Are you better off today then you were 4 years ago?

If a dr has a situation where only one can survive (mother or baby) who decides who survives?

How many Republicans would order the Dr to save the baby and let the mother die?

Your wife

Your mother

Your daughter?

And even worse than that.

If told that there is no chance the baby will survive, and the mother may also die if an abortion does not happen, they still will not support her getting an abortion.

The reason is, if you can get them to tell you, is they believe in miracles and in doing the abortion you are denying that potential miracle god may deliver a healthy child and save the baby.

The flip side to that is that they also 'do not trust the science (Dr)'.
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Nope, nope and NOPE.
Won't work, Sock.
You can post all the GOP talking points you like, Biden didn't hold a gun to anyone's head, private businesses decided on their own to raise prices.
Bullshit. Prices are higher because the dollar worth less than it was before, and/or shortages caused by DEMOCRATs.
Oh, and thanks for the infantile ad hominem attacks.
Anytime you deserve it, Sock.
Nothing says "I don't have all the facts" like calling the other person names.
Nothing shows a whiner more than using the above statement, whiner.
I read an article by an owner who was chuckling about the inflation. He said they were waiting for an opportunity like this. They knew long ago that if there is a big price jump, for any reason, the people will be quieted down when they drop, even though they do not approach starting levels. When it ends, they are making a lot more money for producing and selling the same products.

They are also spending a lot more money to produce that product or service. I already know you have no clue how to run a business, Sock.

And even worse than that.

If told that there is no chance the baby will survive, and the mother may also die if an abortion, they still will not support her getting an abortion.

The reason is, if you can get them to tell you, is they believe in miracles and in doing the abortion you are denying that potential miracle god may deliver a healthy child and save the baby.

The flip side to that is that they also 'do not trust the science (Dr)'.

You're hallucinating again, Sock.

First off, government redistributing property rarely goes well, especially when it is all private property.

trump wants to redistribute property from all Americans to what he considers "real Americans"(which make up about 30% of all Americans). So it completely makes sense for the other 70% to be against it. But it also makes sense for the 30% to be against it, because the redistribution rarely goes well(see above).
First off, government redistributing property rarely goes well, especially when it is all private property.

trump wants to redistribute property from all Americans to what he considers "real Americans"(which make up about 30% of all Americans). So it completely makes sense for the other 70% to be against it. But it also makes sense for the 30% to be against it, because the redistribution rarely goes well(see above).

First off, government redistributing property rarely goes well, especially when it is all private property.

trump wants to redistribute property from all Americans to what he considers "real Americans"(which make up about 30% of all Americans). So it completely makes sense for the other 70% to be against it. But it also makes sense for the 30% to be against it, because the redistribution rarely goes well(see above).


Sure. Ol' Trump was just awesome except for those "mean tweets." Well, except for losing millions of jobs, dividing the country, liberating the bigots & xenophobes, making our national discourse toxic, botching how to handle the pandemic, and installing a Supreme Court that is hostile toward women. Oh, and did I forget to mention inciting an insurrection?
Sure. Ol' Trump was just awesome except for those "mean tweets." Well, except for losing millions of jobs, dividing the country, liberating the bigots & xenophobes, making our national discourse toxic, botching how to handle the pandemic, and installing a Supreme Court that is hostile toward women. Oh, and did I forget to mention inciting an insurrection?

Lost Jobs? The China virus lost those jobs. Before that, we were doing just fine thank you very much.
Dividing the country? Obama who had the best chance in history to unite America, instead, he chose to become the divider in chief.
Apparently, you weren't content with stable prices, no wars raging, and manufacturing returning to this country BUT, your guy got the largest number of votes in history so why are you scared shitless?
We are done here.
If trump wins, very few other Americans win.

That's obviously true.

POTUS needs a House controlled by his/her own party and 59 senate votes plus the Veep to accomplish much with legislation,
but Trump has proven resolutely how much damage he can do even without that.

He has destroyed the SCOTUS
and much of the rest of the American Judicial System with his appointments, just in one term.

He'll completely destroy the system forever with another term,
and he's committed to destroying the government's already inadequate regulatory power
over the corporate oligarchy which he serves.

A vote for Trump is nothing less than a vote to put the Great American Experiment
permanently out of its misery
and a vote to establish a state very much like the current Russian Federation,
most likely subservient to the original one.