As this board goes, so will the country

They don't really go away. They make the DRAMA thread dedicated to their leaving, filled with the hand-wringing, and the lamenting the good old days spiel, then lurk in the shadows waiting to read how people are taking their "departure".

Fer chrissakes! :p

Never giving us a real opportunity to miss them 'cause they never really go away...they just do more lame shit like Solitary and come back pretending they are a "new" poster; or lurk in the background~~~~:rolleyes:
There have been conservatives who created "I'm leaving" threads.

I also recall most of the conservatives predicting a resounding victory for the republicans too. So much for the accuracy of predictions.
I'm not saying shit about that. I still owe Dixie a 6 pack for predicting Kerry would beat Bush in 04.
daisy chain
1. Sexual position involving multiple partners. One partner is pleasuring another, usually orally; the second is pleasing a third, and so on. Usually applied to homosexual males having a "chain" of oral sex.
Interesting! Learn something new everyday! I wonder if that's what Pink Floyd was refering to in the song "Brain Damage" when they said;

"Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs. Got to keep the loonies on the path."?
At least two high profile liberals have recently quit the board lately, and at least one hard-core conservative has come back. The obvious trend is towards conservatism. I predict the country will follow along. :good4u:
Not exactly accurate. One hard core conservative returned (Dixie) and so did one hard core liberal (Desh/Evince). That my friend is a wash.