Bachelors degrees of U S. presidents

Biden: double major - political science & history
Trump: economics
Obama: double major - political science & English literature
GW Bush: history
Clinton: international affairs/political science
Bush Sr: economics
Reagan: sociology and economics
Carter: bachelor of science, Naval Academy
Ford: economics
Nixon: history
LBJ: history
JFK: government/international affairs

JFK and LBJ got us into Vietnam. Yep, great they had a liberal arts degree isn't it? Dunce.

Hoover was interesting. He made his "fortune" as a mining engineer and he and his wife were the first to translate De Re Metallica into English. He was also responsible for effectively saving Belgium after WWI's devestation. Too bad he grossly mishandled the early Depression.

Hoover was able to translate an almost untranslatable book into English. When later linguistic experts looked at his translation, they were shocked he did it correctly. He also spoke, read, and wrote Chinese.

He did amazing charity work during WWI. And was as you mention the only engineer ever to be President, though Carter was sort of an engineer. With engineering, in the early days of a new field, whether someone is an engineer or not is a lot more subjective, so Carter was sort of a nuclear engineer.
The education of the presidential candidates doesn't address the problem of a semi-literate electorate.

We absolutely HAVE to come up with a reliable pre-natal IQ test
so that we're not sending so many idiots into the population and eventually the electorate.

Did you vote for Biden? Yes or no.
People who pursue STEM are interested in data and technology.

Their undergraduate education does not directly prepare or train them in rhetoric, public speaking, communication, or persuasion. They do get a good dose of technical writing.

And they don't tend to be as interested in secular humanistic realms of knowledge like political philosophy, law, economics, history, business. Things a politician should be informed about.

Translation: Cypress prefers Presidents who can lie charismatically and gaslight him. :palm:
I see that you're another totally illiterate fuckwit who thinks that socialism and fascism are the same thing.

I am amused that you moronically believe there's much difference. :palm:

Wasn't there anybody around to convince your parents that they weren't adequate breeding material?

Sad your mother didn't believe in abortion on demand at any time. :palm:

Having to share the planet with devolved mutants like yourself is an indefensible affront to decent people.

Projection from a triggered imbecile that pollutes this forum with his moronic, lie filled stupidity on a daily basis. :palm:
It's not within my authority to have you humanely euthanized so that you wouldn't have to go through life as a witless mutant,

Do you actually believe that your above post was a lucid, cogent one?
If so, putting you down would be the only decent thing to do.
I can't begin to imagine how miserable going through life must be for somebody as intellectually deficient as yourself.

Sadly, we're not yet that advanced as a nation,
and devolved mutants like yourself are allowed to slither across the landscape
being ridiculed by everyone with a three digit IQ.
It's tragic, U2008, but it's not my fault.
I would be happy to allow you to shed your burden.
You didn't draw your own blueprint.
You did nothing to deserve being a witless freak.

But until we progress a little more as a society, U2008,
you must keep slithering around as a dysfunctional witless mutant.

My sincere condolences.

Whoever is responsible for diseased globs of protoplasm like yourself

Nazi cunts like you hate it that people have freedom.

Rage filled and functionally retarded, you lash out in pure impotence.

having access to the world wide web
is as unnecessary a specimen of devolved, subhuman garbage
as you yourself are.

Some of you witless walking turds are at least good for an occasional laugh,
but even that's a standard that you could never reach.

Do you see my beautiful Avatar at the top of this post?

That of which she relieves herself on our walks
contains more intelligence than that microscopic nub on the top of your spinal cord
could ever manage.

Somebody let me know if this putz full of syphilitic sores, unlikely as it may be, rises to the level of being funny
so I might consider taking him off my ignore list for a peek.

We get it Douche Duck, you're a frustrated little man who wants to kill those who expose you as the fool you so fully know you are.

No doubt you would engage in a terrorist act or mass shooting if you weren't such a pathetic fucking coward. Either way, you are a danger to yourself and others and really should be locked in a rubber room.

I have you on ignore on your other sock, looks like this sock needs to be put on iggy too.