Are you better off today then you were 4 years ago?

Lost Jobs? The China virus lost those jobs. Before that, we were doing just fine thank you very much.
Dividing the country? Obama who had the best chance in history to unite America, instead, he chose to become the divider in chief.
Apparently, you weren't content with stable prices, no wars raging, and manufacturing returning to this country BUT, your guy got the largest number of votes in history so why are you scared shitless?
We are done here.

Nah - Trump lost those jobs. He botched the handling of the pandemic, in a big way. He was terrible w/ the only real crisis he faced.

How did Obama have the "best chance in history to unite America?" I've even heard some on the right say that he should have ended racism. As though that would fall to someone who is a minority. Minorities would LOVE to end racism. It doesn't fall to them.

Trump divided America much worse than we have been. With Trump, everything is "us vs. them." Everything.

The Trump years were terrible for this country. He left office w/ America a total mess.
you're to blame for lockdowns and mandatory jab.

that fell along political lines, and you cannot wiggle your way out of it with your revisionist horseshit.

but you have proven that you KNOW your positions are bullshit.

why lie if you stand behind the things you stood for then?

You're forgetting that lockdowns were all over the world, not just the US. And if more Americans had gotten the "mandatory jabs," we might not have had the highest number of covid cases and the highest number of deaths in the world, more than double those of other countries.
The question wasn't who I thought caused it, it was am I better off than I was back then. Though I will tell you, Brandon's first ask was money to throw at people increasing the chances for higher inflation. And pretending that when all money is attached to the dollar as the central currency of trade that it being "global" is not a certainty when the inflation rate in the US is so frikkin' high is just pretense. Saying "global" often is like saying Summer after someone says it is hot out.

Pretending the Brandon Effect doesn't exist doesn't change that it does exist, it only means you are not doing anything to change it.

My friend who owns a pawn shop in suburbia talks about how it has never been like this, he has more inventory than ever because more folks are bringing items in to pawn and never picking them up. Items he never has had in his particular shop are now a norm and he doesn't have room to put more stuff out. He tells me it has never been like this. Ask those folks whether they are better off now than they were 4 years ago and I'm guessing they'll also tell you no.

Whether you like it or not, the economy is largely a faith system, and the economy does better when the President isn't a dementia patient because people have faith that it will get better. At this time, there are more folks who do not think this guy has what it takes to turn this around. Your guy is less popular than a herpes infection while their guy is only less popular than measles. It isn't looking good for y'all at this point. Their guy should be well behind someone with a brain, but he isn't. Both parties put on a sack of weights before starting this marathon, we'll see which of you is in better shape overall.

The first person to throw money was trump with his $900 billion stimulus package that included $600 checks to adults.
Same here. I make more dollars than I did in 2020 - but my spending power was significantly higher then.

My pool has been leaking for years, in 2020 I called some contractors to redo it, got estimates from $22K to $29K - but then Wuhan hit and everything fell through. I finally got around to doing it this year, the earthquakes caused more cracks in the tile an it was starting to affect the deck. But now it cost $41K for the same job. It is beautiful, but the cost was virtually DOUBLE.

This isn't ALL because of Quid Pro - Newsom and California housing costs are a factor as well - still purchasing power for major projects is about half what it was in 2020 - and my salary didn't double.

You were able to pay $41,000 to fix an old swimming pool, rather than just draining it and covering it until prices got lower. Congratulations.
Indubitably. The left will not want to face the reality, but if they do not (and find a better answer for it than "you can't believe yourself and what you see, believe what we tell you, man") they will find themselves wondering, "What happened? I mean we had unlimited abortion and everything!" as they lose voters to the number one reason folks vote, their own pocketbooks.

You want us to feel sorry for a guy who not only owns a swimming pool, but has $41 grand available to repair it? Gimme a break.
You're forgetting that lockdowns were all over the world, not just the US. And if more Americans had gotten the "mandatory jabs," we might not have had the highest number of covid cases and the highest number of deaths in the world, more than double those of other countries.

but you people did it here, and you loved it , and you hated people against it.

youre sick totalitarian freaks.

weren't the lockdowns justified and didn't they help us recover so quickly?
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Sure. Ol' Trump was just awesome except for those "mean tweets." Well, except for losing millions of jobs, dividing the country, liberating the bigots & xenophobes, making our national discourse toxic, botching how to handle the pandemic, and installing a Supreme Court that is hostile toward women. Oh, and did I forget to mention inciting an insurrection?

Hmmm, was Trump right about injecting disinfectant to cure COVID?
Was he right about 'hiring the best people'?

Trump's Own Cabinet Members - People He Hired - Have Repeatedly Warned the American Public That Trump is POISON to Our Nation

"He is more dangerous than anyone can imagine." Gen. James Mattis, Trump's former Defense Sec.

Trump "has no idea what America stands for" and "has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the Rule of Law." Gen. John Kelly, Trump's former WH Chief of Staff.

"He is a consummate narcissist... He will always put his own interests... ahead of everything else, including the country's interests." Bill Barr, Trump's former Attorney General.

"Trump and other officials have repeatedly compromised our principles in pursuit of partisan advantage and personal gain." Gen. HR McMaster, Trump's former National Security Advisor.

"He is not fit to be President." John Bolton, Trump's former National Security Advisor.

"He puts himself before country. His actions are all about him and not about the country." Mark Esper, Trump's former Defense Secretary.
Nah - Trump lost those jobs. He botched the handling of the pandemic, in a big way. He was terrible w/ the only real crisis he faced.

How did Obama have the "best chance in history to unite America?" I've even heard some on the right say that he should have ended racism. As though that would fall to someone who is a minority. Minorities would LOVE to end racism. It doesn't fall to them.

Trump divided America much worse than we have been. With Trump, everything is "us vs. them." Everything.

The Trump years were terrible for this country. He left office w/ America a total mess.

Obama divided America. I remember him pointing at successful Americans and demonizing them and I felt Obama was making the left resent the fact that I was successful and they felt somehow I didn't pay my fair share. Then there was Hillary and her names calling. Remember her basket of deplorables. Remember how easy Racist, homophobic, misogynistic xenophobic rolled off her lips. I remember the left starting websites that likened George Bush to a monkey and challenged his intelligence.
America was decided LONG before Trump.

Trump got Three vaccines produced in record time through participation in his Warp Speed program. One of those vaccines MAY have saved your life.
You have a short memory if you've forgotten what the country was going through four years ago.

The stock market is firing on all cylinders, with the S&P 500 surging around 9% year to date — and that’s after its 24% gain in 2023.
According to Jeremy Siegel, economist and professor of finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, the uptrend in stocks is here to stay.