Atheists more Intelligent

Atheism is the logical conclusion of a science-based empirical worldview.

Bullshit. You are just fooling yourself. The only logical view is Agnosticism; the admission no one knows.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Be smart, be logical and let it go as unprovable.
Bullshit. You are just fooling yourself. The only logical view is Agnosticism; the admission no one knows.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Be smart, be logical and let it go as unprovable.

I don't think you know what atheism is. One can be both an atheist and an agnostic. Atheism is nothing more than the rejection of a proposed deity. Wikipedia has a good article on the different kinds of atheism.

I'm what's known as a "soft" atheist, which is also known by the clumsier title of "atheist agnostic." I reject every claim of a god I've ever encountered, but I don't have an opinion on whether or not there is an actual "designer" or "supreme intelligence" or whatever. So I'm atheistic towards the Christian god, but I'm undecided on whether something may actually exist (though I see no evidence).

A "hard" atheist is someone who not only rejects a particular claim about a deity's existence, but also rejects the possibility of a designer or whatever.

Well, now that I think about it, I probably lean more towards hard atheism.
Get back to me when you learn integrity, decency, and honor.

Oooh. Ouch. 30 minutes past my bed time on a Saturday night and you come out with that "zinger".

Look in a mirror, kid. See if you can look yourself in the eye and tell yourself you believe you have those qualities above reproach. No need to tell anyone here, just know it for yourself.

I do. I make mistakes, but do my best to be able to look myself in the eye every day and say I stand for integrity, decency and honor. It's a daily battle not every person is willing to do.

Do you fight for integrity, decency and honor, Mike? Or do you take the easy way like many on this forum do?
Oooh. Ouch. 30 minutes past my bed time on a Saturday night and you come out with that "zinger".

Look in a mirror, kid. See if you can look yourself in the eye and tell yourself you believe you have those qualities above reproach. No need to tell anyone here, just know it for yourself.

I do. I make mistakes, but do my best to be able to look myself in the eye every day and say I stand for integrity, decency and honor. It's a daily battle not every can handle. Do you fight it, Mike? Or do you take the easy way like many on this forum do?

Well, I judge you by your actions. You have multiple accounts and condone illegal activities, which means you lack decency. You lie, which means you lack integrity. And you're two-faced, which means you lack honor.
Well, I judge you by your actions. You have multiple accounts and condone illegal activities, which means you lack decency. You lie, which means you lack integrity. And you're two-faced, which means you lack honor.

Wow. Now you lie about me. I have no alternate accounts and don't condone illegal actions. Supply anything you have to state otherwise. If you can't, then at least be man enough to admit you are a liar.

Sorry dude, but all you are doing is proving why Left Wingers, Democrats and anyone else like you should not be supported by American voters on November 3rd.
Blah, blah, blah. I know all about the Founders' beliefs. I said that I wouldn't waste my time writing out an essay on it.

They were deists who privately disregarded Christianity.

So they were much like the most powerful atheists of today, pretending that they were religious to sidestep scrutiny and blackballing. Another point arising out of this notion is that if you were already rich and powerful why in the world would you reduce your power to make a stand for a very unpopular belief and lose the faith of the people supporting you?
Well, I judge you by your actions. You have multiple accounts and condone illegal activities, which means you lack decency. You lie, which means you lack integrity. And you're two-faced, which means you lack honor.

Wow. That's a lot of false accusations. Fine, let others decide. You are wrong, but let our posts speak for what we believe, what we each condone and what each of us believe to be best for all Americans.
I always saw the difference between real intelligence and education. Education is like a map, just about anybody can memorize the information, all you need is a memory. Real intelligence though is a higher level of brain performance than mere memorization. It's the ability to shape new ideas and further the development of current technologies and practices, not merely master the use of them. I read many times how geniuses make huge mistakes and harm themselves in their pursuits, not intentionally, but through the exhilaration of discovery and the push for something greater.

my view is that smart people can process multiple concepts at once. right wingers cannot, their minds are too simple. The best example is politics and economics, it is either capitalism or collectivism, mixing the two into a single government form eludes them. We also know right wingers are less educated so while not strong there is a connection between brains and education.
According to reputable polling, the most highly educated people in the country come from the religious groups Jews, Anglicans, Hindus, Episcopalians, Unitarians, Buddhists, Presbyterians, United Church of Christ. With athesists and agnostics coming in 9th and 10th place respectively.

Bringing up the rear, in the dumb ass category, are the southern evangelicals and fundamentalists
You make a good point. Who is to say though that in this higher intelligent group from a religious background most atheist individuals choose not to identify themselves?

The amount of atheists who would supposedly lie about being Hindu, Unitarian, or Jewish in an anonymous poll where their real name will never be revealed is undoubtedly statistically insignificant.
Interesting. There's also an obvious correlation between intelligence and poverty level. Pew Research has shown income levels by religious faiths in a famous study, at least in the U.S., with fundies at the very bottom and Jews, atheists, Hindus, and mainstream (i.e. not evangelical) Xtians at the top.

Polls don't mean anything. False authority fallacy. Non-sequitur fallacy.
I don't think you know what atheism is. One can be both an atheist and an agnostic. Atheism is nothing more than the rejection of a proposed deity. Wikipedia has a good article on the different kinds of atheism.

I'm what's known as a "soft" atheist, which is also known by the clumsier title of "atheist agnostic." I reject every claim of a god I've ever encountered, but I don't have an opinion on whether or not there is an actual "designer" or "supreme intelligence" or whatever. So I'm atheistic towards the Christian god, but I'm undecided on whether something may actually exist (though I see no evidence).

A "hard" atheist is someone who not only rejects a particular claim about a deity's existence, but also rejects the possibility of a designer or whatever.

Well, now that I think about it, I probably lean more towards hard atheism.

The evidence is all around you. The Earth. The grass. The trees. The Bible. The Koran. The Torah. The people. They all are evidence of a designer or creator (such as a god). None of them is a proof.