Bad faith of the agnostic

I would expand my definition of the word god (just my view) to include any entity (alien) who may have given life to us and this planet.

that would include things, such as what mankind might be able to do today which would be terraforming other planets with the seeds of our lives.

If we could identify planets with the right conditions, we could send autonomous satellites on hundred year journeys seeded with bacteria, viruses, and DNA, amongst other things to seed numerous planets hoping to trigger conditions (create an oxygen rich atmosphere over ages, etc) that would lead to the possible evolution of life like our own.

I would posit that mankind WILL do this, within a hundred years and millions of years later, another earth like planet with earth like life might evolve.

Those "creators" fit my personal definition of what i would include under the 'god' umbrella because to me a 'god' being does not have to be supernatural nor necessarily superior to us, at the state we are at. God is just the 'creator' on a global level.

I understand and can predict the issues people with nitpick with my expansion of the definition and am fine with that.
Hume, whom I believe was "BidenPresident" on the old site (posts very much the same style) is a troubled individual who, even when you agree with them, will still start insulting you and screaming at you or calling you a "troll".

BidenPresident used to tell people to "kill themselves" when they got really angry with someone.

If Hume = BidenPresident (and again the posting style is VERY much alike) they have some serious issues or they are playing some weird game. Usually I only engage with them when I feel up for having someone spew bile in my face and I'm willing to fight. Most of the time, though, it's best to avoid.
Thanks for that info. Not sure if that can still be checked, but I am going to give it a try.
you guys are playing word games and discussing nothing of any actual value.

Just because you don't understand what is being discussed does not mean it has no value. Unlike your posts which DEFINITELY have no value.

how many angels on the head of a pin type idiocy.

LOL. Wow you really haven't followed this discussion have you? Interesting. But given your functional illiteracy it not surprising. I'm sure there were a lot of big words that you don't know. You should buy a dictionary so you can look them up!
Just because you don't understand what is being discussed does not mean it has no value. Unlike your posts which DEFINITELY have no value.

LOL. Wow you really haven't followed this discussion have you? Interesting. But given your functional illiteracy it not surprising. I'm sure there were a lot of big words that you don't know. You should buy a dictionary so you can look them up!
is the value of religion you two discussing if you believe one, many or zero gods?

null God sets?

you people are stupid.
is the value of religion you two discussing if you believe one, many or zero gods?

null God sets?

you people are stupid.

Yeah, you didn't follow the conversation. I suspect the words were simply too big for you.

(LOL about the "null set"'s clear you didn't even come CLOSE to understanding what I was talking about. LOLOLOL)
Yeah, you didn't follow the conversation. I suspect the words were simply too big for you.

(LOL about the "null set"'s clear you didn't even come CLOSE to understanding what I was talking about. LOLOLOL)
oh yeah. you were discussing WHICH WORDS to use to describe believing zero, one or many gods.

a fucking waste of time.

I stand by my assertion: you people are stupid.
I'm not the one decreeing who is a "real" Christian.

I DO however know that Christianity has a triune god. I suspect whatever sect/cult you are part of must be on the extreme fringes.

you mean "a Christian must believe...."

and here you are trying marginalize others, as if YOU are the keeper of the doctrine.

you aren't.

go fuck yourself.
What sect/cult do you belong to? Genuinely curious.

Do you pray to Jesus with that mouth? LOL.
I'm not in a cult or sect.

I read the Bible and like what I like.

there are definitely contradicting things in there.

if one denies that, one is lying or gaslighting in some way.

it's like a check sum for honesty.
I would expand my definition of the word god (just my view) to include any entity (alien) who may have given life to us and this planet.

that would include things, such as what mankind might be able to do today which would be terraforming other planets with the seeds of our lives.

If we could identify planets with the right conditions, we could send autonomous satellites on hundred year journeys seeded with bacteria, viruses, and DNA, amongst other things to seed numerous planets hoping to trigger conditions (create an oxygen rich atmosphere over ages, etc) that would lead to the possible evolution of life like our own.

I would posit that mankind WILL do this, within a hundred years and millions of years later, another earth like planet with earth like life might evolve.

Those "creators" fit my personal definition of what i would include under the 'god' umbrella because to me a 'god' being does not have to be supernatural nor necessarily superior to us, at the state we are at. God is just the 'creator' on a global level.

I understand and can predict the issues people with nitpick with my expansion of the definition and am fine with that.
so you've added a bunch of stuff to the definition of a word.

good work here, space Cadette.
Oh so you just make up whatever you like. Good for you! Not uncommon.

Thankfully the Bible is so vague as to allow people to come up with ZILLIONS of fun interpretations. Good for you for making up your own.

I can read.

official church member have just offloaded their critical thinking to politicized power mongers with agendas.

you should try reading for yourself, idiot.

I can read.

official church member have just offloaded their critical thinking to politicized power mongers with agendas.

you should try reading for yourself, idiot.

Like I said, I don't begrudge you your made up version of whatever it is you want to worship. Enjoy it! It's yours!

And, yeah, I've read the Bible cover to cover. Plus a lot of history of the Christian faith.