Atheists more Intelligent

Dude, now you're being insanely dishonest. Everyone in the fucking world knows what "hell's punishment" means.

Are you THAT devoted to "winning" this argument? Is being this incredibly dishonest and silly REALLY the method you want to use to die on this pathetic hill?

Even if one thinks that hell is this Christian Lite "separation from god" bullshit that they've used to blunt the impact of the prior position on it, that's ALSO magical, absurd thinking. When you die, you die. Your optic nerve, ears, skin nerves, heartbeat, brain, etc....all of it is dead. You don't "go somewhere else". Or if you do, no one on earth has ever provided even a scintilla of evidence of this.

This discussion is fucking absurd, and the fearmongering by Christians toward children for centuries is legendary. We scare kids into believing. That's child abuse. Pure and simple.

Several prophets have written quite a bit of material on this. That is evidence, though you don't accept it.
Well said and agreed. Some US denominations, such as Evangelicals and Southern Baptists as I previously posted, believe in Hellfire and Brimstone. Others do not. Jerome is as guilty of broadbrushing Christians as those who say "All lawyers are scumsucking bottom-feeders."
Yes indeed, Protestants, and particularly fundamentalist Protestants, place great emphasis on biblical literalism. That is a theological approach not generally shared by other major world Christian denominations.

I also belatedly realized the only people interviewed for this poll are American Christians. American Christians are less than ten percent of worldwide Christians, and tend to be more Protestant and fundamentalist. That poll is not a valid sampling of world Christianity.

If we want to know what all Christians think of eschatological questions, we need a credible poll statistically representing the world's 2.5 billion Christians.
Quote Originally Posted by Jerome View Post
This is why I never tell anyone I'm a lawyer. You fucking dorks bring it up in ANY conversation, whether it's relevant or not.

I've never found it a problem......maybe it's because I don't give a fuck for the opinion of those who don't believe I'm a lawyer.....
Yes indeed, Protestants, and particularly fundamentalist Protestants, place great emphasis on biblical literalism. That is a theological approach not generally shared by other major world Christian denominations.

I also belatedly realized the only people interviewed for this poll are American Christians. American Christians are less than ten percent of worldwide Christians, and tend to be more Protestant and fundamentalist. That poll is not a valid sampling of world Christianity.

If we want to know what all Christians think of eschatological questions, we need a credible poll statistically representing the world's 2.5 billion Christians.

Not most Protestants I know. Baptists, yes.
Another problem with your poll, besides the nebulous and simplistic wording in the question:

As far as I can tell, this poll only interviews American Christians.

Yeah, maybe I haven't made this clear, but I live in America.

You have been tacitly assuming this reflects the views of worldwide Christianity.

No, I have not. Not tacitly, not expressly, not implied. Never. Not once. I dare you to find evidence of that. In fact, I've EXPRESSLY insisted that I speak about Christians because Christianity is, bar none, the dominant religion in the U.S. I honestly cannot believe you even said this.

Why do you clowns CONSTANTLY assume you know what others are thinking? It really is a bizarre phenomenon, and that level of insane psychology on your part is why I'm still interested by this thread. You guys have some kind of mental pathology going here that I cannot figure out.

American Christians are only about ten percent of world Christians, and in my view tend to be more Protestant, more fundamentalist, and more fire-and-brimstone.

Congrats, now you're observing what I've observed.

Therefore, I think using this poll and it's flawed methodology in question wording, is not a logical approach to making claims about what world Christianity thinks and believes.

I don't give a shit about "world Christianity". Regardless, the U.S. is the most religious developed country on earth, so American Christianity is the only relevant concern here.
Well said and agreed. Some US denominations, such as Evangelicals and Southern Baptists as I previously posted, believe in Hellfire and Brimstone. Others do not. Jerome is as guilty of broadbrushing Christians as those who say "All lawyers are scumsucking bottom-feeders."

Again, you imply I EVER used the word "ALL" with regard to Christians.

You're a dishonest fucking prick.
You used is as an argument. To Wit: argumentum ab auctoritate. "You opened the door, counselor." Quite whining.

Everyone but you seems to fully understand that this isn't a court of law and claiming to be a lawyer doesn't mean shit.

I brought up that I'm an attorney because you, without evidence, assumed I was a young child who knew shit about life. And stop repeating the 2 latin words you know, fucking dumbass.
Yeahhh, suuuure, you're a lawyer alright. I can tell by your highly educated and refined style of argument.

Not exactly Perry Mason, are ya', son?

You've already admitted this isn't a court of law, so why are you expecting me to come back with "lawyerly" arguments?

I don't save my 85 mph fastball for playing catch with my son. So I won't use my best shit with a mouthbreathing internet "theologian" like you.
Yes indeed, Protestants, and particularly fundamentalist Protestants, place great emphasis on biblical literalism. That is a theological approach not generally shared by other major world Christian denominations.

I also belatedly realized the only people interviewed for this poll are American Christians. American Christians are less than ten percent of worldwide Christians, and tend to be more Protestant and fundamentalist. That poll is not a valid sampling of world Christianity.

If we want to know what all Christians think of eschatological questions, we need a credible poll statistically representing the world's 2.5 billion Christians.

Which would be a totally relevant and devastating blow to my argument if, at any time, I purported to attempt to speak for "world Christians."

Is there any chance you'll read this, and understand it, this time?

Doubt it.
I've never found it a problem......maybe it's because I don't give a fuck for the opinion of those who don't believe I'm a lawyer.....

Oh I believe it. In law school I knew TONS of gravity-denying, right-wing assholes who went to law school purely to crusade against the Establishment Clause, Roe v. Wade etc. You guys were the butt of literally EVERY joke.
You've already admitted this isn't a court of law, so why are you expecting me to come back with "lawyerly" arguments?

I don't save my 85 mph fastball for playing catch with my son. So I won't use my best shit with a mouthbreathing internet "theologian" like you.
It's reasonable to assume that a person with a Master's Degree, especially one in Law, would be able to engage in an adult discussion without consistently acting like a 10 year old brat whose daddy is a lawyer.

Again, you imply I EVER used the word "ALL" with regard to Christians.

You're a dishonest fucking prick.
A lousy way with words is an easy way to lose a jury, counselor. Am I correct in assuming you're not that kind of "lawyer"?

I brought up that I'm an attorney because you, without evidence, assumed I was a young child who knew shit about life. And stop repeating the 2 latin words you know, fucking dumbass.
QED for acting like a young child.
Oh I believe it. In law school I knew TONS of gravity-denying, right-wing assholes who went to law school purely to crusade against the Establishment Clause, Roe v. Wade etc. You guys were the butt of literally EVERY joke.

Really, counselor? "TONS"? Is "And Justice for All" your favorite movie? It came out about the time (allegedly) you were born.

Which would be a totally relevant and devastating blow to my argument if, at any time, I purported to attempt to speak for "world Christians."

Is there any chance you'll read this, and understand it, this time?

Doubt it.

I am pretty sure if I searched your posts, there would be prime examples of you conflating ignorance and lower cognitive functions to Christians broadly.

My entire interaction here was to get you to admit the derogatory stereotypes you have composed about Christians, really only apply to fundamentalist Christians.

American fundamentalist Christians are probably less than five percent of world Christians.

If you concede you are only stereotyping a minority of righting fundamentalist American Christians, my work here is done. Because I agree that fundamentalist strains of American Christianity are fertile ground for reactionary ignorance