Armed Las Vegas worker stopped likely mass shooter in his tracks but received little

You are looking at it wrong. Blacks represent about 20% of all mass shootings while they represent about 12% of the population. Whites represent about 57% of the shootings while representing about 60% of the population.

That is, Blacks commit mass shootings at double the rate of Whites in relation to their presence in the population.
Terry's racism example #4. Again, he attacks African-Americans and ignores Euro-American criminals.
What "dog whistle" is involved? People commit crimes, not guns, knives, cars, or other inanimate objects. Almost every recent mass shooting has been Black on Black taking just recent ones. Chicago's, Balitmore's, DC's, Houston's, and dozens of other cities across the US are all seeing mostly Blacks committing the shootings and crime. It is an undeniable fact, not a "dog whistle."

Terry's Racism example #5....his usual dog whistle about how much he hates African-Americans while never, ever speaking against RW Euro-American criminals.
This story doesn’t fit the leftist agenda of gun control so of course they won’t report it.

This was not national news. Las Vegas is one of the highest Crime cities in the world. The Las Vegas Police handle 100's of illegal shootings every day there.

All of the local LAS VEGAS channels carried this story on their News Hours! So, I do not know why OPie has his pink panties all up in his ass-crack about!

This is a story of a Security Guard doing his job, and responding to an incident of a suspicious Gunman shooting out glass doors, and then his gun jammed after pointing this gun at an employee of the High Rise Apartment Complex. As the man with the gun tried to escape, the Armed security guard shot him several times in the gut, buttocks, and thighs!

I think the Armed Security guard should get a nice raise for doing his job!

But, sorry TRUMPRTARDS this was in no way National News. Every day, on average, 316 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides and suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, and police intervention.

IDIOTS! :laugh:
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Let's deal with the nonsequiter strawman i see being spun upthread.

Yes, a person with a gun (good guy with a gun) can stop a bad guy with a gun and save lives.

What that DOES NOT mean is we are safer if we allow more and more guns into society and into more and more hands, with few to no restrictions.

Point A can be true while Point B is not.

The fact is that if we allow more guns into more hands, they do not just go in to good guy hands. And worse, many people who look like good guys end up using them on Family, Self, and neighbours during disputes or depression.

It is not even a question anymore as America leads the first world in guns and gun related deaths. You have to look at 3rd world countries to find any thing as shameful.

As kids today are forced to do "Active Shooter drills' as the type of norm prior generations had to do for 'nuclear war risk', the answer is not more and more guns. Arming teachers and students. It is less guns everywhere. Only nutjobs see what is going on and say 'if only we had more guns in the community this would all turn around'.
the bullshit is strong with you

With regards to a gun in the home killing someone, suicide is the biggest risk, followed by use of it in domestic dispute. It being a gun used by an invader or enemy (theirs or yours) is way down the list.

So there is no denying that overall homes hat bring in guns, make their families less safe and more likely to die via gun violence.
One was murdered huh

Hell mass murders don’t get covered much anymore

They are a dime a dozen
an armed employee of the building opened fire and stopped him in his tracks.

From your link

Who wants paid guards dis armed you fucking lying idiot shit bags?