Atheists: a 5 year old is on her deathbed....

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”


If Epicurus actually wrote that crap, Epicurus was a jerk. At least as much a jerk as the people who wrote crap that results in, "therefore there is a GOD."

Why make any of those assumptions that form the predicates of those sentences?
you are arguing on two fronts. First was just a language argument I made, the second was the pussy argument. So I assume you are basically addressing the ladder.

Here is the thing rana, if you met someone that like never had human contact and you asked them the question on gods existence, you may very well have a point. But you are ignoring a whole swath of context regarding how culturally embedded humanity is with religion. Claiming to be "an agnostic" (or "an blue".. as some on JPP would like to prefer to call themselves) is doing so within that context that I described, and it is cowardly. People deep down have had enough experience and world-living to have a true conclusion on the matter, they just don't want to admit it out loud, or want to lie to children, or be a secret atheist without any of the blow back ("hey dont worry guys.. either side has merit!").

The reason it is a cowardly choice is because it is ONLY WITH RELIGION that people to claim this agnostic set of beliefs and looking at the world. Are you an agnostic when it comes to santa clause? Why not? I am sure you might say something to the effect of "Well I know that I actually bought presents for my kids, it's obviously made up"

But how would you REALLY KNOW that? Maybe santa clause is real and he alters your memory to make you just THINK you bought presents for your kids, but really he was actually going around the world with flying reindeer, swooping down chimneys, and knows the heart and mind of every christian kid in the world? Why can't you be agnostic on that? Is this really any more fanciful thinking than believing in a man that watches over all of us, knows all 7 billion people, has a place called heaven where "good" people chill for all eternity when their "soul" is sucked out of their body?

If someone were to claim to be a leprechaun agnostic or a santa clause agnostic you'd see them as the retard they are. Only religion seems to get this absurd deference where you can't say for sure that god isn't real. Even though we all the time say fairies aren't real, underground mole people aren't real, and unicorns aren't real. God is no different.

The magic and fanciful thinking that goes along with santa, or the belief in fairies, or leprechauns, is the exact same as god. But you'll notice an interesting pattern, every time someone claims to be an agnostic when it comes to religious matters, is never an agnostic on all the other things I listed. Those things are "obviously false." Why not the same standard with all magical, non falsifiable claims? Because AGNOSTICS ARE COWARDS, and they have ULTERIOR MOTIVES.

Who the fuck are YOU to call people who consider themselves agnostic on the questions of whether there are gods or be cowards?

Only a horse's ass would do that.
I am a Taoist, and I don't entertain fairy tales. But I don't pretend to know what happens upon death. I don't believe in lying to dying people.

Either there is nothing, or one is off on a brand new adventure. I suspect it is the former.

I won't even bother with your arrogance. No "copout" is involved. Do people still say copout?

You know it is the former and you are too noncommittal to acknowledge it.
I suspect you have someone in your life who believes in magical beings and afterlife fantasies, and you are afraid of hurting their feelings if you told what you really think, so you pretend you don't know.
It's not uncommon.
Facts don't care about anyone's feelings.
If Epicurus actually wrote that crap, Epicurus was a jerk. At least as much a jerk as the people who wrote crap that results in, "therefore there is a GOD."

Why make any of those assumptions that form the predicates of those sentences?


Go ahead and defend your logic against his. Try it line by line.

The Christisn god is supposedly omniscient, omnibenevolent and omnipotent. Like it or not, Epicurus destroys that concept.
Who the fuck are you to declare there is no such thing as an agnostic?

You can stick your fucking atheism label up your ass?

In the meantime...if you are saying that there are no gods...or that it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one are doing what theists do...

...blindly guessing about the true nature of the REALITY of existence.

who the fuck am I? I'm grind, and I know shit.

calling oneself an agnostic is fucking stupid. you can be an agnostic atheist, a gnostic atheist, an agnostic christian, or a gnostic christian. so when one calls themselves an agnostic, they are demonstrating how dumb they are.
You're a clown who visits local children's hospitals, trying to bring a little joy into the lives of sick and dying children. One day, a 5 year old girl asks you if she will go to Heaven when she dies. What do you say to her?
Ask her what her vision of heaven is

Go ahead and defend your logic against his. Try it line by line.

The Christisn god is supposedly omniscient, omnibenevolent and omnipotent. Like it or not, Epicurus destroys that concept.

The meme is childish and self-serving...even more childish and self-serving as the proof of Aquinas.
You're a clown who visits local children's hospitals, trying to bring a little joy into the lives of sick and dying children. One day, a 5 year old girl asks you if she will go to Heaven when she dies. What do you say to her?

'You'll get a good sleep and no-one will ever bully, punish or spite you any more.'
who the fuck am I? I'm grind, and I know shit.

calling oneself an agnostic is fucking stupid. you can be an agnostic atheist, a gnostic atheist, an agnostic christian, or a gnostic christian. so when one calls themselves an agnostic, they are demonstrating how dumb they are.

You are a jerk-off...although it is interesting to understand that you are "the grind" so many people laugh at here in this forum.

Your first point was that if you answered "yes" (you said you might) you would be lying. are pretending you know there is not "heaven."

There may be. Your blind guess that there isn't is of no more value than the blind guess of a theist who says that there is.

Your second point was that "agnostic" was an adjective...not a noun.

Quote from a standard dictionary that does not show agnostic as a NOUN as well as an adjective. And in most cases, the dictionary will show "noun" as the primary part of speech.
Dormer...think that out.

Stop doing what the theists do...making blind guesses and asserting them as facts.

You do not good for reason when you do that.

Frank, it’s merely a hypothetical. Do I believe I’m lying when I tell a five year old she’s going to heaven? Yep.

I’m also lying when I tell her about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. So, where’s the harm?
Frank, it’s merely a hypothetical. Do I believe I’m lying when I tell a five year old she’s going to heaven? Yep.

I’m also lying when I tell her about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. So, where’s the harm?

The bottom line question is: Are there any gods...or are there none.

My answer is...I do not know and I can think of no way I can know.

More specifically:

I do not know if gods exist or not;
I see no reason to suspect gods CANNOT EXIST...that the existence of gods is impossible;
I see no reason to suspect that gods MUST EXIST...that gods are needed to explain existence;
I do not see enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess in either direction... I don't.

What is yours?
Don’t answer the points it challenges then.

"The Christisn god is supposedly omniscient, omnibenevolent and omnipotent. Like it or not, Epicurus destroys that concept. "

That does not establish there are no gods. It does not even establish that the "Christian" (Jewish) GOD does not exist.

It may (just, may) establish that some of the attributes of the god as given by the Jews and Christians...are not properly stated.

The meme is an absurdity.
You're a clown who visits local children's hospitals, trying to bring a little joy into the lives of sick and dying children. One day, a 5 year old girl asks you if she will go to Heaven when she dies. What do you say to her?

I know you thought this would be a mind pretzel that would stump liberals, but that thought would only occur to someone of limited imagination and low educational level.

That answer to this is easy, and does not even take a nanosecond to prepare for.

First, you should never lie to anyone - children least of all. To the dying we owe the truth, first and foremost. My response to a child in in this specific context is that a lot of people think you are going somewhere wonderful when your body expires. That is both a tactful and honest answer in that context. An answer that respects both the child and myself.

"I believe that suffering will be healed and made up for, that all the humiliating absurdity of human contradictions will vanish like a pitiful mirage, like the despicable fabrication of the impotent and infinitely small Euclidean mind of man, that in the world's finale, at the moment of eternal harmony, something so precious will come to pass that it will suffice for all hearts, for the comforting of all resentments, for the atonement of all the crimes of humanity, for all the blood that they've shed; that it will make it not only possible to forgive but to justify all that has happened.”
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I know you thought this would be a mind pretzel that would stump liberals, but that thought would only occur to someone of limited imagination and low educational level.

That answer to this is easy, and does not even take a nanosecond to prepare for.

First, you should never lie to anyone - children least of all. To the dying we owe the truth, first and foremost. My response to a child in this specific context is that a lot people think you are going somewhere wonder when your body expires. That is both a tactful and honest answer in that context. An answer that respects both the child and myself.

I don't often disagree with you, Cypress...but I do here.

The answer to the hypothetical from a 5 year old, "Yes."

It makes no difference if the answer is correct or incorrect. (It truly cannot be a lie...because you can be no more sure there is no Heaven...than a theist can be sure there is one.)

It would a travesty to try to be philosophical with a dying youngster...and my guess is a dying youngster would see through the "a lot of people think you are going somewhere wonderful" stuff.

A child asking this is begging for a 'YES!"

In my opinion, anyone who thinks he/she would not give that answer really needs to do a major introspection.