At What Point?

You certainly get mad when anyone says anything that sounds slightly blasphemous. I wonder why an "agnostic" would get so amped up like that.
Another Perry lie since I've never seen it.

Examples: The story of Jonah and the whale is a whale-of-a-tail.

This is a better example of the Garden of Eden tale than in Genesis:
God created the Garden and in the middle put the Tree of Knowledge. Then he created all the animals to live in the Garden along with humans. God let the humans have dominion over the Garden but warned that the Tree of Knowledge would make them forever unhappy if they ate from it since it would make them self-aware and overly curious.

Adam was a bit of a dumbass and meekly complied, but Eve was a take-charge kinda gal and was already curious. Eventually she was curious enough to taste from the Tree of Knowledge. Awareness flooded through her like a wave. It both saddened her and gladdened her. Wanting to share this with Adam, she offered him a taste too. Adam, being a bit of a dumbass, would eat anything Eve gave. He, too, became self-aware.

God didn't throw Adam and Eve out of the Garden, they left like fledgling birds leaving a nest. God smiled.

Then there's this: Our idea of God tells us more about ourselves than about Him.” ― Thomas Merton
Judaism, as we know it, didn't really exist in the tenth century BCE, at the time of the unified monarchy of David, although modern Jews consider it party of their historical heritage.

The Hebrew Bible wasn't even really edited and compiled until hundreds of years later around the time of the Babylonian Captivity. What we think of as Judaism really is from the second temple period, if not later.

Jesus and Paul seemed to advocate modesty and temperance with respect to sex, and moral freedom under the vision of Jesus meant not to enslave yourself to passions or sins.
Religions evolve be it Judaism, Christianity or Islam.
No shit, Sherlock.
Perry the Troll strikes again.

Remember this classic?
Stick to the topic if possible.
If true, then why do my posts bother you so much? The fact you are angry at me is telling, Domer.

It tells me you are a habitually angry person which indicates a general unhappiness in your life. Perhaps you should spend less time on the Internet and more time talking with a good friend? Do you have any good friends, Domer?
You made a claim that I had said something in my posts that I never have. So, I merely asked you to find such posts. You failed and there was no doub that you would do so.

Now, Cletus, feel free to prove me wrong. I’ll be glad to wait.

To refresh your memory: “Pretty strong words for someone who believes the entire NT was fabricated and that Jesus never existed.”
You made a claim that I had said something in my posts that I never have. So, I merely asked you to find such posts. You failed and there was no doubt
that you would do so.

Now, Cletus, feel free to prove me wrong. I’ll be glad to wait.
That guy does nothing but write insults.
You made a claim that I had said something in my posts that I never have. So, I merely asked you to find such posts. You failed and there was no doubt
that you would do so.

Now, Cletus, feel free to prove me wrong. I’ll be glad to wait.
Did I confuse you with the other Jesus-haters, Domer? Are you accepting that Jesus lived?
Most of those charges were related to people angry with Smith's brand of religion...until similar angry people murdered him. :)

Shit like this was common:'s_Mill_massacre
He was jailed because, as mayor of Nauvoo, he had a local newspaper torn down after they printed some negative stuff about him. A pure autocrat/theocrat. He was also a great conman.

To try to portray him as some kind of martyr merely shows your ignorance
Right, I know that people were pissed at Joseph Smith. I don't know enough about it to say which financial fraud charges were legitimate, and which weren't.

He obviously was self-serving in his claims that God told him he was allowed to have dozens of wives. I never get the impression from Socrates, Jesus, The Bhudda that they were self serving.
They were pissed at the Mormons wherever they went. Upstate New York, Missouri, Illinois. The only place they could escape to was where nobody else wanted to go - Utah.
He was jailed because, as mayor of Nauvoo, he had a local newspaper torn down after they printed some negative stuff about him. A pure autocrat/theocrat. He was also a great conman.

To try to portray him as some kind of martyr merely shows your ignorance
Your expertise at insults exceeds your knowledge of various religions, Domer. Kudos.
The ardent atheist, like the ardent theists, like to cherry-pick from the Bible, and conflate in whatever manner best suits them.
Which parts would you like to discuss?

The fucked up birth stories or the fucked up death and resurrection stories. Note the plural. Because they ain’t the same.

I really don’t give a fuck what you believe or what mental gymnastics you have to perform to reconcile the contradictions. However, when the words from the Bible are twisted to affect matters in our laws and public policy, that’s where the line gets drawn.

You fuckers like cherry picking for sure. You use whatever part suits you in everything from gay marriage, to health care, to transgenders, to abortion, to foreign policy. So, give me a fucking break on cherry picking.
They were pissed at the Mormons wherever they went. Upstate New York, Missouri, Illinois. The only place they could escape to was where nobody else wanted to go - Utah.

They weren't headed for Utah. They were headed for "the land of milk and honey" AKA California. The idiots mistook Salt Lake for the Pacific.

Additionally, they used the last of their grain to plant crops and were beset by a host of locusts which would have assured most of them starving to death. Seagulls came and ate the locusts. They saw it as a sign from God and, eventually made it the state bird. Another reason to hate seagulls? LOL
Which parts would you like to discuss?

The fucked up birth stories or the fucked up death and resurrection stories. Note the plural. Because they ain’t the same.

I really don’t give a fuck what you believe or what mental gymnastics you have to perform to reconcile the contradictions. However, when the words from the Bible are twisted to affect matters in our laws and public policy, that’s where the line gets drawn.

You fuckers like cherry picking for sure. You use whatever part suits you in everything from gay marriage, to health care, to transgenders, to abortion, to foreign policy. So, give me a fucking break on cherry picking.
It seems the biggest jerks on the forum are self identified Christians and religious people.
Did I confuse you with the other Jesus-haters, Domer? Are you accepting that Jesus lived?
Again, you fail. Again, there was no doubt you would.

Here’s that reminder for you:

“Pretty strong words for someone who believes the entire NT was fabricated and that Jesus never existed.”

Cue the Jeopardy Theme while we wait for you to find that.

They weren't headed for Utah. They were headed for "the land of milk and honey" AKA California. The idiots mistook Salt Lake for the Pacific.

Additionally, they used the last of their grain to plant crops and were beset by a host of locusts which would have assured most of them starving to death. Seagulls came and ate the locusts. They saw it as a sign from God and, eventually made it the state bird. Another reason to hate seagulls? LOL
“This is the place” said Brigham. And it wasn’t California.

Don’t tell me about Mormons, dude. I have lived in Idaho my entire life. I know the drill.
Which parts would you like to discuss?

The fucked up birth stories or the fucked up death and resurrection stories. Note the plural. Because they ain’t the same.

I really don’t give a fuck what you believe or what mental gymnastics you have to perform to reconcile the contradictions. However, when the words from the Bible are twisted to affect matters in our laws and public policy, that’s where the line gets drawn.

You fuckers like cherry picking for sure. You use whatever part suits you in everything from gay marriage, to health care, to transgenders, to abortion, to foreign policy. So, give me a fucking break on cherry picking.
Domer, you've already proved you don't want to discuss anything. You're just looking for excuses to insult people who disagree with you, even in the slightest.

If you weren't such a miserable, closed-minded person, you'd know several facts about me:
1. I'm not religious.
2. I support the rights of all human beings to do as they please as long as they don't hurt others. I consider taking advantage of children or abusing them to be hurting them.
3. I support a person's right to choose what they do with their own body which includes fucking as many consenting adults as they please, ingesting whatever substances they please or having whatever operations they desire.
4. I support the Constitution and consider our federal government important to national security both at home and abroad.

Instead, you cherry-pick and broad-brush, which is your right to do. My right is to disagree.
Again, you fail. Again, there was no doubt you would.

Here’s that reminder for you:

“Pretty strong words for someone who believes the entire NT was fabricated and that Jesus never existed.”

Cue the Jeopardy Theme while we wait for you to find that.
Ran from the question.

I'll rephrase: Are you saying I was wrong to assert that you believe the entire NT was fabricated and that you believe Jesus never existed?

If so, what part was I wrong about?