Atheists: a 5 year old is on her deathbed....

You are either a pussy atheist or a pussy theist. There is no such thing as “an agnostic” because being agnostic is an adjective, not a noun, and pussies like you have bastardized this concept. One can be an agnostic theist or be a “gnostic atheist”

its like saying you you are a blue. A blue what? A blue car? A smurf?

Why does it have to be black or white with you? Why can’t it be, “I don’t know and I just live my life because it doesn’t have a bearing on my existence”? That is agnosticism to me, it is t pussy at all, it’s simply stating I don’t have enough evidence.
I think when it comes to children who are dying; that most people would say what ever they think will bring the child comfort, regardless of their own personal beliefs or ideas.

Believing is the purposeful suspension of critical thinking, perhaps this is a conservatve gambler kinda angle, why not, can't hurt.

And sometimes that turns out ok.
Why does it have to be black or white with you? Why can’t it be, “I don’t know and I just live my life because it doesn’t have a bearing on my existence”? That is agnosticism to me, it is t pussy at all, it’s simply stating I don’t have enough evidence.

" Why can’t it be, “I don’t know and I just live my life because it doesn’t have a bearing on my existence”? "

Because you cannot be allowed to wander off on your own like that. Remember how we started this thing here, and The Inquisition.

If you're independent and coherent you're a threat.
You are either a pussy atheist or a pussy theist. There is no such thing as “an agnostic” because being agnostic is an adjective, not a noun, and pussies like you have bastardized this concept. One can be an agnostic theist or be a “gnostic atheist”

its like saying you you are a blue. A blue what? A blue car? A smurf?

Thank you for your thoughtful post. I will give you MY thoughts on the term.

My interpretation of 'Theist' is someone that believes in God/Gods.
My interpretation of 'Atheist' is someone that denies God/Gods exist.
My interpretation of 'Agnostic' is someone that can't prove either God/Gods exist or God/Gods don't exist. And really doesn't care, and usually has an Epicurean attitude about God/Gods (if there are God/Gods, they don't interact with humans).

My view is more an Epicurean view, I plan on living THIS life to the Max, and IF there is a 'Level 2', I plan on living THAT life to the Max. And if there is a 'Level 3' ... you get the idea.
Why does it have to be black or white with you? Why can’t it be, “I don’t know and I just live my life because it doesn’t have a bearing on my existence”? That is agnosticism to me, it is t pussy at all, it’s simply stating I don’t have enough evidence.

1. I think Irthriuth is just fucking with us.
2. The view of Epicures was that IF there were Gods, they would be hanging out with other Gods and NOT hanging out with lowly humans. Epicures was probably an Atheist, but to avoid the Authorities' wrath, framed it as that. His view was to enjoy Life. I think he lived around 400 BC.
" Why can’t it be, “I don’t know and I just live my life because it doesn’t have a bearing on my existence”? "

Because you cannot be allowed to wander off on your own like that. Remember how we started this thing here, and The Inquisition.

If you're independent and coherent you're a threat.

Fentoine Lum. Glad to see you have re-appeared. The Man, ... always tries to decapitate the head of the snake. Glad you're back. :)
Fentoine Lum. Glad to see you have re-appeared. The Man, ... always tries to decapitate the head of the snake. Glad you're back. :)

They put me in the hole fer a bit, pfffffffffffffft, wtfever mang, someone's feelings got hurt. Kinda hard to not swing elbows when it seems everyone else is. The lines are squishy, anyway, thanks.
1. I think Irthriuth is just fucking with us.
2. The view of Epicures was that IF there were Gods, they would be hanging out with other Gods and NOT hanging out with lowly humans. Epicures was probably an Atheist, but to avoid the Authorities' wrath, framed it as that. His view was to enjoy Life. I think he lived around 400 BC.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

1. I think Irthriuth is just fucking with us.
2. The view of Epicures was that IF there were Gods, they would be hanging out with other Gods and NOT hanging out with lowly humans. Epicures was probably an Atheist, but to avoid the Authorities' wrath, framed it as that. His view was to enjoy Life. I think he lived around 400 BC.
Yes, he trolls
So basically the atheist is going to talk her to death. :palm:
Yes especially during the moment of passage ---Chant loudly the Hollowed Name of God.

Funny, When I see those TV St Jude's Children's Hospital and the little kids testify...I think to me self...oi get away from those doctors!!! But how???
A Hospital is a Hospice!
You are either a pussy atheist or a pussy theist. There is no such thing as “an agnostic” because being agnostic is an adjective, not a noun, and pussies like you have bastardized this concept. One can be an agnostic theist or be a “gnostic atheist”

its like saying you you are a blue. A blue what? A blue car? A smurf?

So the ABSOLUTE TRUTH is a "Persona"?
You're a clown who visits local children's hospitals, trying to bring a little joy into the lives of sick and dying children. One day, a 5 year old girl asks you if she will go to Heaven when she dies. What do you say to her?

I would hug her and talk with her about what her mom and dad say about that, and take it from there.
I don’t ask my husband questions like that. I can look in a mirror and determine myself if the pants make me look fat.

But this is Katrina Jack, you see, who is intensely interested in both your ass, how he can best talk about it publicly and in the most filthy way possible, and manage to drag your marriage and husband into it as well. This is just a shot across the bow. lol
Why does it have to be black or white with you? Why can’t it be, “I don’t know and I just live my life because it doesn’t have a bearing on my existence”? That is agnosticism to me, it is t pussy at all, it’s simply stating I don’t have enough evidence.

you are arguing on two fronts. First was just a language argument I made, the second was the pussy argument. So I assume you are basically addressing the ladder.

Here is the thing rana, if you met someone that like never had human contact and you asked them the question on gods existence, you may very well have a point. But you are ignoring a whole swath of context regarding how culturally embedded humanity is with religion. Claiming to be "an agnostic" (or "an blue".. as some on JPP would like to prefer to call themselves) is doing so within that context that I described, and it is cowardly. People deep down have had enough experience and world-living to have a true conclusion on the matter, they just don't want to admit it out loud, or want to lie to children, or be a secret atheist without any of the blow back ("hey dont worry guys.. either side has merit!").

The reason it is a cowardly choice is because it is ONLY WITH RELIGION that people to claim this agnostic set of beliefs and looking at the world. Are you an agnostic when it comes to santa clause? Why not? I am sure you might say something to the effect of "Well I know that I actually bought presents for my kids, it's obviously made up"

But how would you REALLY KNOW that? Maybe santa clause is real and he alters your memory to make you just THINK you bought presents for your kids, but really he was actually going around the world with flying reindeer, swooping down chimneys, and knows the heart and mind of every christian kid in the world? Why can't you be agnostic on that? Is this really any more fanciful thinking than believing in a man that watches over all of us, knows all 7 billion people, has a place called heaven where "good" people chill for all eternity when their "soul" is sucked out of their body?

If someone were to claim to be a leprechaun agnostic or a santa clause agnostic you'd see them as the retard they are. Only religion seems to get this absurd deference where you can't say for sure that god isn't real. Even though we all the time say fairies aren't real, underground mole people aren't real, and unicorns aren't real. God is no different.

The magic and fanciful thinking that goes along with santa, or the belief in fairies, or leprechauns, is the exact same as god. But you'll notice an interesting pattern, every time someone claims to be an agnostic when it comes to religious matters, is never an agnostic on all the other things I listed. Those things are "obviously false." Why not the same standard with all magical, non falsifiable claims? Because AGNOSTICS ARE COWARDS, and they have ULTERIOR MOTIVES.
" Why can’t it be, “I don’t know and I just live my life because it doesn’t have a bearing on my existence”? "

Because you cannot be allowed to wander off on your own like that. Remember how we started this thing here, and The Inquisition.

If you're independent and coherent you're a threat.

lol so people that are holding on to the notions of thousands year old desert dwellers are the true free thinkers. lol
Believing is the purposeful suspension of critical thinking, perhaps this is a conservatve gambler kinda angle, why not, can't hurt.

And sometimes that turns out ok.

I disagree with your assessment and conclusion; because it is not the suspension of critical thinking and requires critical thinking, instead of needing everything spelled out in black and white.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. I will give you MY thoughts on the term.

My interpretation of 'Theist' is someone that believes in God/Gods.
My interpretation of 'Atheist' is someone that denies God/Gods exist.
My interpretation of 'Agnostic' is someone that can't prove either God/Gods exist or God/Gods don't exist. And really doesn't care, and usually has an Epicurean attitude about God/Gods (if there are God/Gods, they don't interact with humans).

My view is more an Epicurean view, I plan on living THIS life to the Max, and IF there is a 'Level 2', I plan on living THAT life to the Max. And if there is a 'Level 3' ... you get the idea.

agnostic literally means "without knowledge", it has nothing to do with proof.

are you a unicorn agnostic? is this how you describe yourself in general society? a leprechaun agnostic? I am not being facetious.

The concept of god is non falsifiable. If you are an agnostic on god you pretty much have to be an agnostic on everything in the universe that may have even the slimiest possibility of existing. That's ridiculous. At some point, there is enough evidence, enough better explanations for our world and existence, that the concept of god is entirely redundant and not useful. The only reason you are "agnostic" is because of living in a world where you have been indoctrinated to give a higher level of accordance to a particular set of fanciful beliefs. You think you are being reasonable and middle road, but really you are entirely brainwashed.