Bachelors degrees of U S. presidents

That is not necessarily true, physics is a physical science, deals with matter and inanimate objects, while political science is a social science, one centering on human behavior, which is anything but predictable

I’ve had plenty of acquaintances who were in the sciences who couldn’t make their way thru the Republic nor Politics even if they tried, all relevant


No, I claim I don't have the connections and money to get into Harvard. If I were the child of a senator and forked over a million or two in "donations" to Harvard, I'd get accepted in a nanosecond.

trump had money, and still could not buy his way into Harvard. Money certainly helps, but it is not the only thing necessary. In fact, not having money, but being amazing in every other way is preferable.
That is not necessarily true, physics is a physical science, deals with matter and inanimate objects, while political science is a social science, one centering on human behavior, which is anything but predictable

I’ve had plenty of acquaintances who were in the sciences who couldn’t make their way thru the Republic nor Politics even if they tried, all relevant

You're right

Being able to excel at physics or math is not a guarantee of being able to excel at philosophy or English literature.
You have no idea what his academic record was, all you do is mindlessly parrot what you saw on a rightwing tweet


{Kyle Kashuv was second in his class at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School with a 1550 SAT score and acceptance at Harvard --fairly typical credentials for students at America's oldest university. David Hogg, attending the same high school and a classmate of Kashuv, was a dramatically weaker student grade-wise, with, according to news reports, a much less impressive 1270 SAT score, over one standard deviation below the average SAT score of those accepted at Harvard. }

Forbes is far from "right wing."

{Kyle Kashuv was second in his class at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School with a 1550 SAT score and acceptance at Harvard --fairly typical credentials for students at America's oldest university. David Hogg, attending the same high school and a classmate of Kashuv, was a dramatically weaker student grade-wise, with, according to news reports, a much less impressive 1270 SAT score, over one standard deviation below the average SAT score of those accepted at Harvard. }

Forbes is far from "right wing."

Start over and try again

That is an opinion article. Not a straight news article written by journalists and vetted by editors.

That's really funny that I caused you to start frantically Googling, and all you could come up with was an opinion article.

I don't trust opinion editorials and articles to be fair and balanced, or to reliably report all the facts. Opinion articles are always written with an agenda.
Yeah, them Ivy League schools just ain’t what they used to be

The Gravy Leagues have tarnished their reputations to the point their entire mystique is collapsing.

This doesn't mean you can't get a decent education from Harvard or Princeton - it just is no better than the education you would get from DeVry or Grand Canyon University.

I pointed out YEARS ago that University of Phoenix licenses the curriculum for their MBA program from Harvard - that is materials, case studies, discussion structures - on down.

Once Covid hit and Harvard went online, what exactly is the difference between the Harvard MBA and the Phoenix MBA, other than $300K more for getting it from Harvard?

What the $300K buys, ALL it buys, is the connections and prestige of the Harvard Name. The actual education is identical. A Harvard degree was a badge of honor that opened doors. But that name has very little value now. Even Goldman-Sachs has stated that they place no value on a Gravy League education. That doesn't mean they don't demand an education, just that Cal Poly has the same weight as Columbia.
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Hiring someone to take a test for you is NOT PLAGIARISM.

Like Ted Kennedy did?

What you claim about Trump is a blatant lie - as you full well know. Mary Trump is a bitter hag who has been repeatedly exposed for spewing slander and defamation.

You repeat known lies because you are a Communist, a democrat - you have no honor or integrity.
Any link to this laughable bullshit?

Mary Trump, the lesbian niece who hates Trump told this lie back in 2016 - was busted as the liar she is.

But the Communist NEVER let a lie go, they just wait until they think people have forgotten and trot out the same debunked lies.

democrats are honorless, soulless vermin.
Never engage with a mental moron bloviating strawmen like Cypress. It just leads you into a never-ending circle of stupidity. It's better to just point at lying leftist morons and laughing.

Meh, I kind of like Cypress. He is usually far more reasonable than the other Bolsheviks.
Start over and try again

That is an opinion article. Not a straight news article written by journalists and vetted by editors.

That's really funny that I caused you to start frantically Googling, and all you could come up with was an opinion article.

I don't trust opinion editorials and articles to be fair and balanced, or to reliably report all the facts. Opinion articles are always written with an agenda.


Oh, so