Are you better off today then you were 4 years ago?

Biden's approval ratings, per 538, have barely budged at all in over three years, hanging around 40% plus or minus a point or two. They are certainly not great, but only a percentage point or two different than Trump's. All Biden needs to do is keep the campaign focus on positives, with only an occasional negative reminder about his sleazy opponent. I agree with you about the abortion issue. It is going to be a large part of this election. Tis why Trump is so reluctant to be pinned down on the issue. If he supports a national ban, he's going to lose. If he doesn't support a national ban, the evangelicals won't be happy. Supposedly he's going to issue a statement next week. Should be interesting.

It may come to choice between a candidate voters fear is too old to one they fear is too dangerous. Trump is about to be hit by a massive television campaign painting him a threat to the foundations of the country. The most effective part may well be one by
"Republicans Against Trump" budgeted at 50 million dollars already in the till and ready to go.
The internets will roil with Russian and Chinese lies about Biden on the end stretch

Trump money won’t be doing much but paying his fines and lawyers
It may come to choice between a candidate voters fear is too old to one they fear is too dangerous. Trump is about to be hit by a massive television campaign painting him a threat to the foundations of the country. The most effective part may well be one by
"Republicans Against Trump" budgeted at 50 million dollars already in the till and ready to go.

Have you seen any of the Lincoln Project's spots? They are excellent. I think that they really made a difference in the 2022 election.
The abortion on demand up to minutes before live birth, are deplorable monsters and not human either. I also disagree with "It's a woman's right to choose" unless we abolish child support in virtually all cases outside of marriage (rape being a big exception) as the man in that scenario is just a "sperm donor."

See, this is why you have no credibility, and why we normal ppl laugh at you. That ridiculous claim is a lie. I could not find statistics, but it's safe to say that there are probably less than 1% of us who favor reproductive freedom who are that crazy to want such a thing. I can assure you as well that even fewer health care providers would do such a thing. It would rightfully be considered murder to destroy a viable fetus in every state in this land.

Get some new material. This is why you forced-birthers are losing this war.
the 'forced-birthers' are deplorable humans.

They will not stop until the Monty skit 'every sperm is sacred' becomes the norm, but meanwhile, as you point out, they will fight every single attempt in society to help any child in poverty get a good education or even breakfast at school or with medical issues with their only priority being to get minimum age work requirements lowered so they can exploit them and trap them into a life of low priced labor.

Yep. Check out Gardner's reply. These fascists are *still* screaming about a bullshit thing that is illegal and will stay that way -- abortion up to the moment of birth. Hyperbole much?
The abortion on demand up to minutes before live birth, are deplorable monsters and not human either. I also disagree with "It's a woman's right to choose" unless we abolish child support in virtually all cases outside of marriage (rape being a big exception) as the man in that scenario is just a "sperm donor."

Well i don't think you can provide any data that Abortion on demand up to minutes before birth is really a thing, outside medical emergencies or other severe problems detected.

And i would agree that if the woman has an opt to being a parent (abortion), then so to should the man be able to opt out by telling her before the birth, he will not participate in this childs life. But then he must get NO rights, no visitations, etc.
The abortion on demand up to minutes before live birth, are deplorable monsters and not human either. I also disagree with "It's a woman's right to choose" unless we abolish child support in virtually all cases outside of marriage (rape being a big exception) as the man in that scenario is just a "sperm donor."

Dear fucking idiot russian whore

That is the law no where

Your ass is now just a mold wad

The mold ate your penis and gonads

Go fuck some of your brethren with that mold patch that ate your bits

The perfect solution to you’re exsistance has emerged

Fuck you very much
Dear fucking idiot russian whore

That is the law no where

Your ass is now just a mold wad

The mold ate your penis and gonads

Go fuck some of your brethren with that mold patch that ate your bits

The perfect solution to you’re exsistance has emerged

Fuck you very much
This is Russian Propaganda...
See, this is why you have no credibility, and why we normal ppl laugh at you. That ridiculous claim is a lie. I could not find statistics, but it's safe to say that there are probably less than 1% of us who favor reproductive freedom who are that crazy to want such a thing. I can assure you as well that even fewer health care providers would do such a thing. It would rightfully be considered murder to destroy a viable fetus in every state in this land.

Get some new material. This is why you forced-birthers are losing this war.

We just need for them to keep waging it until the election.
If a dr has a situation where only one can survive (mother or baby) who decides who survives?

How many Republicans would order the Dr to save the baby and let the mother die?

Your wife

Your mother

Your daughter?
No. Shortages cause by overregulation, fascism (overregulation), inflation, and Biden's executive order is the reason for increased energy costs and with it, food production cost and distribution cost.

Yes he did. You cannot deny the executive order or the regulations strangling business activity.

Oh THIS stupid argument again...

A corporation is like any business, dumbass. It cannot just arbitrarily raise prices on a whim. It is competing with other businesses doing the same thing or making a competing product.
Price discovery sets the prices, dumbass. That's a concept apparently very foreign to you!

Capitalism is the voluntary production of products and services for voluntary sale at the agreed upon price.
The businesses want a higher price.
The client wants a lower price.
There are competing products and services.

Only when the provider and the client agree upon a price does a transaction take place.

Nope, nope and NOPE.

You can post all the GOP talking points you like, Biden didn't hold a gun to anyone's head, private businesses decided on their own to raise prices.

Oh, and thanks for the infantile ad hominem attacks.

Nothing says "I don't have all the facts" like calling the other person names.
Nope, nope and NOPE.

You can post all the GOP talking points you like, Biden didn't hold a gun to anyone's head, private businesses decided on their own to raise prices.

Oh, and thanks for the infantile ad hominem attacks.

Nothing says "I don't have all the facts" like calling the other person names.

I read an article by an owner who was chuckling about the inflation. He said they were waiting for an opportunity like this. They knew long ago that if there is a big price jump, for any reason, the people will be quieted down when they drop, even though they do not approach starting levels. When it ends, they are making a lot more money for producing and selling the same products.
We just need for them to keep waging it until the election.

Yep. That Alabama IVF thing didn't do the forced-birth cause any good, either. It will be interesting to see how many states have abortion rights on the ballot this Nov. Per this article, there are quite a few. If most of them get it on the ballot, it's not going to be a good election for the (R)s.
I read an article by an owner who was chuckling about the inflation. He said they were waiting for an opportunity like this. They knew long ago that if there is a big price jump, for any reason, the people will be quieted down when they drop, even though they do not approach starting levels. When it ends, they are making a lot more money for producing and selling the same products.

That's very true. So how is Pres. Biden, or any other president, going to control that? How could any POTUS control inflation in general? Should he/she issue price controls by executive order? Encourage Congress to pass legislation controlling profits?