Atheists more Intelligent

What a couple of chowder heads these guys are...

They made a study of 63 papers previously published to get their results. That is, they used a set of statistics to get a "new" statistical result. This appears to be a case of Data dredging making it a fallacy of statistics.

We have no way of knowing if the previous studies all used the same or very similar methods to reach their results as but one example of the problem using the method these two psychiatrists did. We don't know how many papers have been written on this subject either or if the data was cherry picked for their study.

Bottom line, they proved nothing but the obvious fact they aren't very good with statistics.

I don't know if their hypothesis is correct or not, but they didn't prove anything using their study towards it.

You could be right but of course you can't be sure until you check those assumptions. You haven't disproven them but have made a good case for doubt about the thoroughness of their research. I will personally side with this articles conclusion because it very much echoes my personal observations on this matter.
From the same publication:

"A new study has suggested that atheism is doomed because religious people have higher rates of reproduction.
Due to their lack of belief in contraception, religious believers are having more children than atheists, which could ultimately result in the end of atheism, the study suggests.
The findings fly in the face of popular discourse - and scientists’ predictions - which implies fewer and fewer people are religious nowadays."

Does this mean there will be less smart people?

That sounds laughable. Poor people have always through history had more children than wealthy people and people in the rule of power. Still, there are wealthy people in power and yes, most of them have less children than their poor reflections.
Your friend needs to go study the various religions and come to a conclusion on her/his own before it's too late.
I KNOW that YOU wouldn't ask such a question for yourself because you have no sincere interest
in the topic. It's just another jumping off point for a fight that you've enjoyed instigating for the past few years.

One must have to taste all of the poisons himself because it is illegal to disseminate knowledge and truth to prevent redundancy in action.
Atheists being smarter than religious people has been known for a very long time. Back in ancient Greece and Rome, it was known.

This article is a reiteration of the article discussed in this thread. Both articles likely cited the same source, probably a science paper released at an institution. And seeing how both sources are reputable news agencies with large readerships it's safe to say this study was legit and its conclusions worth considering, not doubting.
atheists have been trying to change the definition of atheism for the last twenty years.......Agnostics have disbelief (I don't know if there is a god).....Atheists assert a denial (there are no gods)........there are also the merely apathetic who don't give a fuck whether there are gods or you even know what you believe?......

So, to separate oneself from the stew of confusion an atheist should start using "non-religious" as a term to define their position.
I did a Bing search with my Edge browser to find how common this article or subject matter was and what reputable news sources published it. Here is what I found.

Live Science
Why Are Atheists Generally Smarter Than Religious People?

Huffington Post
Religious People Branded As Less Intelligent Than Atheists In Provocative New Study

Daily Mail U.K.
Atheists 'have higher IQs': Their intelligence 'makes them more likely to dismiss religion as irrational and unscientific'

Neuroscience News
Are Religious People Really, On Average, Less Smart than Atheists?

Express U.K.
Atheists are 'more intelligent than religious people', claims study

Intelligent people more likely to be atheist, study finds

Psychology Today
The Real Reason Atheists Have Higher IQs

Psychology Today
Why Atheists Are More Intelligent Than the Religious

Yahoo News
Why Are Atheists Generally Smarter Than Religious People?

Atheists More Intelligent Because They Can Override "Instinctive" Religious Beliefs—But It Will Be Their Downfall

In conclusion here at the end of this search it's safe to say this article has some clout and validity when so many reputable news sources with large readerships published it.

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According to reputable polling, the most highly educated people in the country come from the religious groups Jews, Anglicans, Hindus, Episcopalians, Unitarians, Buddhists, Presbyterians, United Church of Christ. With athesists and agnostics coming in 9th and 10th place respectively.

Bringing up the rear, in the dumb ass category, are the southern evangelicals and fundamentalists

You make a good point. Who is to say though that in this higher intelligent group from a religious background most atheist individuals choose not to identify themselves?
you are confusing educated and intelligent, they are different

I always saw the difference between real intelligence and education. Education is like a map, just about anybody can memorize the information, all you need is a memory. Real intelligence though is a higher level of brain performance than mere memorization. It's the ability to shape new ideas and further the development of current technologies and practices, not merely master the use of them. I read many times how geniuses make huge mistakes and harm themselves in their pursuits, not intentionally, but through the exhilaration of discovery and the push for something greater.
The Old Testament was written by men in a language that humans five thousand years ago could understand.

To people of the iron age, a whale was a great fish. We did not even have the Linnaeus classification of animals into mammals, fish, reptiles until the 17th century.

Because the bible was written by men in an archaic language that people of the iron age could understand, it was never going to use modern mammalian names and classifications, nor is it going to speak about the particle physics and quantum dynamics which modern science understands were involved in the creation of the universe.

I agree.
One of the smartest men to ever live, the preeminent German philosopher, Immanuel Kant was a man of the Enlightenment, a proponent of reason as the path to knowedge. At the same time, he was explicitly clear that reason has severe limitations, that there are realms of knowledge outside the reach of reason, and that what truly makes us human is to ask questions about the meaning of life

I like this insight.
In conclusion here at the end of this search it's safe to say this article has some clout and validity when so many reputable news sources with large readerships published it.


so if something get's repeated a lot it gains credibility? so, that would make guano the smartest poster in the world........he's started threads quoting each one of those, several times......
Intelligence does not equal wisdom. ;)

Wisdom is more of knowing what actions to take based on one's experiences in different situations. Wise action that results in self-preservation or personal gain isn't always reasonable or logical and can be very counter-intuitive. Wisdom is gained through experience. A wise man in Mongolia might not be so wise in Montana.
That sounds laughable. Poor people have always through history had more children than wealthy people and people in the rule of power. Still, there are wealthy people in power and yes, most of them have less children than their poor reflections.

True, but you have not always had the declining fertility rate in developed nations as you have had in recent years. I am not arguing in support (or opposition) to the study, just citing there is declining fertility among middle class and an increase in the number of immigrants who have higher fertility rates.
True, but you have not always had the declining fertility rate in developed nations as you have had in recent years. I am not arguing in support (or opposition) to the study, just citing there is declining fertility among middle class and an increase in the number of immigrants who have higher fertility rates.

The dropping fertility rates are caused by mass immigration. It sure turns us off when you got foreigners on every corner groping your women.
It's a ploy to get a desired behavior. It's apt of old testament types which are more God-fearing than compassionate Christ emulator. The Old Testament was the book of the Jews and has little actually to do with Christ. Fear tactics sound more like the devil than anything.

I wonder that if there were no religions to keep people in line how different would our history be?