Armed Las Vegas worker stopped likely mass shooter in his tracks but received little

What in the blue fuck does that have to do with anything??? Holy fuck you are stupid. Government buys guns for the military you abject fucking moron. They are intended to kill people.

this shows exactly just how fucking stupid you are, given that over the last two years we've posted stories about the government buying guns for the IRS, the ATF, the FBI, and handing out military surplus weapons to local law enforcement.

grow a fucking brain, you ignorant idiot.
It isn't the gun that's the problem, it's the people using it. America has a criminal problem, not a gun problem. Like it or not, the truth here--and it's one the US won't face up to--the US has an obvious subclass of serious criminals that commit the majority of our crime, shootings, etc.

That didn’t take long, 18 posts, until the dog whistle appeared, and it ain’t those other people you are seemingly afraid of that is shooting up schools, churches, theaters, malls, bowling alleys, grocery stores, Walmarts, etc, all the locales most Americans frequent
If “guns saved lives” why isn’t the U.S. the safest country in the world given we have more guns already out there than people? Instead we have the most guns of any developed nations and consequently, the most gun violence, and them are the facts

because liberals in this country spread fake facts about how guns are too dangerous for incompetent civilians to handle.
if you aren't able to control the next shooter, what makes you think you can control their ability to get a gun? hint: you cannot. the ONLY thing you do is assume EVERYONE is the next shooter, which still does nothing to protect kids.

By lessening the easy access to guns so only those qualified and responsible can acquire one
That didn’t take long, 18 posts, until the dog whistle appeared, and it ain’t those other people you are seemingly afraid of that is shooting up schools, churches, theaters, malls, bowling alleys, grocery stores, Walmarts, etc, all the locales most Americans frequent

What "dog whistle" is involved? People commit crimes, not guns, knives, cars, or other inanimate objects. Almost every recent mass shooting has been Black on Black taking just recent ones. Chicago's, Balitmore's, DC's, Houston's, and dozens of other cities across the US are all seeing mostly Blacks committing the shootings and crime. It is an undeniable fact, not a "dog whistle."
Britain has banned firearms virtually entirely. Their murder rates went up. They then imposed a near total ban on knives and edged weapons, their murder rate went up. It isn't the tool that's the problem, it's the person wielding it.

Like it or don't, and this isn't racist, it's fact, if tomorrow every Black in America disappeared our crime rates would plummet...

The UK’s numbers were already low, so a couple of incidents immediately raises the percentages, and there is zero ways of predicting who the next shooter will be, so the “it’s the shooter not the gun” argument is pointless, a deflection off the real problem, Babe Ruth couldn’t have hit all those home runs without a bat
because liberals in this country spread fake facts about how guns are too dangerous for incompetent civilians to handle.

Wait a minute, so it isn’t the fact that the US proves more guns don’t make us safer, but rather, “liberals” saying guns are dangerous is the real reason America leads all developed nations in gun violence?
Wait a minute, so it isn’t the fact that the US proves more guns don’t make us safer, but rather, “liberals” saying guns are dangerous is the real reason America leads all developed nations in gun violence?

yes. your terrified hyperbole and false information leads most people to believe they aren't capable of defending themselves with a gun. It's all on you.
How did the left destroy family values?

It was a multi-pronged, calculated war on basic values.

Lenin, one of the foundational leaders of the democrat left observed that people in a functional society will place loyalty to their family above loyalty to the state.

This is not acceptable, as the foundation of leftist is that the state is supreme and above all.

Another foundational leader of the democrats wrote; “Everything for the state, nothing outside the state, nothing above the state”

The family is an obstacle to the absolute power you of the left lust for.

But you asked HOW your Reich destroyed the family - and that was a multi-pronged war. Obviously the culture war is a major part of it. Promotion of a generational divide to drive a wedge between children, parents, and grandparents. Entertainment carries water for the fascist/Marxist left and portrays the family unit as "lame" in the mildest case, and toxic in most cases. Promotion of drugs and homosexuality to clash with Judeo-Christian values.

And of course the welfare state to evict men from the family structure and replace them with the state as the father - an absent father, but the only one allowed if the welfare is to keep flowing.

"The Party is Mother, The Party is Father, All Loyalty to the Party." - Joseph Stalin

Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini - the unholy trinity of the left. Everything the democrat party does and believes stems from these three.

How is having a gun a family value when it makes your family less safe? You say the craziest shit.

The right to defend oneself and one's family is self-reliance that the left violently opposes. All must be dependent on the state for any protection the state sees fit to offer.
What "dog whistle" is involved? People commit crimes, not guns, knives, cars, or other inanimate objects. Almost every recent mass shooting has been Black on Black taking just recent ones. Chicago's, Balitmore's, DC's, Houston's, and dozens of other cities across the US are all seeing mostly Blacks committing the shootings and crime. It is an undeniable fact, not a "dog whistle."

That is not correct (, and it wasn’t Black shooters who have massacred church/synagogue goers, kids in school, people at a concert, people shopping for groceries, etc.

The shootings you are referring to a largely inner city shootings, indicating a over predominance of guns in those areas, largely illegal, as I’ve said, guns are so many and so easy accessible in America even a wannabe gangster can obtain one
yes. your terrified hyperbole and false information leads most people to believe they aren't capable of defending themselves with a gun. It's all on you.

Well if there are more guns out there than people, and America’s gun violence keeps escalating, it ain’t people being afraid to use guns that prevent it from rising
That is not correct (, and it wasn’t Black shooters who have massacred church/synagogue goers, kids in school, people at a concert, people shopping for groceries, etc.

The shootings you are referring to a largely inner city shootings, indicating a over predominance of guns in those areas, largely illegal, as I’ve said, guns are so many and so easy accessible in America even a wannabe gangster can obtain one

You are looking at it wrong. Blacks represent about 20% of all mass shootings while they represent about 12% of the population. Whites represent about 57% of the shootings while representing about 60% of the population.

That is, Blacks commit mass shootings at double the rate of Whites in relation to their presence in the population.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever

You should have caught on by now “copy” everyone pretty much thinks of this pseudonym a joke, time to move on or reinvent

Facts interfere with your agenda.

And your agenda is to disarm those who would resist the totalitarian state you are ushering in.

Virtually ALL "mass shootings" (a bullshit term created by the Marxists and the fascist media) are black on black, and gang related.

How would disarming the law abiding keep black gang bangers from shooting each other?
Well if there are more guns out there than people, and America’s gun violence keeps escalating, it ain’t people being afraid to use guns that prevent it from rising

you're making an assumption. that makes you look stupid. or are you really trying to tell people that all of the guns out in circulation are all owned by criminals?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever

You should have caught on by now “copy” everyone pretty much thinks of this pseudonym a joke, time to move on or reinvent

One of us might be a sock, but it isn't me.

The problem with you fascists is that pervert your own statistics, deliberately.

You portray shootings as Der Juden shooting up a theater, or the Parkland school. And that does happen, every few years.

It doesn't happen 340 times a year. Yet you post stats from the fascist propagandists of your Reich claiming "341 mass shootings this year."

So what gives? Well, you have an agenda and use demagoguery to promote that agenda.

What you DON'T do is deal in facts;

Let's start with some basics that you, as a drone of your Reich, don't acknowledge:


So called "mass shootings" are rare. to the point of being an outlier statistically.

Further, those that do occur rarely involve an "AR15"


By perverting facts so that gang related shootings are lumped in with these rare random killing sprees we end up with utterly meaningless data. But the left has an agenda and needs to inflate the figures to promote the illusion that malls are being shot up randomly every day.
Gun free zones are only lines on a map, you have to stop the import of guns to those areas to make it effective, which can only happen with Federal assistance

Laws on the books are a joke, you can even obtain a gun online by just promising to follow rules and regulations, nearly anyone can get a gun if they want one

And there are three variables to every mass shooting: the shooter, the target, and the gun. You can never predict the next shooter, nor protect all the vulnerable targets, the only variable controllable is what makes it all happen, the gun

Schools are gun free zones and these mass murders know this so they go there to kill defenseless kids and teachers. Gun free zones do not work they create killers