%! OMG, that's worse than the 60% imaginary vote from Republicans!

I can tell you this, here in Alabama we would have nominated a black woman (Condi Rice) in overwhelming numbers, had she run. Those votes would have had absolutely NOTHING to do with her race. In a recent local survey of Birmingham voters, more than 72% said they would vote for Condi if she were on the ballot. Granted, Birmingham is her hometown, and has a large black population, but I think it is clear that racism is not as rampant down here as some of you ignorant northern elites like to believe.

I know it sucks to realize your candidate is garnering the racist vote, and it must be a real shocker to discover your beloved Democrat party is so full of bitter and hateful racist people, but I've been trying to tell you this for years. They even came up with a term to describe the phenomenon, "liberal white guilt." Liberal racists who keep their true feelings well hidden, and the guilt of their racism is overcompensated for by publicly supporting blacks, so we can all see how 'non-racist' they are.

I don't think it sucks, like i said, for a somewhat southern state, i don't think the 1 in 5 is that bad, taking all that i said in to consideration and depending on the way the polling question was worded....and i also believe that it would be even higher if in a republican primary, under the same circumstances, not negating that some Democratic voters could be racists as you proclaim based on this particular poll....

I still contend that any one who is truely a racist, would probably be a sexist also and would probably not vote for Hillary either.....and they are saving their vote for Mccain? :clink: lol

I can tell you this, here in Alabama we would have nominated a black woman (Condi Rice) in overwhelming numbers, had she run. Those votes would have had absolutely NOTHING to do with her race. In a recent local survey of Birmingham voters, more than 72% said they would vote for Condi if she were on the ballot. Granted, Birmingham is her hometown, and has a large black population, but I think it is clear that racism is not as rampant down here as some of you ignorant northern elites like to believe.

Zomg a city that is 75% black went 72% for Condi? Shocker.

Incidentally, Birmingham is one of the most liberal cities in America thanks largely to its sizeable black population. It has been ranked number 19 since the last study I saw.

The state is ironclad conservative, but in Presidential races the Democrat almost always wins Birmingham and Jefferson County.
"it's going to come back to bite your ass. "

You love to say that, but it has a poor track record. A lot of things were going to "bite us in the ass" in '06...remember? That didn't really work out too well.

Well that's fine, you are entitled to your own opinion, but keep in mind... no party has ever won the white house without the support of the "ignorant southern rednecks" you continue to insult. We'll see how well that strategy plays out for you.
Zomg a city that is 75% black went 72% for Condi? Shocker.

Incidentally, Birmingham is one of the most liberal cities in America thanks largely to its sizeable black population. It has been ranked number 19 since the last study I saw.

The state is ironclad conservative, but in Presidential races the Democrat almost always wins Birmingham and Jefferson County.

Uhmmm... Birmingham is only 38% black.
As of the census[9] of 2000, there were 242,820 people, 98,782 households, and 59,269 families residing in the city. The population density was 1,619.7 people per square mile (625.4/km²). There were 111,927 housing units at an average density of 746.6/sq mi (288.3/km²). The racial makeup of the city was 73.46% Black or African American, 24.07% White, 0.17% Native American, 0.80% Asian, 0.04% Pacific Islander, 0.62% from other races, and 0.83% from two or more races. 1.55% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race.

You're probably counting the snow white suburbs in your total to get a number as wrong as you did, but within the city limits it is 73.46% black.

Don't argue with me. You will lose.
I suppose at this point Dixie, your options are to eradicate 50% of Birmingham's black population or admit to me you're wrong.

And I think we both know which is more likely.
I don't think it sucks, like i said, for a somewhat southern state, i don't think the 1 in 5 is that bad, taking all that i said in to consideration and depending on the way the polling question was worded....and i also believe that it would be even higher if in a republican primary, under the same circumstances, not negating that some Democratic voters could be racists as you proclaim based on this particular poll....

I still contend that any one who is truely a racist, would probably be a sexist also and would probably not vote for Hillary either.....and they are saving their vote for Mccain? :clink: lol


The question was part of an exit poll, and it was pretty straightforward wording... Was race a factor in your vote? Y or N

20% said YES! Just openly outright admitted it to the pollster... yessir, race was a factor, damn straight! ....that's pretty bad Care, I don't care how you spin it.

I am amazed at how you are fantasizing about what a republican poll would say, and forming conclusions based on that fantasy. That is just out of this world! "We are much less racist that we can imagine the Republicans being!" LOLOLOLOLOL!! Too funny Care!!