baby boomlet occuring in US

Weren't the Irish immigrants once considered bottom feeders?

Yes. But that was when america was still growing in leaps and bounds and could accomodate masses of new people. Now we're being phased out of the global workforce, and we can't absorb new people the way we used to could.
Yes. But that was when america was still growing in leaps and bounds and could accomodate masses of new people. Now we're being phased out of the global workforce, and we can't absorb new people the way we used to could.

we are still growing... these new immigrants if fostered but not coddled can do just as well here as any groups before them.
Yes. But that was when america was still growing in leaps and bounds and could accomodate masses of new people. Now we're being phased out of the global workforce, and we can't absorb new people the way we used to could.

that was the same argument used against the Irish. They are taking my job!

funny how some things never change. !
Experts believe there is a mix of reasons: a decline in contraceptive use, a drop in access to abortion, poor education and poverty.

Shorter version: because of conservative policies.

hahha that's just silly. People are having sex and having children because of conservatives. You have to realize how stupid that sounds?
Did it occur to you that many hispanics are legal citizens and some of those are my family members.

Calling having a family breeding is kinda contrary to the idea of family being the core of any country huh?

They will be as much American as you and have the right to have childern if they wish.

Dont look now but your racism is showing.
My sons mother is hispanic as well. Her family has been in this geographical location since BEFORE the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. My son is considered hispanic because she is. All of his great Grandfathers served in WWII and his Hispanic Grandfather is the ONLY one that served in Vietnam. But for Southerman its all a bunch of wetbacks and islamic terrorists having children. I wonder does he have dueling banjos playing in the background when he types this shit or is it only on loop in his head?
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Oh look. It's the big lawyer with his anti-white agenda sticking out! LOL. What a rube.
Yep and part of that agenda was to have a child with a hispanic woman and make more tan babies than white ones. Oh the horror of it all. You and Southernman just immediately assume that every brown child born in the US is from illegal aliens. Nothing in that story even says what the status of the parents of all of those children are but the two of you just jump to the conclusion that their illegals. And I lump you in there because you were so quick to throw yourself in to the fray.
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