Atheists more Intelligent




You are too intellectually weak to address the arguments themselves, so you head straight for Irrationality Island. NO LOGIC ALLOWED!

That's pure Into the Night. It's also proof you are a liar:
Take a gander at the "atheism and pedophilia" thread and you will clearly see that ITN and IBD are two completely different people.

Apparently you are unable to address the content of the arguments themselves, since you incessantly whine about socks...

Again, why does my hobby of outing sock puppeteer assholes bother you so much if you are not a sock puppeteer?

Do you think my posts here are a job interview? Everything I've posted, I stand by. Believing in myth is silly. You reject the thousands of other religious-text myths on the planet, yet you claim this one is true. That's just dumb. Full stop. Everyone I know in my entire life knows full well that I stand by this understanding of reality, and frankly, not a single penny I make depends on my reliance on mythmaking.

Perhaps that's your issue? You believe if not enough people sign on to the old testament you'll lose $$? What, are you a prosperity gospel minister or some shit?
Great. So what's the problem if you standby it? That's not only "facts not in evidence, counselor, but a lie. Aren't you sworn to tell the truth or are all lawyers liars, counselor?

Did you take this oath or something else? If something else, what was it?
"I, _______________________________________________________
do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitutions of the United States,
and of this state; that I will honestly demean myself in the practice of law; that
I will discharge my duties to my clients to the best of my ability; and that I will
conduct myself with integrity and civility in dealing and communicating with
the court and all parties. So help me God."

Wrong again, so that's strike three, Jerome. I don't push people to accept any particular religion, religious beliefs or religious texts. You are free to cite you evidence but you and I both know you don't have any. All you have are false accusations and conjecture. At 42, I'm guessing you're a pretty shitty lawyer.
You've yet to quantify "many", and you've yet to refute my data that shows "most", in fact, do believe in such theology.

What is 'major"? Again, you're soft on data (which is not unusual among christians). Prove it.

Moreover, those occupying positions of power in the United States disproportionately believe in a literal hell. I give you Antonin Scalia, one of those Catholics you adore who you claim doesn't believe in a literal hell.

Again, you keep claiming it's "false" without bothering to prove that claim.

Prove it, for fuck's sake, or shut the fuck up.

My hostility is against the belief, not the "2 billion christians" you lovingly refer to.

I'm not surprised at all that a religious person thinks data is flawed.

You're the one who keeps repeating that characterization because of how you've viewed others you've argued with in the past. That's YOUR hang-up, not mine. If you want to start out an argument characterizing other people's emotions, get ready to feel the heat in the argument.

Fuck you, asshole!
According to Wikipedia over 60 percent of Christians on the planet are Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox.
The theology of those traditions generally do not consider hell a literal place of eternal gruesome tortures in a terrifying hellscape.
You cited a crackpot rightwing judge.
I cited the Pope.

I am not even sure all Protestants think of hell as a literal place straight out of the macabre imagination of Dante. I would be surprised if Quakers and Unitarians adhere to that hellfire and brimstone tradition.

So your claim that Christians broadly believe in a literal hell is incorrect. The majority do not, by theological tenets

If you are angry at the politically active fundamentalist American Christians, why take your anger out on the 2.5 billion Christians in the world? Politically active American Protestant fundamentalist are only a small fraction of world Christianity.

I believe it would be worth your while to practice a little humility about religion, natural philosophy, reason and logic. Any fair reading of history illustrates that the western tradition of reason, scholarly skepticism, logic owes its debt to the Christian theologians and natural philosophers of late antiquity and the middle ages.
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Awesome. I'm sure you impress all of your lawyer friends with your attitude.

A lot of anger out there, I tell ya!.
In this thread I have been called a fucking moron, a fucking asshole, a troll, a dick, the "least educated person on the board" by resident logical and clear-thinking atheists.
Ooooh, dude. You just outed yourself as ITN again....unless you three are triplets because that would explain why all three of you write about the same way.

I included the links that you claim are "made-up".
Strawman. I said that the NUMBERS are made up, not the links.

Just because you don't like the facts
Facts are not universal truths. Facts are not proofs.

Facts are, quite simply, shorthand predicate.

in those links doesn't mean those facts do not exist...
Continued strawman from above.

as I told your INT and IBDa incarnations.

As for "Creationism" not being science, I agree.
Correct. Creationism is a religious belief. It is not "anti-science".

Why you choose to venture off into Fruits and Nuts Land about climate change or anything else, is pure INT/IBDa/gfm.
YOU brought up "climate change" "science", moron...

A lot of anger out there, I tell ya!.
In this thread I have been called a fucking moron, a fucking asshole, a troll, a dick, the "least educated person on the board" by resident logical and clear-thinking atheists.

Agreed. Maybe he's not cut out to be a lawyer but after spending so much money and effort to pass the bar he feels stuck. I knew some pilots who were like that in the airlines; they spent up to $200K for all of their certificates and spent years working toward the goal but found out that the work and lifestyle were not a good match for their life desires.

Strawman. I said that the NUMBERS are made up, not the links.

Facts are not universal truths. Facts are not proofs.

Facts are, quite simply, shorthand predicate.

Continued strawman from above.


Correct. Creationism is a religious belief. It is not "anti-science".

YOU brought up "climate change" "science", moron...



QED. Thanks, INT/IBDa/gfm/etc/
According to Wikipedia over 60 percent of Christians on the planet are Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox.
The theology of those traditions generally do not consider hell a literal place of eternal gruesome tortures in a terrifying hellscape.
You cited a crackpot rightwing judge.
I cited the Pope.

I am not even sure all Protestants think of hell as a literal place straight out of the macabre imagination of Dante. I would be surprised if Quakers and Unitarians adhere to that hellfire and brimstone tradition.

So your claim that Christians broadly believe in a literal hell is incorrect. The majority do not, by theological tenets

If you are angry at the politically active fundamentalist American Christians, why take your anger out on the 2.5 billion Christians in the world? Politically active American Protestant fundamentalist are only a small fraction of world Christianity.

I believe it would be worth your while to practice a little humility about religion, natural philosophy, reason and logic. Any fair reading of history illustrates that the western tradition of reason, scholarly skepticism, logic owes its debt to the Christian theologians and natural philosophers of late antiquity and the middle ages.

63% of Catholics believe in a literal hell. I cited Scalia because MILLIONS of Americans believe exactly like he does.

82% of black and white protestants believe in hell.

Matthew 25:41 makes it pretty clear what that hell is:

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

I'm giving you FACTS, not emotion. You can choose to go all Scarlett O'Hara about my foul language (while simultaneously ignoring your provocateur friend's language, Dutch Uncle), but you'll be missing out on facts and data.
Agreed. Maybe he's not cut out to be a lawyer but after spending so much money and effort to pass the bar he feels stuck. I knew some pilots who were like that in the airlines; they spent up to $200K for all of their certificates and spent years working toward the goal but found out that the work and lifestyle were not a good match for their life desires.

I don't "lawyer" for people on message boards. You can pay me $300/hr if you want true lawyering.

What I know for sure is that NOTHING you do for a living requires any sort of government certification, because you lack the critical thinking to ever display a rational thought that would be govt-certified as an expert weighing in.
I don't "lawyer" for people on message boards. You can pay me $300/hr if you want true lawyering.

What I know for sure is that NOTHING you do for a living requires any sort of government certification, because you lack the critical thinking to ever display a rational thought that would be govt-certified as an expert weighing in.

A fascinating denial of your "profession". Kid, no one was asking you to "lawyer" or give out free legal advice. FWIW, I wouldn't trust a fucking thing you wrote unless you backed it up with facts....which you rarely do when spouting your opinions.

Here's my free advice: Don't stay in a profession you hate, because mommy or daddy wants it or peer pressure. We could all be dead tonight for a variety of reasons. It's just a matter of odds; not magic, divine intervention or Satan. Just the unchangeable laws of the Universe. If you agree that "shit happens" or "when your number is up, it's up", then do what makes you better fulfill yourself not to please others. Be what you want to your life to be, not what anyone else wants.

Feel free to post a quip about "free advice" or grow up and take advice wherever you can get it. It's up to you to decide which advice is best for you. You and you alone.
A fascinating denial of your "profession". Kid, no one was asking you to "lawyer" or give out free legal advice. FWIW, I wouldn't trust a fucking thing you wrote unless you backed it up with facts....which you rarely do when spouting your opinions.

Here's my free advice: Don't stay in a profession you hate, because mommy or daddy wants it or peer pressure. We could all be dead tonight for a variety of reasons. It's just a matter of odds; not magic, divine intervention or Satan. Just the unchangeable laws of the Universe. If you agree that "shit happens" or "when your number is up, it's up", then do what makes you better fulfill yourself not to please others. Be what you want to your life to be, not what anyone else wants.

Feel free to post a quip about "free advice" or grow up and take advice wherever you can get it. It's up to you to decide which advice is best for you. You and you alone.

You seem to base your ENTIRE posting philosophy here on unfounded assumptions about others. First you assumed I was a teenager, or someone in their early 20s. You've done the same thing with prior posters on this thread. (I noticed the pattern, and went back and looked, and it's recurring.)

My parents were working/middle class business owners, with no post-secondary education. No one "convinced" me to be a lawyer. Yet again, rather than debating the facts or the ideals of your position, you dress up a convenient strawman and attempt to tear it down, because it makes you feel FAR more satisfied, apparently, than would engaging in actual, reasoned debate about the issues.

Yet again, you make every argument about your opponent, and not about the issue. My guess is you're FAR angrier than I, or even Jackson.

This was one of your first beautiful replies to me, apparently expressed as an attempt to show your magnanimity?:

Don't worry about it. The smarter people will figure out that there's a difference between "white protestant" and "Evangelical".

OTOH, it reminds me of an old joke.

Caution: Liberals may be offended and should retreat to their safe-space.

A Jewish man and a Chinese man are in a bar. Suddenly, the Jewish man punches the Chinese man in the face.

"Ow! Why did you do that?" asks the Chinese man.

"That's for Pearl Harbor," says the Jewish man.

"But the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. I'm Chinese!" says the Chinese man.

"Chinese, Japanese, what's the difference?" asks the Jewish man.

So the Chinese man punches the Jewish man.

"Ow! What's that for?" asks the Jewish man.

"It's for the Titanic," says the Chinese man.

"What? That was an iceberg that brought down the Titanic!" says the Jewish man.

"Iceberg, Goldberg, what's the difference?"

Is this more evidence of how others are "angry" and you're the sane one? Your GO-TO technique is to insult people, even as they speak to you in a calm, professional, respectful tone (as I did, immediately prior to this insulting post of yours).

Frankly, I think you're a little bitch who wants to pretend he's a sage.
You seem to base your ENTIRE posting philosophy here on unfounded assumptions about others. First you assumed I was a teenager, or someone in their early 20s. You've done the same thing with prior posters on this thread. (I noticed the pattern, and went back and looked, and it's recurring.)

My parents were working/middle class business owners, with no post-secondary education. No one "convinced" me to be a lawyer. Yet again, rather than debating the facts or the ideals of your position, you dress up a convenient strawman and attempt to tear it down, because it makes you feel FAR more satisfied, apparently, than would engaging in actual, reasoned debate about the issues.

Yet again, you make every argument about your opponent, and not about the issue. My guess is you're FAR angrier than I, or even Jackson.

It's amazing you don't have me on ignore if all or even most of that were true. Why do you care? The discussion was the false claim "atheists more intelligent", a claim I proved false with links the OP link. Your comments to me were factless, pure onionated trolling. Do you really expect me to believe you are a 42 year old family man and lawyer based on dozens of similar posts by you?
It's amazing you don't have me on ignore if all or even most of that were true. Why do you care? The discussion was the false claim "atheists more intelligent", a claim I proved false with links the OP link. Your comments to me were factless, pure onionated trolling. Do you really expect me to believe you are a 42 year old family man and lawyer based on dozens of similar posts by you?

I don't care who the fuck you think I am. Why would I? Why would you even venture a guess? That borders on weird stalking.

I have posted at least 7 or 8 links from highly-respect polling agencies to back up my statements, and you continue to insist I've posted "zero facts."

That's just demonstrably untrue. You're either a liar, or you're lazy. Or some hybrid of it. What else could explain your rank refusal to discuss the facts (atheism/religiosity, etc.), and your insistence on invective, personal insults, and unfounded assumptions about literally EVERYONE on the other side of the debate?

And no, you did not "prove" anything about atheists being less intelligent. It's difficult to quantify whether atheists are more intelligent than religious people, but the small evidence we do have suggests as much.

A stronger argument might be grouping all infants and toddlers into the "atheists" category, which would be factually correct and might support your supposition that atheists are dumber than religious people, based purely on the fact that someone needs to be at least the age of reason to understand religion (it's a complicated fable that does require a lengthier attention span than a toddler possesses). To control for that, I suggest we compare the intelligence of adult atheists with adult christians/practicing-believing Jews/muslims, etc.
Atheists tend to be more prone to analytical thinking, something not found with believers:

The present studies apply a dual-process model of cognitive processing to this problem, testing the hypothesis that analytic processing promotes religious disbelief. Individual differences in the tendency to analytically override initially flawed intuitions in reasoning were associated with increased religious disbelief. Four additional experiments provided evidence of causation, as subtle manipulations known to trigger analytic processing also encouraged religious disbelief. Combined, these studies indicate that analytic processing is one factor (presumably among several) that promotes religious disbelief. Although these findings do not speak directly to conversations about the inherent rationality, value, or truth of religious beliefs, they illuminate one cognitive factor that may influence such discussions.

There are scientific journals addressing IQ and religiosity. Once again, Atheists rank higher.

Evidence is reviewed pointing to a negative relationship between intelligence and religious belief in the United States and Europe. It is shown that intelligence measured as psychometric g is negatively related to religious belief. We also examine whether this negative relationship between intelligence and religious belief is present between nations. We find that in a sample of 137 countries the correlation between national IQ and disbelief in God is 0.60.
I don't care who the fuck you think I am. Why would I? Why would you even venture a guess? That borders on weird stalking.

I have posted at least 7 or 8 links from highly-respect polling agencies to back up my statements, and you continue to insist I've posted "zero facts."

That's just demonstrably untrue. You're either a liar, or you're lazy. Or some hybrid of it. What else could explain your rank refusal to discuss the facts (atheism/religiosity, etc.), and your insistence on invective, personal insults, and unfounded assumptions about literally EVERYONE on the other side of the debate?

And no, you did not "prove" anything about atheists being less intelligent. It's difficult to quantify whether atheists are more intelligent than religious people, but the small evidence we do have suggests as much.

A stronger argument might be grouping all infants and toddlers into the "atheists" category, which would be factually correct and might support your supposition that atheists are dumber than religious people, based purely on the fact that someone needs to be at least the age of reason to understand religion (it's a complicated fable that does require a lengthier attention span than a toddler possesses). To control for that, I suggest we compare the intelligence of adult atheists with adult christians/practicing-believing Jews/muslims, etc.

Of course you care. If you didn't then the mature, honest reaction would be to move on to more interesting things. If you think I'm some sort of criminal then why haven't you reported me to the forum and leave it at that?

You posted "at least 7 or 8 links" in 674 posts. I'm impressed, counselor.

Jesus fucking Christ, kid. Didn't you learn about straw man arguments in "law" school? I never said anything about atheists being less intelligent. Are you 42 years old and still in law school? What kind of law? Processing paperwork?

A gross oversimplification of infant psychology, counselor. I'm guessing you've never actually argued a case in court.