Atheists more Intelligent

That poll gives no context about what various Christians actually think hell is.

You seem to be projecting your experience with Protestant fundamentalists, with all of Christianity world wide.

Bible thumping Protestants adapted Dante's 13th century caricature of hell as a literal place filled with instruments of torture.

My understanding is the Eastern Orthodox tradition does not hold that hell is a literal concrete place where the righteous are strapped to instruments of torture for eternity. That caricature sounds great in the epic poetry of Dante, but it does not necessarily represent sound theology. I believe the Orthodox tradition considers hell a state of being, rather than a literal torture chamber. A state of being representing separation from communion with God. Not all Christian traditions practice biblical literalism.

My take is that you are projecting your experience with bible thumping, fire and brimstone protestant fundamentalism onto the world's other Christian denominations

How many times are you going to repeat that “you’re emotional” bullshit before you actually read what I said? Most Christians believe in a literal hell. That’s fact. Prove it wrong if you don’t like my poll.
The fact that your parents dragged you to a Protestant fundamentalist church, and frightened you with visions of eternal tortures in hell is not the fault of other Christians.

Protestant fundamentalists have hijacked Dante's poetic and fictional depictions of a terrifying hellscape.

The beliefs of your fundamentalist Protestants are not shared by the theologies of the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. They generally interpret hell as a self-imposed separation of communion from God. The torture chambers and hellscape of Dante and your Church are your interpretations, not theirs. On this planet, I am pretty sure Catholics and Orthodox Christians outnumber the American Protestant fundamentalists you affiliated with.

"The images of hell that Sacred Scripture presents to us must be correctly interpreted. They show the complete frustration and emptiness of life without God. Rather than a place, hell indicates the state of those who freely and definitively separate themselves from God, the source of all life and joy. This is how the Catechism of the Catholic Church summarizes the truths of faith on this subject: “To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God’s merciful love means remaining separated from him for ever by our own free choice.

This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called ‘hell’”

-- Pope John Paul II, 1999
First honest thing you've done is admit you are younger. Now let's work on the stupid and arrogant part.

Cute. Correct, you never posted “all Christians preach a literal hell”.

Cool, step 2 is backing out of the conversation gracefully, instead of doubling down after you owned yourself.
Nice of you to alter the wording.

Whoops, you fucked up again. Your claim was I said "all". At no time did I say "all."

The only one who altered wording is you.

The fact you've been whining about this for five days is very telling on the veracity scale. An honest person would have really considered me an "idiotic boomer" and moved on but you've been pitching a First Class a hissy fit for five fucking days. Why? It's obvious that I embarrassed you for calling you out.

As I explained yesterday:

I love how you keep throwing out endless profanity and invective even as you try to cast yourself as the "reasonable" one in this debate.
The fact that your parents dragged you to a Protestant fundamentalist church, and frightened you with visions of eternal tortures in hell is not the fault of other Christians.

Protestant fundamentalists have hijacked Dante's poetic and fictional depictions of a terrifying hellscape.

The beliefs of your fundamentalist Protestants are not shared by the theologies of the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. They generally interpret hell as a self-imposed separation of communion from God. The torture chambers and hellscape of Dante and your Church are your interpretations, not theirs. On this planet, I am pretty sure Catholics and Orthodox Christians outnumber the American Protestant fundamentalists you affiliated with.

Jesus Christ you're fucking thick.

I don't believe in hell. Not one iota. Do you understand that yet? Because it seems like you don't.

I don't give a shit what eastern orthodox, catholics, unitarians, Hippie-Jesus communes, etc., believe in. As concerns Christianity as a whole (mormonism, protestantism, non-denominational evangelicals, etc.), well over half believe in a literal, fiery hell.

That's a fact that you cannot refute. Otherwise, you would've stopped your verbal masturbation about my upbringing, and actually provided concrete proof by now.

But you can't.
Jesus Christ you're fucking thick.

I don't believe in hell. Not one iota. Do you understand that yet? Because it seems like you don't.

I don't give a shit what eastern orthodox, catholics, unitarians, Hippie-Jesus communes, etc., believe in. As concerns Christianity as a whole (mormonism, protestantism, non-denominational evangelicals, etc.), well over half believe in a literal, fiery hell.

That's a fact that you cannot refute. Otherwise, you would've stopped your verbal masturbation about my upbringing, and actually provided concrete proof by now.

But you can't.

You claimed you despise Christianity because you were abused as a child with tales of eternal tortures in the hellfire of a Dante-inspired hell.

I have repeatedly showed you that the vision of hell you articulate is not shared by many other Christians, and is not considered theologically sound by major Christian denominations.

You cited a poll showing Christians believe in hell and assert they think it is a literal place. I repeatedly showed you that major world Christian denominations do not hold that hell is a literal place, a terrifying hellscape filled with torture chambers.

So your relentless hostility to the two billion Christians in the world is based on your misconceptions and false information.

You are going to have to come up with logical and sound reasons for holding an abiding hostility to two billion Christians. Because the reasons you are giving are flawed and illogical.

I have not groaned you once, I have not cursed you, I have not written anything about you in anger and rage.

If you want to be taken seriously as a logical thinking and contemplative non-believer, I suggest you lose the angry, illogical atheist act
Cool, step 2 is backing out of the conversation gracefully, instead of doubling down after you owned yourself.

Whoops, you fucked up again. Your claim was I said "all". At no time did I say "all."

The only one who altered wording is you.

I love how you keep throwing out endless profanity and invective even as you try to cast yourself as the "reasonable" one in this debate.

Wow. Do you really expect to succeed in both life and business with such a distorted, selfish view of reality? In your first five years of post-college adulthood you should realize the world is great, but not the magical place you were led to believe as a child. If you don't, then you'll fuck up your first 10-20 years out there. You seem intelligent and normal mentally so I think you'll be fine.
Wow. Do you really expect to succeed in both life and business with such a distorted, selfish view of reality? In your first five years of post-college adulthood you should realize the world is great, but not the magical place you were led to believe as a child. If you don't, then you'll fuck up your first 10-20 years out there. You seem intelligent and normal mentally so I think you'll be fine.

Dude, I'm 42 years old, a father of 2. I'm happily married, and own a home, and I've been a bar-licensed attorney for 15 years.

You're a colossal example of arrogance and ignorance competing to the death. It's also telling how much you effort to make this about a person (me) and not the issue (religion).

You must be INSANELY insecure.
Dude, I'm 42 years old, a father of 2. I'm happily married, and own a home, and I've been a bar-licensed attorney for 15 years.

You're a colossal example of arrogance and ignorance competing to the death. It's also telling how much you effort to make this about a person (me) and not the issue (religion).

You must be INSANELY insecure.

Now you know how I feel. My sentiment exactly.
Agreed about the past and even the present in general but you and I can see a problem when 38% of Americans believe in anti-science Creationism.
Made-up number. Creationism is not "anti-science"; it just simply is not science. It is religion.

Same goes when 20% of Americans disbelieve the science on Climate Change.
Made-up number. There is no "climate change" science. Science does not address the unquantifiable. Science does not address meaningless buzzwords.

Global Warming Mythology is a religion. My sig includes a link to its reference manual.
Sorry, I'm tired and have already spent too much time talking to nutjobs and their "theories" much less sock puppet assholes. Have a nice night, Into the Night.

Take a gander at the "atheism and pedophilia" thread and you will clearly see that ITN and IBD are two completely different people.

Apparently you are unable to address the content of the arguments themselves, since you incessantly whine about socks...
Dude, I'm 42 years old, a father of 2. I'm happily married, and own a home, and I've been a bar-licensed attorney for 15 years.

You're a colossal example of arrogance and ignorance competing to the death. It's also telling how much you effort to make this about a person (me) and not the issue (religion).

You must be INSANELY insecure.

That would look a lot more impressive if I hadn't already seen dozens of your posts. My guess is most members of this forum wouldn't match you posts with your resume.

Do you think you'd be proud or embarrassed if someone in your family or office saw a few dozen of your choice posts on this forum? Something like those quoted here:

I already posted my response to religion on this thread, counselor. This is my first post on this thread:
Disregarding that a 2017 article shouldn't be in the "Current Events" forum, what does this, and 53 out of 63 historic studies finding “a reliable negative relation between intelligence and religiosity” mean to you?

First, notice all the links say "intelligence and religiosity". No mention of atheists, spirituality or anything except brick and mortar religions. So, in short, the more firmly someone clings to a ritualistic beliefs of an established religion, the less likely they'll have a high IQ. Is this how you read it too, Katzgar?

If you agree, no need to reply.

This are your first three, counselor:
lol, like, say, when the bible was written?
Indeed, hence the people capable of critical thought reject the bible as a fictional work that created a "character" god to explain the unexplainable (and force Jews to cut their dicks and women to know their place).
Why do these crackpot theologians here keep using the bible as a reference tool to prove the existence of god?

That would be like me attempting to prove the existence of Voldemort using Harry Potter's books.

Which do you think your family, employers and peers would be most impressed by?
That would look a lot more impressive if I hadn't already seen dozens of your posts. My guess is most members of this forum wouldn't match you posts with your resume.

Do you think you'd be proud or embarrassed if someone in your family or office saw a few dozen of your choice posts on this forum? Something like those quoted here:

I already posted my response to religion on this thread, counselor. This is my first post on this thread:

This are your first three, counselor:

Which do you think your family, employers and peers would be most impressed by?

Jerome is right. You are nothing but an asshole troll.
Take a gander at the "atheism and pedophilia" thread and you will clearly see that ITN and IBD are two completely different people.

Apparently you are unable to address the content of the arguments themselves, since you incessantly whine about socks...

Really? Is MarcusA one of your socks too? Thanks, but I pass on anything posted by a major drive-by Troll like MarcusA. I'm learning to pass on anything posted by you "guys" too.
Jesus Christ you're fucking thick.

I don't believe in hell. Not one iota. Do you understand that yet? Because it seems like you don't.

I don't give a shit what eastern orthodox, catholics, unitarians, Hippie-Jesus communes, etc., believe in. As concerns Christianity as a whole (mormonism, protestantism, non-denominational evangelicals, etc.), well over half believe in a literal, fiery hell.

That's a fact that you cannot refute. Otherwise, you would've stopped your verbal masturbation about my upbringing, and actually provided concrete proof by now.

But you can't.
why should we care if you don't believe God is going to torch your hairy ass for eternity.......
That would look a lot more impressive if I hadn't already seen dozens of your posts. My guess is most members of this forum wouldn't match you posts with your resume.

Do you think you'd be proud or embarrassed if someone in your family or office saw a few dozen of your choice posts on this forum? Something like those quoted here:

I already posted my response to religion on this thread, counselor. This is my first post on this thread:

This are your first three, counselor:

Which do you think your family, employers and peers would be most impressed by?

Do you think my posts here are a job interview? Everything I've posted, I stand by. Believing in myth is silly. You reject the thousands of other religious-text myths on the planet, yet you claim this one is true. That's just dumb. Full stop. Everyone I know in my entire life knows full well that I stand by this understanding of reality, and frankly, not a single penny I make depends on my reliance on mythmaking.

Perhaps that's your issue? You believe if not enough people sign on to the old testament you'll lose $$? What, are you a prosperity gospel minister or some shit?
You claimed you despise Christianity because you were abused as a child with tales of eternal tortures in the hellfire of a Dante-inspired hell.

I have repeatedly showed you that the vision of hell you articulate is not shared by many other Christians, and is not considered theologically sound by major Christian denominations.

You've yet to quantify "many", and you've yet to refute my data that shows "most", in fact, do believe in such theology.

You cited a poll showing Christians believe in hell and assert they think it is a literal place. I repeatedly showed you that major world Christian denominations do not hold that hell is a literal place, a terrifying hellscape filled with torture chambers.

What is 'major"? Again, you're soft on data (which is not unusual among christians). Prove it.

Moreover, those occupying positions of power in the United States disproportionately believe in a literal hell. I give you Antonin Scalia, one of those Catholics you adore who you claim doesn't believe in a literal hell.

So your relentless hostility to the two billion Christians in the world is based on your misconceptions and false information.

Again, you keep claiming it's "false" without bothering to prove that claim.

Prove it, for fuck's sake, or shut the fuck up.

You are going to have to come up with logical and sound reasons for holding an abiding hostility to two billion Christians.

My hostility is against the belief, not the "2 billion christians" you lovingly refer to.

Because the reasons you are giving are flawed and illogical.

I'm not surprised at all that a religious person thinks data is flawed.

I have not groaned you once, I have not cursed you, I have not written anything about you in anger and rage.

If you want to be taken seriously as a logical thinking and contemplative non-believer, I suggest you lose the angry, illogical atheist act

You're the one who keeps repeating that characterization because of how you've viewed others you've argued with in the past. That's YOUR hang-up, not mine. If you want to start out an argument characterizing other people's emotions, get ready to feel the heat in the argument. Fuck you, asshole.
Made-up number. Creationism is not "anti-science"; it just simply is not science. It is religion.

Made-up number. There is no "climate change" science. Science does not address the unquantifiable. Science does not address meaningless buzzwords.

Global Warming Mythology is a religion. My sig includes a link to its reference manual.

Ooooh, dude. You just outed yourself as ITN again....unless you three are triplets because that would explain why all three of you write about the same way.

I included the links that you claim are "made-up". Just because you don't like the facts in those links doesn't mean those facts do not I told your INT and IBDa incarnations. As for "Creationism" not being science, I agree.

Why you choose to venture off into Fruits and Nuts Land about climate change or anything else, is pure INT/IBDa/gfm.

Agreed about the past and even the present in general but you and I can see a problem when 38% of Americans believe in anti-science Creationism. Same goes when 20% of Americans disbelieve the science on Climate Change.