Atheists: a 5 year old is on her deathbed....

I would ask her, how does she think a clown would answer such a silly question?

I wouldn't lie to a dying child.

So you would take a concerned and scared child and instead of easing her fears and worries, you would just tell her to suck it up and deal with it.

They put me in the hole fer a bit, pfffffffffffffft, wtfever mang, someone's feelings got hurt. Kinda hard to not swing elbows when it seems everyone else is. The lines are squishy, anyway, thanks.

YEAH, that's it!!

After making the comment you did in post #212 @; I wouldn't suggest making lite of it, because the next time in may be permanent.

By the way, the lines aren't "squishy"; because they're spelled out in the rules, very clearly.
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”


Free will!!!
Yes especially during the moment of passage ---Chant loudly the Hollowed Name of God.

Funny, When I see those TV St Jude's Children's Hospital and the little kids testify...I think to me self...oi get away from those doctors!!! But how???
A Hospital is a Hospice!

What does your reply have to do with the my comment on what was said in the post I replied to?? :dunno:
you are arguing on two fronts. First was just a language argument I made, the second was the pussy argument. So I assume you are basically addressing the ladder.

Here is the thing rana, if you met someone that like never had human contact and you asked them the question on gods existence, you may very well have a point. But you are ignoring a whole swath of context regarding how culturally embedded humanity is with religion. Claiming to be "an agnostic" (or "an blue".. as some on JPP would like to prefer to call themselves) is doing so within that context that I described, and it is cowardly. People deep down have had enough experience and world-living to have a true conclusion on the matter, they just don't want to admit it out loud, or want to lie to children, or be a secret atheist without any of the blow back ("hey dont worry guys.. either side has merit!").

The reason it is a cowardly choice is because it is ONLY WITH RELIGION that people to claim this agnostic set of beliefs and looking at the world. Are you an agnostic when it comes to santa clause? Why not? I am sure you might say something to the effect of "Well I know that I actually bought presents for my kids, it's obviously made up"

But how would you REALLY KNOW that? Maybe santa clause is real and he alters your memory to make you just THINK you bought presents for your kids, but really he was actually going around the world with flying reindeer, swooping down chimneys, and knows the heart and mind of every christian kid in the world? Why can't you be agnostic on that? Is this really any more fanciful thinking than believing in a man that watches over all of us, knows all 7 billion people, has a place called heaven where "good" people chill for all eternity when their "soul" is sucked out of their body?

If someone were to claim to be a leprechaun agnostic or a santa clause agnostic you'd see them as the retard they are. Only religion seems to get this absurd deference where you can't say for sure that god isn't real. Even though we all the time say fairies aren't real, underground mole people aren't real, and unicorns aren't real. God is no different.

The magic and fanciful thinking that goes along with santa, or the belief in fairies, or leprechauns, is the exact same as god. But you'll notice an interesting pattern, every time someone claims to be an agnostic when it comes to religious matters, is never an agnostic on all the other things I listed. Those things are "obviously false." Why not the same standard with all magical, non falsifiable claims? Because AGNOSTICS ARE COWARDS, and they have ULTERIOR MOTIVES.

agnostic literally means "without knowledge", it has nothing to do with proof.

are you a unicorn agnostic? is this how you describe yourself in general society? a leprechaun agnostic? I am not being facetious.

The concept of god is non falsifiable. If you are an agnostic on god you pretty much have to be an agnostic on everything in the universe that may have even the slimiest possibility of existing. That's ridiculous. At some point, there is enough evidence, enough better explanations for our world and existence, that the concept of god is entirely redundant and not useful. The only reason you are "agnostic" is because of living in a world where you have been indoctrinated to give a higher level of accordance to a particular set of fanciful beliefs. You think you are being reasonable and middle road, but really you are entirely brainwashed.

"The Big Book of Near Death Experiences". Tells about people 'dying', their experience, and their thoughts on being brought back to life. I thought it was interesting. Thought it was some brain reaction to the dying process, even though there were numerous examples of people 'seeing' things it was impossible for them to have seen.
Anyway, I'm not a Christian, you probably are and think others have been 'brainwashed' like you had been. That's not my upbringing baggage. I've been a skeptic ever since Kindergarten. When I say 'Agnostic' I'm not referring to some guy with a beard and wild hair looking like Zeus, I'm referring to 'The Unknown'.

Does the 'Soul', 'Spirit' survive, or does it vanish, like the physical body? I can't answer that question.

Short Story.
My wife died 5 years ago (heart attack). She was in this room going through some procedure when she died, I rushed in about 15 minutes after she died. I talked to her, said all the things I should have said but never did. I noticed in the right hand corner of the room her face and upper torso, smiling a radiant smile as though she was the happiest person in the world. Now, this was like this book had talked about "right hand side, in upper corner", so I thought I was just subconsciously thinking this. When I finally had enough courage to look directly at her, she wasn't there. I asked her "Stay with me Baby, never leave me". She said "I'll come back and visit". This wasn't really what I thought she would say if I was just subconsciously 'thinking' this. I figure she would say "I'll be with you forever" or some bullshit like that. Saying she would "Come back and visit" really made more sense. So, in my peripheral vision, she was there, a golden radiant smiling entity, smiling pure happiness, for about 15 minutes. I stayed with her for about an hour, until around midnight. I never saw her 'radiance' again.

So, bottom line ... the Spirit or Soul ... may continue to exist in my mind. Her body doesn't. It was cremated and rests in her Flower Garden in front on my house, I walk past it every day.
At night, I look into the Stars and hope she is there, with her ancestors.

"agnostic literally means "without knowledge", it has nothing to do with proof."
That's why I usually refer to myself as 'Agnostic'. I acknowledge I have no proof as to what happens after dearth.
What's immoral is being such a shit head that you care more about your own beliefs, instead of easing her fears.

Plus, prove it's a lie.

Would you confirm the expectations of a dying atheist child?
No, you would lie to them as well.
You live to lie.

You want me to prove that a fairytale is a fairytale?
You are too smart to entertain magical fairy tales.

The "I don't know" line is a copout.

I am a Taoist, and I don't entertain fairy tales. But I don't pretend to know what happens upon death. I don't believe in lying to dying people.

Either there is nothing, or one is off on a brand new adventure. I suspect it is the former.

I won't even bother with your arrogance. No "copout" is involved. Do people still say copout?
You are either a pussy atheist or a pussy theist. There is no such thing as “an agnostic” because being agnostic is an adjective, not a noun, and pussies like you have bastardized this concept. One can be an agnostic theist or be a “gnostic atheist”

its like saying you you are a blue. A blue what? A blue car? A smurf?

Who the fuck are you to declare there is no such thing as an agnostic?

You can stick your fucking atheism label up your ass?

In the meantime...if you are saying that there are no gods...or that it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one are doing what theists do...

...blindly guessing about the true nature of the REALITY of existence.