As Feminists, as Libertarians, You Cannot Defend Capitalism

see how hate fucking hate filled you are?

I say stuff you agree with and you spew fucking hate on me.

you on the right have no sense you only have hate driving you
so you too hate capitalism?

How did you arrive at that with my comments about you dunce? I am all for the imperfections of capitalism over the failures of Socialism.

What I hate is your lunatic crapflooding, your lies, your strawmen and the vulgarity contained in that tiny neanderthalish head of yours. If it were up to me, you would be perma-banned because you add no value whatsoever to any discussion and are a raving lunatic.

Unfortunately; the forums owners have decided to make this forum a free-for-all sanctuary for the lunatics, the dunces and the vulgar.

At least we do have the power of the thread ban feature to keep dullards like you from lowering the IQ level of nearly every thread idiots like you engage in.
they just don't let the facts get in the way for their idiotic hate

The fact that you desperately support the Socialist dictator wannabe Obama and your never ending rant against capitalists in almost every thread suggests a profound irony and economic confusion in your defense of capitalism.

It also suggests an inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy, or being coherent enough to construct a logical argument.
Well, apparently they were all feminists. So, everything should have been running fine.

There is nothing inherently feminist about socialism, in fact, feminism survives and thrives in the freest economic circumstances but is curbed in the more controlled economic environments.

Prove that "feminism survives and thrives in the freest economic circumstances but is curbed in the more controlled economic environments" or even offer any evidence to demonstrate it, other than the obvious problems caused by censorship, which is n't applicable except in a few rather lethal environments on both the right and the left, that has absolutely nothing to do with capitalism. For example, Pinochet practiced censorship and Chicago school free market capitalism. Certainly, as far as back as 1991, Susan Faludi demonstrated in her book Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women, that the while the idea of feminism may be alive and well, in practice it was under severe attack and that whatever gains had been wrought by the movement in the earlier and more vibrant years--the 60s and 70s--had been basically rolled back or neutralized by the effects of forces on the right for misogyny and male dominance. A more enlightened look at this now might include the kinds of observations that Piven and Cloward make about all movements and how they get usurped and eventually become tools of the very system that they were originally trying to change. Certainly, the environmental movement has shown this dramatically, it has been almost completely usurped by capitalist forces and used as a marketing ploy rather than productive of the change that it originally hoped to achieve. Indeed, as commodification and as commodity all of these movements, the Viginia Slim cigarette tag line is another glaring and startling example, "You've come along way, baby," but are you getting cancer in the same numbers as men, well start smoking and let;'s up those numbers for women, too, have been commodified! However, I wouldn't claim any of that is evidence of a vibrant feminist movement under capitalism. In fact, as Faludi showed it is just the opposite!
The fact that you desperately support the Socialist dictator wannabe Obama and your never ending rant against capitalists in almost every thread suggests a profound irony and economic confusion in your defense of capitalism.

It also suggests an inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy, or being coherent enough to construct a logical argument.

are scotus decisions reality?
because you don't deal in truths.

you deal in LIES like that Obama is a socialist.

lies are not how you find the truth

is this a fact?

At Supreme Court, no reprieve for GOP in voting rights consent decree

US Supreme Court on Monday turned aside a petition from the Republican National Committee to lift a 30-year-old consent decree. The decree requires the RNC to refrain from tactics that could suppress voting rights.

By Warren Richey, Staff writer / January 14, 2013

There you go again with your lunatic off topic rants. You really are THAT stupid and need professional help.

see gentle reader they just will not admit to facts they don't like.

its why they are wrong on so many things.

You CAN NOT make good decisions when you refuse facts out of vanity.

you only make losing decisions that will harm you
they are now trying to cheat voters in this next election.

its why calr rove kept pretending robmoney would win by 5.

to cover up the push to keep people out of the process changed the outcome.

they ran into a snag

people refused to get out of line to vote
There is no way around having the corporations even when we have government corporations.

someone has to produce all the shit we need and want right?

what does socialism do?

they make those jobs government jobs.

those people will have a lock for life on those jobs huh

right now a CEO can get tossed on their ass for not preforming in a way the benefits the company.

you want that person to now be a government employee with MASSIVE power

Well the way it is now, corporation ceos can fuck up the entire economy and still get a 200 million dollar bonus.
Hire cheaper labor!

Ah, so the button pusher doesn't know? But how can he be expected to produce if he doesn't know how to produce? Maybe, if there was a special position in workshops that over saw production and other things....Ya know, people with knowledge in all aspects of production, not just elements of button pushing...

The last paragraph points to an embarrassing condition of American life and that is the way that what would be seen as strictly class divisions in many European countries are here bifurcated and fractured along lines that are more commonly referred to and seen through the lens of "identity politics," which serves to divide the working class along various lines that are in the end too numerous to mention. For instance it breaks working class men along the lines of race, gender, nation and ideology, in addition to more general personal prejudices that might range from a willing acceptance of others or any number of racial prejudices which could break in any direction. And that is just one group, the same thing applies to women. And all this is exacerbated by the general lines of bifurcation of the working class on the notion of union representation. In short, organizing the working class has never been more problematic and the capitalist class loves this dilemma.